a presentation on winter walkway maintenance, pedestrian safety on Fairview Road
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1118119&GUID=6F7E2E5A-32BA-409F-917B-B6B28CD46397
Meeting Location: Sir Robert Barrie Room
(please note that the meetings of Advisory Committees are no longer being broadcast online)
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
❄️🚶 Winter Walkway Maintenance
Presentation: [not yet available]
💡🗣️ Discussion Items
🚶⚠️ Pedestrian Safety on Fairview Road
🧑💻📋 Committee Work Plan
👥👥 Round Table Updates
↪️📥 Referred Items
📑🗂 Reports / Memos to Committee
