Featuring a presentation from the County about Homelessness Prevention Services and the related use of 20 Rose Street
Engage's Follow-up: https://www.engagebarrie.org/post/council-follow-up-week-of-december-12
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=997239&GUID=19F6993D-85A3-4022-894E-ADEE84BDA597
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=997239&GUID=19F6993D-85A3-4022-894E-ADEE84BDA597
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🌟 Awards and Recognition
🎄🎁 Winner of the 2022 Mayor's Christmas Card Contest
Recognition of the winner of the 2022 Mayor's Christmas Card Contest
⚽️🥅 Barrie Soccer Club, Girls U16 District Soccer Team
Recognition of the Barrie Soccer Club, Girls U16 District Soccer Team on winning the Provincial Championship at the 2022 Ontario Cup for the Girls U16 District Division
🗣🎙 Deputation
🏙🌇 Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application for 129 Collier Street (Ward 2)
Emergency Deputation Request by Christy Inglis
Request: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11522453&GUID=043284B0-EFDD-496D-AF74-2F0C63226E3A
💸📑 Tax Applications
Applications: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11515517&GUID=089F85A8-99C2-4B92-BB07-C445062896A6
Applications for cancellation, reduction or addition to taxes in the amount of $35,987.66
CARRIED unanimously
📝🏘 Planning Committee Report
Section A
CARRIED unanimously
🏙🏘 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 34-50 Bradford St. / HIP Barrie Central (Ward 2)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475559&GUID=5E5005AF-A603-4AA4-A56D-0A11AC08A4D1
Approve the rezoning from Central Area Commercial-2 with Special Provisions, Hold (C1-2,SP-589,H-147) to Central Area Commercial-2 with Special Provisions (C1-2,SP-XXX) and Central Area Commercial-2 with Special Provisions, Hold (C1-2,SP-XXX,H-XXX)
Site-specific standards:
reduced parking to 0.8 parking spaces per residential unit (1 required)
minimum height of 4.5m and maximum of 22m (5-6 storeys) within 5m of Bradford Street lot line (max 10m / 3-4 storeys permitted)
maximum height of 75m (25 storeys) in addition to Phase 1 tower heights at 86m (26 storeys) and 101m (30 storeys) beyond 5m of lot frontage and lot flankage (45m / 12-15 storeys permitted)
no landscape buffer (3m required)
min 338 sq.m / 30% more of building street frontage of ground floor commercial uses (50% of lot area is standard)
subject lands to be considered as one lot for purposes of zoning, regardless of future land division or condominium, and parking spaces may be provided on separate lots within the same zoning parcel
Hold removed from Phase 2 lands when the following has been submitted:
Master Site Plan demonstrating integration of Phase 2 lands with Phase 1 concept and proposed/approved development on adjacent lands owned by City, including:
vehicular access, traffic circulation, and alignment of private and/or municipal road connections
site design that provides multi-modal, pedestrian and accessible access to public streets/sidewalks, transit stops and open spaces
Traffic Impact Study and Parking Strategy demonstrating the proposed parking reduction meets the needs of residents
detailed Urban Design submission, including:
design attributes that justify increase in height of buildings from 45m
buildings of various built forms and height with good placement, orientation, massing and design to enhance transition to adjacent lower scale neighbourhood areas
mitigation of wind and shadow impacts on adjacent streets and open spaces
conditional approval of a site Plan control application
🏙🌃 Site Plan Control Requirements – 10-24 Grove Street West (Ward 2)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475550&GUID=C140D6DC-19F6-445A-98E2-BF2260FE74B0
Approve in principle the Site Plan Control Application
Staff to maintain delegated responsibility for final clearance of the Site Plan Control Requirements for Processing that culminate in the preparation and registration of a Site Plan Agreement for the project
Section B
🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 70 and 76 Edgehill Drive (Ward 4)
Public Meeting Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475552&GUID=1F423486-98F6-48B0-A828-2AE0ECA0D4BA
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475558&GUID=3DBD2D68-447C-468F-8F8C-FEFBFA12C14A
Staff Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475553&GUID=3BBCA3EB-6616-428C-B33A-8656C0FC4B31
Correspondence: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475555&GUID=D1DC3378-377E-4380-86BC-DA00EBFAD740
Additional Correspondence: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11480541&GUID=D86E8290-C67F-4CD9-83A8-46CC2B8B049C
Application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Proposal to facilitate the development of a residential apartment building with 396 units
Application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions Inc. on behalf of AuroEdge Ltd.
Seeking to amend Defined Policy Area 'HH' of the Official Plan to increase the permitted height from 12 storeys to 16 storeys
Seeking to amend zoning from Residential Single Detached Dwelling Second Density (R2), Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions - Hold (RA2-2, SP-508, H-128) and Environmental Protection Area (EP) to Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions (RA2-2, SP-XXX) and Environmental Protection Area (EP)
Requested special provisions include:
increase maximum height from 45m to 51m
increase maximum gross floor area from 200% to 345%
reduce parking from 1.5 spaces per unit to 1.09 spaces per unit
Councillor Morales declared an indirect pecuniary interest, as one of the owners is a business partner of his
RECEIVED by all voting
Section C
RECEIVED unanimously
🗣🏬 Public Meeting – 164 Innisfil Street (Ward 2)
Public Meeting Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475556&GUID=FFBCB3D8-076F-47FC-9BC3-14F2A3B99ABE
Staff Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475554&GUID=18FFF7B6-0908-4ADC-9DEB-3AF357C6639D
Correspondence: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475557&GUID=EB0EFFD9-95A5-4AC0-8D5F-2F0FD1339A4F
Application for a Temporary Use Bylaw
Proposal to permit a retail store on the property for three years until December 12, 2025
Application submitted by MHBC Planning Inc. on behalf of Jamie Salter
Seeking to allow a standalone retail store, which is not permitted under the General Industrial (GI) zoning – two previous Temporary Use Bylaws have been granted in June 2019 and March 2021
Section D
RECEIVED unanimously
🧑🏫🗺 Presentation: New Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11475551&GUID=6CEA3855-0692-42BB-9FB5-36B4151C478A
The City is in the process of creating a new Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw, designed to implement the vision and policies of Barrie's recently adopted Official Plan.
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A
RECEIVED unanimously
📊👥 Development of Strategic Priorities for the 2022-2026 Term of Council
Presentation by CAO Prowse – an overview of the 2018-22 Strategic Plan, and key accomplishments
Section B
RECEIVED unanimously
🤫🧑🏫 Discussion of a Confidential Education or Training Session – Establishing Conditions for Success
Receive the confidential notes concerning the discussion of the confidential training session concerning establishing conditions for success
Section C
RECEIVED unanimously
📊👥 Council Strategic Priorities Session 2022-26
Kirk Fox, Certified Executive Coach, and Leadership Facilitator from D'velup Inc. provided a presentation and workshop to discuss and assist in establishing Council's Strategic Priorities for the 2022-26 term of Council.
Section D
📑💼 2022-26 Council Strategic Priorities
Affordable Place to Live
Encourage a range of housing options to make housing attainable
Open for business environment to help encourage job creation
Develop and attract talent to support our employers
Community Safety
Support neighborhood safety and crime prevention
Address speeding and aggressive driving to ensure street and pedestrian safety
Work with our partners to implement the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
Support community-based policing initiatives
Thriving Community
Champion equity, diversity, and inclusion
Create and foster programs and opportunities to support community wellness
Foster growth in arts and culture
Expand and maximize access to parks and recreation opportunities
Continue to support a vibrant downtown
Infrastructure Investments
Make it easier to move around the city
Fix roads that need attention
Update and improve infrastructure
Support active transportation and pedestrian connections
Implement climate action plans
Responsible Governance
Support the services our community needs while keeping tax increases low
Maintain focus on city core services
Financial stewardship which includes finding efficiencies and innovation
Advocating to other levels of government for support
Ensure accountability and transparency
APPROVED unanimously by recorded vote: Riepma: yes; Nixon: yes; Kungl: yes; Courser: yes; Thomson: yes; Nigussie: yes; Harvey: yes; Harris: yes; Morales: yes; Hamilton: yes; Nuttall: yes
📝🏘 Planning Committee Report
Section A
CARRIED unanimously
🏬👍 Temporary Use Bylaw – 164 Innisfil Street (Liquidation Nation) (Ward 2)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489143&GUID=890AB8FE-07A6-462D-8E8C-006E95947DA7
Recommending to approve the Temporary Use Bylaw, to allow Liquidation Nation to continue operating a retail store on the property for three years until December 12, 2025
🚚🔐 Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 320 Bayfield Street (Ward 4)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489151&GUID=77BA3635-0CEC-4154-B4F4-FC18DC7F4580
Recommending to approve the Official Plan Amendment application, to allow for self-storage use in a portion of Bayfield Mall
Recommending to rezone from 'Shopping Centre Commercial' (C3) to 'Shopping Centre Commercial with Special Provisions' (C3 SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
self-storage permitted on a portion of the lands – this use is restricted to the existing Bayfield Mall, and to a total of 6,039 sq.m / 15% of existing commercial shopping centre
Section B
CARRIED unanimously
🏘🏬 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 969, 979 & 989 Mapleview Drive East (Sandy Creek Estates) (Ward 10)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489144&GUID=42369179-0D20-4755-B80C-21F61A740797
Recommending approval of the application to rezone from 'Agricultural General' (AG), 'Rural Residential' (RR) and 'Environmental Protection' (EP) zones to 'Neighbourhood Mixed Use with Special Provisions' (NMH SP-XXX), 'Residential Neighbourhood' (R5), and 'Environmental Protection' (EP)
Special Provisions for NMH zone:
private roads and a storm pond are permitted
where a lot has multiple frontages, "lot line, front" shall be the shortest private road frontage, and vehicle access shall only be permitted from a private road
other than the lands fronting on Mapleview Drive East, the provision that requires front yards to be fully paved and seamlessly connected with an abutting sidewalk shall not apply
units fronting on Mapleview Drive East shall include paving and/or a hard landscape treatment to accent and connect the ground floor commercial uses with each other and the municipal sidewalk
remove the provision that permits minimum front yard setback of 0m and maximum of 50% of the frontage to have buildings within 5m of the front lot line
units fronting on Mapleview Drive East shall have 2-5m front yard setback, and minimum setback to any daylighting triangle will be minimum of 1m
balconies permitted to be setback a minimum of 1m from any private road
subject lands to be considered as one lot for purposes of zoning, and parking spaces may be provided on separate lots within the same subject zoning parcel
Section C
📜💸 Implementation of Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489133&GUID=567EABA5-2CFB-429A-A545-DD64FC58AD90
Report is about the impacts and potential implementation measures required as a result of this provincial bill.
"While the City is supportive of the intended goals of the legislation, there may be unintended consequences with implementation of the Bill particularly related to financial risk, limited public consultation, and increased litigation."
Potential revenue loss of $906,368.04 in planning revenue for 2023
repeal and replace the Site Plan Control By-law and any related Council policies to reflect the changes in legislation
amend Pre-Consultation By-law to reflect the required changes to the pre-consultation, pre-submission, and complete application review process
amend Scheduel "K" of the Fees Bylaw outlined in Schedule "D" as an interim step to protect Planning fee revenue until a full fee review can be completed, effective January 1, 2023
undertake a comprehensive fee review for Planning and Development application approvals in 2023, with the intent of supporting full cost recovery
Development Services to work with the Clerk to ensure the frequency of Planning Committee and Council meetings in 2023 will facilitate the consideration of planning applications on a regular and "as-needed" basis
undertake any necessary amendments to the City's new Official Plan, including any required public planning meetings
authorize the CAO to retain a strategic advisory firm at ~$90,000 through non-standard procurement, to assist City in communicating with the Province (funded from the Reinvestment Reserve)
CAO to report back on success of this initiative in August 2023, and will provide an RFP at that time if the services are still required
AMENDMENT by Nixon / Harris – to add the following paragraph: That staff in Development Services report back to the Affordability Committee at the time those regulations associated with Bills 23 and 109 are passed to advise if our process is in alignment with them or requires adjusting.
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
Section D
🏙🌇 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 129 Collier Street (Ward 2)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489148&GUID=CC6EE8C2-38B4-4A64-BB66-33E3E2A261B7
Recommending to approve rezoning from 'Transition Centre Commercial-1' (C2-1) to 'Transition Centre Commercial-1 with Special Provisions' (C2-1 SP-XXX), to allow for the development of a building with two residential towers (12 and 13 storeys), consisting of approximately 297 units.
Special Provisions:
increase building height to 47m for south tower, 45m for north tower, with minimum 2m step-back taken above 3rd storey
reduce side yard for north tower to 9.5m from west property line and 7.5m from east property line
reduce side yard for south tower to 1.5m from west property line and 6m from east property line
reduce minimum coverage for commercial uses to 1.9% of lot area
reduce variable landscape buffer width to 1.5m
reduce parking ratio to 0.85 spaces per dwelling unit
reduce parking ratio to 0 spaces per 24 sq.m of commercial ground floor area
reduce parking space width to 2.6m
reduce drive aisle width to 6m
All levels of the buildings fronting on Collier St. and Dunlop St. W. shall be required to comprise of residential and/or commercial uses to activate the street frontages
Planning Staff indicated this was a lower parking ratio than currently required, but that lower ratio would be common moving forward. The Mayor assured the deputant that her concerns hadn't fallen on deaf ears, and there would be a conversation happening about parking in the area.
Hamilton asked about the impact of less parking on businesses in the downtown. Staff said they look at parking supply in downtown, working closely with planning, and calculate supply & demand downtown to make sure there is enough parking to supply future. Recent report highlighted need to retain downtown parking supply – embedded in plan moving forward.
Nixon asked for clarity about parking standards for new developments.
Morales asked about enhanced signage on the Collier/Mulcaster public parkade side
MOTION CARRIED, unanimously
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A
CARRIED unanimously
🚫🅿️ Country Lane No Parking Anytime (Ward 9)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11481911&GUID=5180BECB-F490-4E62-B0C7-A17D8E4E6A1E
Recommending to add "No Parking Anytime" to Country Lane on the north side from Yonge St. to 40m west, and on the south side from Yonge St. to 62m west
🏷🏗 Surplussing of City Owned Property – 145 Loon Avenue (Ward 9)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489223&GUID=7627B4F1-D2BF-4C00-BDD8-BBB24753EA6C
Recommending the property be declared surplus and offered for sale to Loon Avenue Lands BT Inc, to facilitate development of adjacent lands
💰🎁 Community Donation – Honeyfield Communities Inc.
That the $5,000 Ward 9 Community Donation from Honeyfield Communities be allocated to the Downtown Barrie BIA for the costs associated with their programming letters
📄🔥 Pending List Update
Pending List, November 2022: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11503961&GUID=AE28366D-2359-4772-B089-5011179C8606
Delete outstanding items from the previous terms of Council on the Pending List
We were disappointed that there was no further discussion on this item, to clear up resident concerns about the pending list deletions, at the very least
👥👥 Downtown Barrie Business Association (BIA) Board of Directors Appointments
BIA Board Motion Record: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489227&GUID=B7367CF1-34FC-4CB5-BC53-E88ECFF9874A
Appoint the following to the Board of Directors of the Downtown Barrie Business Association (BIA) for the 2023-2026 term:
Heather Kennedy (Shop Blueberry Moon)
Steve Ricalis (Donaleighs Irish Pub)
Chantal Martin (Nook Yoga)
Alison Oakes (Oh Beehive)
Christina Mancuso (nominee of The Wired Owl Coffee Shop)
Jaclyn Stergiadis (Bohemia)
Chris Gerrard (The Queens Hotels)
Section B
RECEIVED unanimously
🛣🚰 Corporate Asset Management
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11487221&GUID=6C268EB9-34AF-4FFB-A7F5-65EEE77AA429
Presented by Kelly Oakley, Associate Director, Corporate Asset Management
An overview / primer on Corporate Asset Management
Section C
CARRIED unanimously
🛣🚧 Expropriation – Yonge Street Row Expansion, Mapleview to Lockhart (Ward 9)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489216&GUID=41C34BF8-6FF8-42EF-8270-6AC34A6D2969
Recommending beginning expropriation proceedings to acquire the lands necessary for the construction of Yonge St. between Mapleview Drive East and Lockhart Road
Section D
CARRIED unanimously
📜💼 Procedural Bylaw Changes
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11489218&GUID=5F87FC3C-5637-4CD9-B20F-AB76FE7B5D96
formalizing matters related to Items for Discussion, including the timelines for submission of items by Council, consideration of the items at Reference Committees, and addressing items that may be urgent in nature
individuals must store their cell phones with the Clerk while attending in camera sessions
all Items for Discussion that are ratified by City Council will be listed on the City's website
Section E
CARRIED unanimously
📜💸 Bill 23
Correspondence: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11506438&GUID=0EFC0332-883C-4FFE-A8AA-2EA6A410B5DF
Allandale Neighbourhood Association Submission: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11506439&GUID=5DF93234-D0CE-4C4B-8D5D-D7D233A934F4
Refer the correspondence from Cathy Colebatch and Barbara Mackie, Co-Chairs of the Allandale Neighbourhood Association, re: Bill 23 to the Affordability Committee or appropriate reference committee once established for consideration and discussion
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A
CARRIED unanimously
🤝💵 City of Barrie Lobbyist Register
Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11517686&GUID=A34F832E-CD53-4EF6-B831-B2E21120E98B
Direct staff to investigate the feasibility of a Lobbyist Register to ensure public disclosure of lobbying activities and to oversee the regulation of lobbyists' conduct
This was proposed by Councillor Aylwin in 2019 – while Engage Barrie didn't exist at the time, many of our members supported this proposal back then, and it was on our founders' list of top priorities when we were dreaming up the organization. We are happy to see this passed, but disappointed that the Mayor proposed the onus would be on those approaching Councillors, and not the Councillors themselves who were responsible for reporting any lobbying activities.
Section B
CARRIED unanimously
👥🧑⚖️ Structure of Committees of Council and Procedural Bylaw Updates
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11516820&GUID=B9557179-7589-4DC0-A453-D475F0236B0C
The new (and continuing) Reference Committees are announced, as well as which Councillors have been assigned to each committee
Planning Committee to be dissolved to allow for increased flexibility of scheduling additional meetings as required to address Planning and other Corporate matters
Public Meetings under the Planning Act will now be held at the Affordability Committee
Development Applications will be considered by General Committee
A Mayor's Priority and Planning Task Force will be established, "to assist with the prioritization of the workload in the reference committees" and encourage increased collaboration among the reference committees.
The City will advertise for external candidates to apply to these committees
The proposed Committee Compositions be amended as follows:
Active Transportation & Sustainability Committee
seven citizen members
1 representative from Nature Barrie
1 representative from Living Green
Town & Gown Committee
delete Barrie East End Homeowners Association representative (organization no longer exists)
🕚📜 Direct Motion
🕚📜 Motion Without Notice - Congratulations to the Warden and Deputy Warden for the County of Simcoe
Thomson / Nuttall
Seeking permission to introduce a motion without notice (requires two-thirds vote to be heard)
APPROVED unanimously
👏🙌 Congratulations to the Warden and Deputy Warden for the County of Simcoe
That the City extend congratulations to Mayor Basil Clarke of the Town of Ramara and Mayor Jennifer Coughlin of Springwater Township on being elected as new County of Simcoe Warden and Deputy Warden
CARRIED unanimously
🧑🏫📊 Presentation
🏘️🏢 20 Rose Street
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11519586&GUID=C67BF2EA-79C3-4EBF-88B5-266EE6533751
Presentation from the County of Simcoe regarding the use of 20 Rose Street as an interim Temporary Shelter Facility, and other items related to Homelessness Prevention Services
Video link to presentation: https://www.youtube.com/live/gfjVdLEUoo0?feature=share&t=3029
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 118 – 2023 Interim Tax Billing
Memorandum: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11515518&GUID=97F9DE24-3399-4EE9-8E8D-AAD5310BC500
Providing for an interim tax levy on all property classes in the City of Barrie
Bill 119 – Temporary Use Bylaw, Liquidation Nation
Granting a Temporary Use Bylaw to allow Liquidation Nation to continue using the land for 3 years
Bill 120 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment, HIP Barrie Central
Granting the Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Bill 121 – Official Plan Amendment, 320 Bayfield Street
Granting the Official Plan Amendment
Bill 122 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 320 Bayfield Street
Granting the Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Bill 123 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 969, 979 & 989 Mapleview Drive East
Granting the Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Bill 124 – Zoning bylaw Amendment, 129 Collier Street
Granting the Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Bill 125 – Country Lane No Parking Anytime
Creating a no parking zone
Bill 126 – Surplus of Downtown Parking Lots, James Street
Surplusing part of James Street, since no longer required for highway purposes
Bill 127 – Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings