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City Council - Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 7pm

Writer's picture: Accountability TeamAccountability Team

Updated: Jan 5, 2024

The 2022 Heritage Barrie Awards, and presentations on the Ontario housing market, and the Sadlon Arena Expansion

๐Ÿ“œ๐Ÿ“œ Confirmation of the Minutes

๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ… Awards and Recognitions

๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ† 2022 Heritage Barrie Awards

  • Recognition of the recipients of the 2022 Heritage Barrie Awards

๐Ÿ—ฃ๐ŸŽ™ Deputations

  • Nil

๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“„ General Committee Report

Section A (Reports Received on Consent)

๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿง‘โ€โš–๏ธ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee

๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿคท Affordability Committee

๐Ÿ›๏ธ๐Ÿ› Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee

Section B (Items Approved on Consent)

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ“ฉ Secure Electronic Delivery Method for Confidential Items

  • Direct staff to investigate the feasibility of secure digital information management systems for delivering confidential items safely to members of Council and applicable staff, and report back by May 31 on viable options

  • If the electronic delivery of confidential items is implemented, then paper copies will be prepared and distributed by the Clerk at the in camera meeting, in order to adhere to the procedural bylaw recently passed that does not allow electronic devices in in camera meetings

๐Ÿข๐Ÿ™๏ธ Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment for Residential Use โ€“ 109 Park Place Boulevard (Ward 8)

  • Development Services Report:

  • Recommending to approve the Official Plan Amendment application to permit residential uses as part of a mixed use commercial/institutional and residential development on lands designated as "General Commercial" within the Defined Policy Area

  • Recommending to approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment application to add a Special Provision to the "General Commercial with Special Provisions" (C4 SP-304) zone:

  • permitting residential uses as part of a mixed use commercial/institutional and residential development, located east of Park Place Boulevard, north and south of South Village Way, with special provisions:

  • maximum height of 67m / 16 storeys

  • maximum of 475 residential dwelling units

  • minimum of 1 parking space per residential dwelling unit

๐Ÿชง๐Ÿฐ Designating a Heritage Property 125-127 Dunlop Street East (Ward 2)

๐Ÿ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 193 & 197 Blake Street (Ward 1)

  • Development Services Report:

  • Recommending to approve the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment applications, to permit the development of 5 residential townhouse units

  • Redesignate the lands from General Commercial to Residential

  • Rezone the lands from "General Commercial" (C4) to "Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density - Townhouse with Special Provisions" (RM2-TH SP-XXX)

  • Special Provisions:

  • minimum exterior side yard setback reduced to 1.6m to a daylighting triangle (currently 3m)

  • reduce minimum interior side yard setback to 1.2m (currently 1.8m)

  • reduce minimum lot area of 180 sq.m (currently 200 sq.m)

  • reduce minimum landscaped open space to 30% (currently 35%)

  • increase maximum gross floor area to 120% (currently 60%)

  • increase maximum building height to 12.7m (currently 10m)

  • reduce minimum driveway length to a porch to 5.5m (currently 11m)

  • reduce minimum driveway length to front face of building to 7m (currently 11m)

  • allow tandem parking

  • increase maximum front yard coverage dedicated to parking to 65% (currently 50%)

  • reduce required setback to a porch from a daylighting triangle to 0m (currently 1.5m)

  • develop in accordance with Conceptual Site Plan as it relates to building placement and setbacks, as well as location and configuration of parking and landscape areas

๐Ÿข๐Ÿข Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 17 Sophia Street East; 3-11 McDonald Street; 58 & 60 Clapperton Street (Ward 2)

  • Development Services Report:

  • Recommending to approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment application to facilitate the development of a 21-storey mixed-use building containing 252 residential units and 257 sq.m of ground floor commercial space, including at-grade and underground parking, along with a variety of amenities and key features

  • Rezone from "Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density - 1" (RA2-1) and "Transition Centre Commercial - 1 Special Provision No.175 and 179" (C2-1 SP-175 SP-179) to "Transition Centre Commercial - 2 - Special Provision No.XXX" (C2-2 SP-XXX)

  • Special Provisions:

  • reduce north yard setback to 3m and south yard setback to 3.5m (currently minimum 14m)

  • reduce minimum setback from street line for underground parking structure to 0.5m (currently 3m)

  • reduce minimum interior side yard setback to parking structure (ramp) to 0.5m (currently 3m)

  • increase maximum building height within 5m of the lot flankage to 18m (currently 10m)

  • increase maximum building height byond 5m of the lot frontage and flankage to 68m (currently 45m)

  • increase maximum Gross Floor Area (GFA) to 580% (currently 400%)

  • reduce minimum parking ratio to 0.8 spaces per residential unit (currently 1)

  • exempt commercial uses from the parking requirements of the zoning bylaw (currently minimum of 1 space per 24 sq.m of GFA)

  • reduce parking space length to 5.2m for maximum of 3 parking spaces (currently 5.5m)

  • reduce commercial uses area to 8.5% of lot area (currently minimum 50%)

  • reduce landscape buffer strip to 1m along south side yard adjacent to 54 Clapperton St. (currently 3m)

  • reduce landscape buffer strip to 2.5m along south side lot line where parking is proposed (currently 3m)

  • reduce landscape buffer strip to 0.5m along interior side lot line where a parking ramp or associated structures are proposed (currently 3m)

  • reduce landscape buffer strip to 1m along rear lot line where a parking ramp or associated structures are proposed (currently 3m)

  • reduce landscape buffer strip to 2m along rear lot line (currently 3m)

  • consider subject lands as one property for purposes of zoning interpretation and implementation

  • develop subject lands in accordance with the Conceptual Site Plan provided, as it relates to building placement and setbacks, as well as the location and configuration of landscape strips.

๐Ÿง‘โ€โš–๏ธ๐Ÿšง 45-55 Cedar Pointe Drive Easement โ€“ Dunlop Trunk Sanitary Sewer Relocation โ€“ Edgehill Drive to Hart Drive (Ward 5)

  • Legal Services / Infrastructure Report:

  • Authorize Legal Services to begin negotiations and expropriation proceedings to acquire a sanitary sewer easement necessary to facilitate the construction of a local sanitary sewer at 45 to 55 Cedar Pointe Drive

  • City to apply to Council for approval to expropriate the Easement over the Subject Property

  • Serve & publish the "Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate"

  • Delegate authority to the Director of Legal Services to settle the expropriation or any negotiated agreement relating to the Subject Property

โ›ฝ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฐ Ontario Gas Tax Agreement

  • Transit and Parking Strategy Report:

  • Execute the Letter of Agreement for the 2022/23 Ontario Gas Tax program, as well as future Ontario Gas Tax funding programs

Section C

Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 680 Lockhart Road (Phase 2) (Ward 9)

  • Development Services Report:

  • Recommending to approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment application to permit the development of a residential subdivision with a total of 467 residential units (194 single detached units, 118 semi-detached units, 147 street townhouse units, 1 future development block with 8 units, 1 institutional (elementary school) block associated with the Phase 1 lands and 1 institutional (secondary school), and 10 municipal streets)

  • lands zoned Institutional will be developed under a separate Site Plan Control application should the Zoning Bylaw Amendment be approved

  • Rezone the southern hallf of the lands from "Agriculture General" (AG) to "Neighbourhood Residential" (R5), "Neighbourhood Multiple Residential" (RM3), "Educational Institutional - Special Provision" (I-E SP-XXX) and "Educational Institutional - Special Provision No.556" (I-E SP-556)

  • Direct staff to review the Right Of Way (ROW) roads standards for lands in the Salem and Hewitt's areas, including the possible reclassification of roads to account for differences between existing roads and roads yet to be built, and report to the Affordability Committee on:

    • reduction of lane size on minor collector and major collector roads from the current 3.5m

    • earmarking immediately in front of schools enough ROW that allows the possible construction of school drop-off zones, even when the ROW is lower for the rest of the road

    • bike lanes that are separated from the road asphalt and at grade with the sidewalk on minor collectors, major collectors, arterials and intensification corridors, and

    • multi-use paths in substitute of sidewalks where appropriate

Section D

๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ“‡ Request for Civic Address Change โ€“ 67 Owen Street (Ward 2)

Section E

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿณ๐Ÿšถ 2023 Patio Programming, Open Air Dunlop, Business In the Parks

  • Economic and Creative Development Report:

  • BIA Request for Support:

  • Recommending to "sunset" all temporary measures instituted for patio programming in support of the pandemic response, including:

    • associated fees under the City's Fees Bylaw

    • defining the Downtown BIA patio season as April 15 - November 15 in alignment with the city's winter control and spring clean-up maintenance schedules

  • For 2023 patio season for patios located on municipal property:

    • hours a person can enter or re-enter an outdoor area extended from 10:30pm to 11:30pm Monday - Wednesday, and from 10:30pm to 12:45am Thursday through Saturday and Sundays of long weekends

    • hours a person can remain in the outdoor area extended from 11:15pm to 12:15am Monday - Wednesday, and from 11:15pm to 1:30 am Thursday - Saturday and Sundays of long weekends

    • all other regulations continue to apply, including no amplified sound after 11pm

    • non-compliance of municipal regulations and bylaws could result in permits being revoked or further conditions added to permits

  • Pending feedback on impact on the 2023 downtown patio season, permanently implement the amended patio hours

  • Extend the Business in the Parks Pilot Program to December 31, 2023 for Meridian Place, Sunnidale Park and the Kiwanis Pavilion at Southshore, and amend the Fees Bylaw accordingly

  • Support the pedestrianization of Dunlop Street in partnership with the BIA through the Open-Air Dunlop 2023 program, subject to approval of all required special event permits:

    • 10 days on Dunlop St. E. between Mulcaster Street and Clapperton and along Dunlop St. W. from Bayfield to Maple Avenue, on June 10, June 24, July 1, July 15, August 12, August 26, September 9, September 23, October 7, October 28

  • Provide $30,000 to the Downtown BIA in support of their request for funding assistance for the Open Air Dunlop programming, to be funded from the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) Reserve

Section F

๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿšœ Yard Maintenance Bylaw

  • Enforcement Services Report:

  • Amending the current bylaw to enhance enforcement and increase compliance associated with yard maintenance violations, clarify definitions and reduce ambiguity, and allow for participation in events such as "No Mow May"

  • Apply to the Ministry of the Attorney General for set fines related to the Yard Maintenance Bylaw, with fines ranging from $100-$1000, based on the nature of the offence

Section G

2022 Growth Report

Downtown and Urban Growth Centre

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿซ๐Ÿ“‘ Presentations

Housing Market in Ontario

Sadlon Arena Expansion Review Report

๐Ÿ“œ๐Ÿ“œ Bylaws

Bill 025 โ€“ Official Plan Amendment - 193 & 197 Blake Street

Bill 026 โ€“ Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 193 & 197 Blake Street

Bill 027 โ€“ Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 680 Lockhart Road

Bill 028 โ€“ Official Plan Amendment - 109 Park Place

Bill 029 โ€“ Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 109 Park Place

Bill 030 โ€“ Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 17 Sophia St. E., 3-11 McDonald St., 58-60 Clapperton St.

Bill 031 โ€“ Stopping Prohibited - Mapleton Avenue, from Ardagh Rd. to Batteaux St./Silvercreek Cresc.

Bill 032 โ€“ 2022-2026 Committee Appointment

Bill 033 โ€“ Confirmation Bylaw



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