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City Council - Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 7pm

Writer's picture: Accountability TeamAccountability Team

Updated: Jan 6, 2024

transit changes, reviewing Advisory Committees, zoning amendments in Ward 7, selling the City's shares in the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport, and more

Meeting Location: Council Chambers

🧑‍⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)

🗣️🫅 Comments from Outgoing Student Mayors

  • Omotola Olukoya (Tola), Ecole Secondaire Romeo-Dallaire

  • Sarah Read, Allandale Heights Public School

📜🫅Swearing In of New Student Mayors

  • Yukan Kirupa, Warnica Public School

  • Madelane Carter, St. Joseph's Catholic High School

📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes

🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions

  • Nil

🗣🎙 Deputations

  • Nil

💸⚖️ Tax Applications

📝📄 General Committee Report

Section A (Reports to be Received)

🏛️🛝 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee

💵🧑‍⚖️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee

🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee

Section B (Items Approved on Consent)

🚍🚏 Barrie Transit's New Network and Vision

  • Endorse the Intake Form to be included in the 2024 Business Plan concerning Transit Services in the Salem and Hewitts Plan areas

🚍🚐 Converting Barrie Transit Transfer System

🧐👥 Review of Advisory Committees

  • Notice:

  • Direct the City Clerk to conduct a review of Advisory Committees, including alignment and adherence to Council's Strategic Priorities, frequency of meetings, demands on staff, structure and terms of reference and report back to General Committee by February, 2024

  • If an Advisory Committee creates a subcommittee, require it to provide regular updates to the Advisory Committee it reports to

  • Continue to permit staff in Development Services to provide resource or advisory support as required by the Advisory Committee

  • Do not permit Advisory Committees to appoint staff to any subcommittees without Council approval

🚫🅿️ Parking Restrictions on Sherwood Court

🏗️🏘️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 229 McKay Road West and 980 Veteran's Drive (Ward 7)

  • Recommending to approve the rezoning from 'Neighbourhood Residential' (R5) to 'Neighbourhood Residential with Special Provisions' (R5)(SP-WWW) and 'Neighbourhood Residential with Special Provisions' (R5)(SP-XXX)

  • Special Provisions for (R5)(SP-WWW):

    • reduce minimum parking space width from 2.7m to 2.5m

    • maximum width of a private garage door shall not apply to the street townhouse units adjacent a rear laneway, but the following shall be required:

      • private garage doors not permitted to exceed 60% of the lot width

      • maximum private garage door width of 2.7m is permitted for a lot less than 7m

    • reduce minimum front yard setback from 3m to 1.5m adjacent to McKay Road West

    • require minimum 0.5m wide permeable landscaped buffer area on both sides of any driveway or parking area of an interior street townhouse unit

  • Special Provisions for (R5)(SP-XXX):

    • Increase maximum lot coverage from 70% to 79%, inclusive of a street townhouse and any accessory buildings and structures

    • reduce minimum parking space width from 2.7m to 2.5m

    • maximum width of a private garage door shall not apply to the street townhouse units adjacent a rear laneway, but the following shall be required:

      • private garage doors not permitted to exceed 60% of the lot width

      • maximum private garage door width of 2.7m is permitted for a lot less than 7m

    • reduce setback for accessory structures and buildings to a street line from 2m to 1.2m

    • require minimum 0.5m wide permeable landscaped buffer area on both sides of any driveway or parking area of an interior street townhouse unit

💰🧑‍🏭 Grant Application for Skills Development Fund Training Stream Application Guide

  • Staff Report: 

  • Authorize the Economic and Creative Development Department to apply for the Skills Development Fund (SDF) Training Stream for up to three years of funding to address skills development and labour shortage challenges within the manufacturing sector

  • City will be the lead applicant, with Georgian College as the service delivery partner

  • If the application is successful, create a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Georgian College, outlining program deliverables and financial approvals

  • If there are future opportunities for grant funding under the same general program conditions in partnership with Georgian College, then the Economic and Creative Development Department is authorized to develop another MOU between the City and Georgian College

Section C

🤐🏟️ Confidential Disposition of Land Matter – Lease Agreement – Sadlon Arena

  • Receive the confidential notes

🤐🏟️ Disposition of Land Matter – Lease Agreement – Sadlon Arena

  • Staff to undertake the direction identified in the confidential notes from this meeting.

Section D

🅿️🌳 Investigation - Design and Reconstruction of the Main Parking Lot in Painswick Park

  • Refer this item to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee:

    • Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of designing and reconstructing the main parking lot in Painswick Park to a fully-accessible asphalt parking lot, and consider the project in the ten year capital budget for completion in 2024 subject to available funding

Section E

🏗️🏢 Amendment to the Zoning Bylaw - 582 Essa Road (Ward 7)

  • Staff Report: 

  • Approve the rezoning from 'General Commercial' (C4) to 'Mixed Use Corridor with Special Provisions, Hold' (MU2)(SP-XXX)(H-XXX)

  • Special Provisions to include:

    • increase maximum front yard setback from 5m to 6.72m

    • allow front yard setback to be combination of paved and landscaped area, seamlessly connected with the abutting sidewalk (currently required to be fully paved)

    • increase maximum building height from 25.5 to 27.2m

    • reduce parking ration from 1/24sq.m (17 spaces) to 1/28sq.m (15 spaces) of commercial ground floor area

    • reduce outdoor amenity area from 12sq.m to 5.8sq.m per residential unit

    • increase angular plan of front yard facade step-back from 45 degrees to 47 degrees angular plane at height above 80% equivalent right-of-way using 3m step-backs

    • increase angular plane of rear yard facade step-back from 45 degrees to 47 degrees above 7.5m using 3m step-backs

  • Hold to be removed when the following is completed to satisfaction of the City:

    • owner/applicant satisfy the requirements of a Certificate of Property Use and/or Record of Site Condition under the Environmental Protection Act prior to any site works or issuance of a Building Permit

    • owner/applicant undertake a fire flow test to confirm sufficient infrastructure capacity for the proposed development

    • owner/application amend the Site Plan Concept to incorporate landscape strips and protection for boundary trees, or consent to harm boundary trees from adjacent landowners

    • approval of a Site Plan Control application and execution of a Site Plan Agreement, including details on the privacy of adjacent residential units due to openings, glazing and the rooftop amenity space, and if any private trees are removed, replacement trees should be a minimum of 60mm caliper size along the north east property line adjacent to existing residential uses

Section F

🏷️🛩️ Sale of Shares of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport

  • Staff Report: 

  • Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Share Purchase Agreement to divest the City of its remaining 10% investment in the LSRA

    • sell the remaining shares to the County of Simcoe, leaving them as sole shareholder as of January 1

    • reduce the City's apportioned contribution for maintenance, operation, capital or borrowing charges to 0%

    • eliminate the number of Directors appointed to the LSRA Board by the City

    • terminate the Management Services Agreement between the City and LSRA as of January 1

    • add first right of refusal if the airport ceases to operate and the lands are to be disposed of by the County

    • amend any other appropriate provisions to reflect the changes in shareholdings in the LSRA

  • Direct staff to consult with the County and the LSRA about other transitional matters

  • Use the proceeds from the sale (~$1.303M) towards the LSRA's outstanding capital budget requests to the end of 2023, with remaining balance to be allocated to the County Capital Reserve

  • Transfer the $3.361M balance in the Airport Infrastructure Reserve to the County Capital Reserve

Section G

⛸️💵 Skate Rental Services Agreement - Circle at the Centre Outdoor Rink (Ward 2)

Section H

🤐🏷️ Confidential Potential Disposition of Land Matter - City Properties

  • Receive the confidential notes

Section I

🤐🏷️ Confidential Potential Disposition of Land Matter - City Properties

  • Direct staff to undertake the action given in Appendix "A" to the confidential staff report, concerning the confidential disposition of properties shown in Appendix "B", "C" and "D"

⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business

  • Nil

➡️📜 Direct Motions

  • Nil

🧑‍🏫📑 Presentations

  • Nil

📜📜 Bylaws

Bill 136 - Establish Public Highways, Mattamy (Lockhart) Subdivision, 620 Lockhart Road

Bill 144 - Lobbyist Registry

Bill 145 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 131-145 Fenchurch Manor (odd numbers)

Bill 146 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 17-29 Milady Crescent (odd numbers)

Bill 147 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 61-73 Milady Crescent (odd numbers)

Bill 148 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 2-12 Wagon Lane (even numbers)

Bill 149 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 16-30 Wagon Lane (even numbers)

Bill 150 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 15-23 Wagon Lane (odd numbers) and 16-24 Silo Mews (even numbers)

Bill 151 - Amendment to Notice Bylaw

Bill 152 - Interim Tax Billing

Bill 153 - Ecological Offsetting Fees

Bill 154 - Confirmation Bylaw



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