Budget vs. Actuals, the outcome of the Team Building Strategy Session, future mural projects, a gift card program, and first aid services at Open Air Dunlop.
Also, ratification of a motion on the Retail Patio Support Program – though it is unclear when this vote took place?
Minutes: https://downtownbarrie.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/2023_05_25-_May-_BOM_Minutes-approved.pdf
Meeting Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vFsOHLePTLq_uBehkMHhIw
Agenda: https://downtownbarrie.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2023-_05_25_May_BIA-BOM_Agenda-Pub.-Ver.pdf
Meeting Location: Sandbox Centre and Zoom
📜 Adoption of the Minutes & Agenda
Adoption of the Minutes from April 27
Adoption of today's Agenda
👨🏫 Chair's Remarks
we'll have to fill this in later – missed this section!
🧑💼 Staff Update
patio program getting started
Planters and hanging baskets going up
lighting has been ordered for behind Lakeshore Mews
6 new art installations are up
map of upcoming mural projects
💰 Budget vs. Actuals - YTD
was not shared with members
👫 BIA Team Building Strategy Session #1 Outcome
May 10 WB Strategic Session 1
💡 Items For Discussion
Future Mural Projects
Miconex Gift Card Program
Approved to adopt the program
Open Air Dunlop - First Aid Services
Approved to hire first aid services for upcoming Open Air Dunlop, as required
🍻 Motion Ratification – Retail Patio Support Program
2023_05_25 BIA Motion #1:
To support the retail sector as part of the patio program to cover the 1st year's administration fee to the City of Barrie of $400 per retailer in order to implement a patio on the sidewalk in front of the store. This would make the program free of cost for the retailers. The second year the retailers would cover the costs (admin fee + lease fee) ongoing.
Allocation of up to $4000 which would allow 10 retailers to participate. If we get more BIA staff will notify the Board for further approval. This budget will come from the surplus funds.
Moved by Director Chris Gerrard
Seconded by Vice Chair Steve Ricalis
Vote: 7 in favour, Majority Approved
was explained that this is to help stores & restaurants that have opened in the last year, to help them get started in the patio program
