Legistar has this scheduled for 5:00, YouTube has a 5:30 start – they'll be in camera until then.
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=955130&GUID=6289E8D6-4DEF-4279-AA2A-0BD3E9658CC3
Watch Again: https://youtu.be/eplIK9il9wo
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=955130&GUID=6289E8D6-4DEF-4279-AA2A-0BD3E9658CC3
Circulation List: https://barrie.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=955257&GUID=4DA5598B-39F1-45BD-81A0-1D45E1A45DD9&Options=info|&Search= (note that our Statement – Stopping Sexual Violence In the Workplace – is STILL not included in the Circulation List, as had been requested March 28)
ABSENT: McCann (was present when committee came out of closed session for vote), ON LEAVE: Lehman
🤫🧑💼 2022 CUPE Negotiations
HELD by Thomson (discussion moved in camera)
Confidential Labour Relations / Employee Negotiations Matter
Staff Report
MOTION: That the Corporation's Negotiating Committee be directed to continue contract negotiations with CUPE 2380 within the parameters outlined in confidential Appendix B to Staff Report
Motion CARRIED unanimously
🤫🧑💼 Staff Performance
HELD by Riepma (discussion moved in camera)
Confidential Personal Information Matter
Sponsor: Harvey
MOTION: That staff undertake the direction regarding the confidential personal information matter – Staff Position Review provided [in camera]
Motion CARRIED (Ward didn't ask for "against", but it didn't appear that Riepma voted "for" – we aren't certain if he would have voted against if asked, or if he abstained from voting)
💰🏙 Community Revitalization Fund Application – Downtown Barrie BIA
APPROVED on consent
Sponsor: J.Harris
Staff Memo re: BIA Funding Request: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703611&GUID=F13BDD07-F98A-4D2C-B6BE-A6EEA0153BF9
Support in principle the BIA's application to the Community Revitalization Fund for a permanent road closure infrastructure project to facilitate the Open Air Dunlop programming
Earmark funds to match the BIA's financial commitment of $35,135, from the Reinvestment Reserve, subject to Infrastructure Department in consultation with other City departments:
complete a technical and operational assessment of the proposal and associated scope of work, to ensure it considers all of the elements, including additional budgetary requirements and operational considerations associated with installing permanent infrastructure on a municipal right-of-way
work with the BIA to review appropriate design concepts, project timing, project management, and procurement for the project
Economic and Creative Development Department, in consultation with other City departments, report back to General Committee on feasibility, additional costs to the City for the project and implementation, prior to the release of any matching project funds