Note it's another early start – this meeting is being tucked in before the regularly-scheduled 7pm City Council meeting.
The new Committee structure is announced, with some big changes. And the Lobbyist Registry proposal is back – definitely a "win" for transparency, if it goes through this time (see comments below).
Engage's Follow-up:
📑🗂 Staff Report
👥🧑⚖️ Structure of Committees of Council and Procedural Bylaw Updates
HELD by Kungl
Staff Report:
The new (and continuing) Reference Committees are announced, as well as which Councillors have been assigned to each committee
Planning Committee to be dissolved to allow for increased flexibility of scheduling additional meetings as required to address Planning and other Corporate matters
Public Meetings under the Planning Act will now be held at the Affordability Committee
Development Applications will be considered by General Committee
A Mayor's Priority and Planning Task Force will be established, "to assist with the prioritization of the workload in the reference committees" and encourage increased collaboration among the reference committees.
AMENDMENT by Kungl – that Appendix D to the Staff Report LCS007-22, the proposed composition for the Active Transportation and Sustainability Committee be amended by deleting the listed representatives and be replaced with seven citizen members
noted that the representation brought forward was from a historical membership list, and wanted to make sure their was an open call for citizens, and not specific to agencies
amendment CARRIED unanimously
AMENDMENT by Kungl – that Appendix D to the Staff Report LCS007-22, the proposed composition for the Active Transportation and Sustainability Committee be amended by adding 1 representative from Nature Barrie and 1 representative from Living Green
these entities were recognized formally by previous Council, long established and working in the mandate of this committee
amendment CARRIED unanimously
AMENDMENT by Riepma – that Appendix D to the Staff Report LCS007-22, the proposed composition for the Town and Gown Committee be amended by deleting the Barrie East End Homeowners Association representative
this organization doesn't seem to exist any more
amendment CARRIED unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
Item of Discussion
🤝💵 City of Barrie Lobbyist Register
APPROVED on consent
Sponsor: Nuttall
Direct staff to investigate the feasibility of a Lobbyist Register to ensure public disclosure of lobbying activities and to oversee the regulation of lobbyists' conduct
This was proposed by Councillor Aylwin in 2019 – while Engage Barrie didn't exist at the time, many of our members supported this proposal back then, and it was on our founders' list of top priorities when we were dreaming up the organization. Unfortunately, the proposal didn't gain any traction at that time – hopefully this re-introduction will produce better results.