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General Committee – Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 7pm

Writer's picture: Accountability TeamAccountability Team

a presentation on the Wastewater Operations Annual Reports, annual Financial Statements, and lots of zoning and Official Plan amendments

Meeting Location: Council Chambers

🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings

  • Nil

🧑‍🏫📑 Presentations

🚽🚰 Wastewater Operations Annual Reports

⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business

  • Nil

📝📑 Reports of Reference, Advisory or Special Committees

💰🤷 Affordability Committee

💵🧑‍⚖️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee

💵📊 2023 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements

🧑‍⚖️📰 Legislative Ads in Barrie Today

💰🏗️ Development Charges for 55-57 McDonald Street, 61-67 Owen Street, and 70-78 Worsley Street

  • Staff Memo:

  • Correspondence from Aird and Berlis LLP, April 24:

  • Enter into a Section 27 agreement with the Junction Group on behalf of Traditions Senior Housing to defer the portion of development charges related to the proposed rental units only, for the earlier of occupancy or 3 years, contingent on the developer applying for building permits within 120 days of the agreement

  • Rates to be calculated as of July 21, 2021, plus indexing

  • The frozen development charges will expire on May 15 (2 years after the date the application was approved and conditions issued, and nearly 4 years after original application made)

  • For the term of the deferral, the Developer shall pay interest to the City on the deferred amount at a rate of 50% of the City's 5-year moving average weighted cost of capital

  • The Section 27 Agreement will be executed no later than January 15, 2025, to give the developer 120 days to apply for building permits

🎶🎤 Lawnchair Luminata Concert Series

📑🗂 Staff Reports

🚛📋 Fleet Asset Management Plan

🏙️🌳 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 338 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 9)

  • Report:

  • Rezone the property from 'Agricultural' (A) and 'Environmental Protection' (EP) to 'Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions, Hold' (RM2)(SP-XXX)(H-YYY) and 'Environmental Protection' (EP)

  • Special Provisions:

    • reduce minimum residential parking standard from 1.5 to 1.2 spaces per dwelling unit

    • allow back-to-back townhouse units

    • front yard will be considered the existing public road access to Loon Avenue

      • reduce minimum width from 21m to 20m

    • minimum rear yard setback reduced from 7m to 4m

    • minimum landscaped area reduced from 35% to 27%

    • maximum gross floor area increased from 60% to 87.5%

    • maximum building height increased from 10m to 14.5m (3 storeys)

    • increase maximum density from 40 to 56 units per hectare

    • reduce minimum consolidated outdoor amenity area from 12 to 11 sq.m per unit

    • reduce minimum landscape area from 7m to 4m for any secondary means of egress, with the exception of any units adjacent to the north property line

    • increase maximum front yard parking coverage from 50% to 65%

  • Holding Provision can be removed upon following conditions:

    • an Edge Management Plan for the Development Limit depicted on the Concept Site Plan

    • a Tree Preservation Plan, Inventory and Canopy Survey on the 'Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions, Hold' portions of land

    • an agreement for the required Ecological Offsetting for the loss of natural features including payment will be required prior to any site disturbance, and any activity on site will be undertaken in coordination with City staff

🏙️🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 27, 31, 33, 35, 41 & 43 Essa Road, and 259 & 273 Innisfil Street (Ward 8)

  • Report:

  • Rezone the property from 'Light Industrial' (LI) and 'Central Area Commercial' (C1-1) to 'Central Area Commercial with Special Provisions, Hold' (C1-1)(SP-XXX)(H-YYY)

  • Special Provisions:

    • minimum setback from the rail line reduced from 30m to 15m

    • reduce parking standard from 1 to 0.8 parking spaces per residential unit

    • increase building height from 10m within 5m of front lot line & lot flankage, and 45m beyond that to

      • maximum podium height of 20m (6 storeys)

      • tower heights to maximum of 23 storeys (79m), 26 storeys (90m) and 39 storeys (127m) excluding mechanical penthouse and other exclusions

    • reduce minimum commercial uses from 50% to 2% of the lot area

    • 3m continuous landscape buffer along all side and rear lot lines is not required to be continuous, and is only required to be met along the Innisfil Street frontage

  • Holding Provision can be removed upon the following conditions:

    • a Certificate of Property Use and/or Record of Site Condition, as accepted by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks under the Environmental Protection Act, prior to any site works or issuance of a Building Permit

    • confirmation of rail safety and noise mitigation from Metrolinx and the Barrie Collingwood Railway (BCRY), including any requirements to support the setback from the BCRY line as reduced by this bylaw

    • incorporation fo a publicly accessible trail to effectively extend Jacobs Terrace for direct community access to the Barrie Allandale Transit Terminal and Barrie Allandale GO service

🏙️🌆 City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 29 & 35 Sperling Drive (Ward 3)

  • Report:

  • Amend the Official Plan for the property:

    • Amend Map 2 - Land Use by adding "See Policy 2.8.X" to the property

    • add text to Section 2.8 - Defined Policy Area of the Official Plan:

      • "Section 2.8.X 29 and 35 Sperling Drive"

      • "Notwithstanding Section 2.6.8 of this Plan, known municipally as 29 and 35 Sperling Drive, are permitted to have a maximum height of 30 storeys for mixed use development"

  • Rezone from 'Highway Industrial' (HI) to 'Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density-2 with Special Provisions, Hold' (RA2-2)(SP-XXX)(H-YYY)

  • Special Provisions:

    • reduce parking standard from 1.5 to 0.78 parking spaces per residential unit

    • increase gross floor area from 200% to 499%

    • increase building height from 45m to 91.5m

🏘️🏘️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 750 Lockhart Road (Ward 10)

🏙️🏢 Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 901 Essa Road, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 & 19 Brown Bear Street (Ward 7)

  • Report:

  • Amend the Official Plan for the property:

    • Amend Map 2 - Land Use Designations to include a Defined Policy Area overlay over the existing Medium Density designation

    • Amend Section 2.8 Defined Policy Areas to include:

      • "2.8.X 901 Essa Road"

      • "Notwithstanding the policies of this plan, the lands denoted with "See Policy 2.8.X" on Map 2, municipally known as 901 Essa Road and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 and 19 Brown Bear Street, are permitted to have a maximum building height of 15 storeys and maximum density of 494 units per hectare

  • Rezone from 'Neighbourhood Mixed Use' (NMU) and 'Rural Residential' (RR) to 'Neighbourhood Mixed Use with Special Provisions, Hold' (NMU)(SP-XXX)(H-YYY)

  • Special Provisions:

    • permit encroachments into required setbacks (currently 1.8m) for an underground parking structure:

      • Essa Road: 1.2m

      • Salem Road: 0.16m

      • Brown Bear Street: 0.24m

      • northern lot line: 0.48m

    • provide outdoor amenity space at 9.6 sq.m per dwelling unit and 2.6 sq.m per unit (12.2 sq.m total), instead of the required outdoor 12 sq.m per unit

    • reduce parking standard from 1 to 0.8 spaces per residential unit

    • allow 0.1 parking spaces per unit (46 spaces) for visitors and commercial uses (currently no requirements for visitors, and 1 space per 24 sq.m commercial GFA & 1 per 18 sq.m GFA required - total 35)

    • reduce minimum commercial coverage from 50% to 20% gross floor area (GFA)

    • increase maximum building height from 12 to 15 storeys

    • increase maximum interim and general floor space index from 2.5 to 3.1

    • facade step-back and angular plane requirements shall not apply along Brown Bear Street (currently a 45 degree angular plane at height above 80% equivalent of right of way using 3m minimum step backs required)

    • increase maximum of buildings within 5m of the front lot line from 50% to 100%

  • Holding Provision can be removed upon the following condition:

    • owner/applicant updates hydrogeological information in support of the previously-submitted D4 Assessment to the satisfaction of the City prior to any site works or issuance of a Building permit

🖼️💰 Barrie Allandale Transit Terminal Public Art Commission - Funding Source (Ward 8)

🤐🏷️ Confidential Disposition of Land Matter - Sarjeant Drive

🏷️🌧️ Property Acquisition - Hotchkiss Creek Storm Ponds Improvements and Dyments Creek Pond Improvements (Wards 5 and 8)

  • Report:

  • Complete the following property acquisitions

    • properties identified as necessary for the Hotchkiss Creek watercourse improvements between the Barrie Collingwood Railway (BCRY) corridor and Tiffin Street

    • properties identified to facilitate Dyments Creek's new storm pond, north of Dunlop Street West and west of Ferndale Industrial Drive

  • Authorize the Director of Legal Services to begin negotiations and/or expropriation proceedings to acquire fee simple interests or easements in the subject properties -- where applicable, land acquisitions will be completed through the Planning Act

  • City to apply to Council for approval to expropriate the subject properties, and City Clerk authorized to execute the necessary forms

  • Serve and publish the "Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate", and forward any requests for inquiries received to the Chief Inquiry Officer, who will report to Council

  • Authorize the Director of Legal Services to settle any expropriations or negotiated agreements related to the subject properties, and authorize the City Clerk to execute all associated and required documents

🚰📏 Water Meter Replacement Program

🧑‍💻🏗️ Accela Cloud Migration

  • Report:

    • Accela provides the City's Building Permit Application Solution, managing Applications, Permits, Licenses and Inspections (APLI)

    • Accela is no longer supporting the on-premise Civic Platform as of December 31, 2025, and is migrating to a cloud-based solution, which includes all functionalitiy of the current solution and more

  • Authorize staff to sign an agreement with Accela to support the migration of the City's on-premise Civic Platform solution to their Cloud Platform, along with annual maintenance, licensing and other related professional services for a 3-year term with options for three 3-year extensions

  • Waive the requirements of the Procurement Bylaw to do so

  • Expand Capital Project CC-1003 "APLI (Applications, Permits, Licenses and Expensions) Expansion - Phase 3" to include the cloud migration, and add $260k to the project for 2025, funded from the Housing Accelerator Fund to

    • extend a temporary System Analyst position supporting the project until March 31, 2027 ($110k)

    • migration cost ($150k)

  • Add the $400k operating impact of the migration to Information Technology's 2025 base budget, recovered from the Housing Accelerator Fund for tax years 2025, 2026 and 2027 for:

    • increased licensing and maintenance costs ($200k)

    • converting a temporary Project Coordinator position supporting the project to permanent ($100k)

📑🗂 Reports of Officers of the Corporation

  • Nil

💡🗣️ Items of Discussion

  • Nil

📥🔄 Circulation List Referrals

  • Nil



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