Starting the 2024 Budget process, the new Development Charges and Community Benefits Charges policies, as part of a packed Agenda
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
📝📑 Reports of Reference, Advisory or Special Committees
🏛️🛝 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee
🌊⛱️ Waterfront Strategic Plan Update
Barrie Bayside Waterfront Strategic Plan, June 2023:
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:
Defer this report to the September 2023 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee meeting
🚍🚊 Barrie Transit's New Network
Executive Summary:
Network Maps:
Storyboard Panels:
Access Maps:
Route Changes:
Approve the interim network in 2024 and the ultimate network in 2025
Update the capital budget for conventional bus replacement to reflect the changes required for the New Transit Network
Fund $423,700 for a Public Education Plan and service transition plan from the Ontario Gas Tax Reserve
Authorize the Director of Transit and Parking Strategy to provide free or discounted fares to incentivize and promote transit ridership through ongoing educational programming
Authorize the Director of Transit and Parking Strategy to execute platforming agreements with regional carriers who are accessing City property, or where the City is accessing non-City-owned property
🌳👟 Facilities, Parks and Recreation Asset Management Plan
Facilities Parks Recreation Asset Management Plan, May 2023:
Approve the plan
💵🧑⚖️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
🫴💵 Council Fundraising Policy
Recommending to adopt the proposed Corporate Policy on Council Fundraising
a new policy, aiming to ensure that any fundraising by members of Council for City projects is done so in an ethical, accountable, and transparent way (which we're always happy to see!)
🛝💗 Community Projects Fund and Update to the Council Expense Policy
Recommending approval of the project submission and approval process outlined in the report, as well as the revised Council Expense Policy
Approval process recommendations:
the community project should be in the councillor's ward
funds can be used for projects such as improvements to playgrounds and playcourts, art installations, traffic calming, and initiatives that have a longevity to them, such as tree planting or community gardens; funds can go to multiple projects as long as they don't go over the $25,000 budget; funded projects must align with Council's Strategic Priorities
funds can not be used for items or office expenses covered under the Council Expense Policy, donations to organizations, or any item that would be considered bonussing under the Municipal Act
a project submission form would have to be submitted to the clerk, detailing the project, alignment to strategic priorities, benefits to the ward, etc. – these would be sent to the executive management team to provide costing, potential project timing, etc., then presented to Finance and Good Governance Committee for consideration and final approval; any changes once approved would have to go through Council approval
project submissions deadline is March 30 2025, with completion and unveiling completed by December 2025
projects should be vetted through a Reference Committee
Council Expense Policy
remuneration and expenses paid to members of Council must be done in a way that conforms to the Municipal Act reporting requirements
there needs to be a clear distinction between what the Community Project Fund and the Councillor Expense Accounts are used for
there needs to be more specific wording to the policy to identify what is an eligible expense
to keep in line with the new Lobbyist Registry, members need to seek a written opinion from the Integrity Commissioner if they are working with individuals on ward events who may be on the Registry
education dollars can be allocated towards education opportunities that support members of Council in their role on Council
✈️🎪 Attendance at Mosaic - A Festival of Cultures 2023 in Regina Saskatchewan
This item states that Councillor Nigussie already attended this festival, and used his Councillor expense account to cover it, and this motion is to support this opportunity
This has definitely raised some eyebrows, as from the wording of the item, it appears they're seeking approval for his attendance and expenses after he's already attended and expensed the festival – highly problematic, from an accountability and transparency standpoint, as well as fiscal responsibility
🤐🧑💻 Confidential Solicitor-Client Advice Matter – City Projects
Staff to undertake the directions provided in the in camera session of the meeting, concerning the confidential solicitor-client advice matter - City Projects
🤐📬 Confidential Correspondence – Potential Land Disposition Matter - Dunlop Street East Area
Staff to undertake the directions provided in the in camera session of the meeting, concerning the confidential potential land disposition matter - Dunlop St. E. area
📑🗂 Staff Reports
🏙️🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 1012 Yonge Street (Ward 9)
Staff Report:
Approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment from "Agricultural General" (AG) and "Neighbourhood Residential Multiple" (RM3) to "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) and "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Pseical Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX)
Special Provisions:
the lands zoned "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) and "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) will be considered one property, collectively, for purposes of calculating residential density and general floor space index
the lands zoned "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) and "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) will be developed generally in accordance with the Conceptual Site Plan attached, as it relates to building height, placement and setbacks, location & configuration of ameity areas, and location & configuration of landscape strips, drive aisles and parking areas
the lot line abutting Yonge St. will be considered the front lot line in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) zone
reduce minimum exterior side yard setback of 0.5m to a daylight triangle in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) zone (1.5m required)
reduce minimum exterior side yard setback to 1m for underground parking structures in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) zone (1.5m required)
minimum setback requirements for an underground parking structure in sections and 14.6.3 will not apply to daylight triangles in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) zone (minimum front & exterior side yard setbacks of 0m & 1.5m required)
increase maximum lot frontage & lot flankage to 70% with buildings within 5m of the front & exterior side lot lines in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) zone (max 50% permitted)
buildings exceeding 3 storeys will include 3m step-backs above the 3rd storey along a facade that abuts a public street in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) zone
buildings exceeding 3 storeys will include 3m step-backs above the 3rd storey along a rear facade that directly abuts a private laneway or drive aisle in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) zone
decrease minimum street level floor height to 4m for ground floor commercial uses in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-XXX H-XXX) zone (min. 4.5m required)
landscape planters may encroach a maximum of 1.3m into a required exterior side yard setback, adjacent to a daylight triangle, in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) zone
minimum setback requirements for an underground parking structure in sections and 14.6.3 will not apply to daylight triangles in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) zone (minimum front & exterior side yard setbacks of 0m & 1.5m required)
increase maximum lot frontage & lot flankage to 90% with buildings within 5m of the front & exterior side lot lines in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) zone (max 50% permitted)
reduce minimum rear yard setback to 1m in "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) zone (min. 5m required)
landscape planters may encroach a maximum of 1m into a required exterior side yard setback, adjacent to a daylight triangle, in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) zone
buildings exceeding 4 storeys will include 3m step-backs above the 3rd storey along a facade that abuts a public street in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) zone
buildings exceeding 4 storeys will include 3m step-backs above the 3rd storey along a rear facade that directly abuts a private laneway or drive aisle in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) zone
buildings exceeding 3 storeys fronting on to Moberly Drive will include a 3m step-back above the 3rd storey along the front facade in the "Neighbourhood Mixed Use - Special Provision, Hold" (NMU SP-YYY H-XXX) zone
The Holding Provision (H-XXX) will be removed from the site-specific zoning once the municipal water & sanitary services, stormwater management facilities and transportation infrastructure required for the development of the lands are available and fully operational
🛣️🏙️ Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Wards 2 & 8)
Receive the Environmental Assessment
Approve and adopt the recommended design solution for corridor protection, and direct staff to acquire land conveyances identified
Direct staff to ouse access management practices, where appropriate, when assessing Planning Act approvals on the Bradford Street corridor
Direct staff to conclude the Environmental Assessment and publish a Notice of Completion
Since implementation is not happening until after 2031, staff are directed to complete a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Addendum at that time, to assess in-effect transportation and land use policies, and complete refinements to the recommended design solution to mitigate impacts
Staff to complete an in-service safety review for the Tiffin St. & Bradford St. intersection to assess opportunities for interim safety improvements
🪧📛 Municipal Street Naming for Streets in the Sandy Creek Estates Inc. Draft Plan of Subdivision (Ward 10)
Approve the street name "Harbourview Drive" for Street A of the subdivision
Confirm the street name of "Terry Fox Drive"
🚫🅿️ General Provision – Parking Prohibited Around Traffic Calming
Amend the traffic bylaw to prohibit parking within 50m either side of any permanent or temporary Traffic Calming measure
🏢🧓 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 54 & 76 Ross Street, 61 Wellington St. W. and 150 Toronto Street (Victoria Village) (Ward 2)
Rezone the lands from "Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density" (RM2) and "Institutional Special Provision" (I SP-299) to "Institutional Special Provision" (I SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
reduce minimum front yard setback (Wellington St.) to 3-5m (7m required)
reduce minimum exterior side yard setback (Toronto St.) to 3-5m (7m required)
reduce minimum & maximum rear yard setback (Ross Street) to 3m (7m required)
require minimum building height of 10m (3 storeys) and maximum building height of 24m (5 storeys) for 'Building B' adjacent to the Wellington St. & Toronto St. frontages
require minimum building height of 10m (3 storeys) along entire Toronto St. frontage, except 'Building B', and maximum building height of 27m (6 storeys) within 20m of the Toronto St. frontage
require minimum building height of 10m (3 storeys) along entire Ross St. frontage, and maximum building height of 36m (8 storeys) within 20m of the Ross St. frontage
buildings exceeding 3 storeys (except 'Building B') will include a 3m step-back above the 3rd storey along a facade that abuts a public street in the 'Institutional Special Provision' zone
maximum building height of 39.5m permitted
increase maximum lot coverage to 45% (35% permitted)
reduce minimum landscape open space to 25% (35% required)
allow additional low rise residential uses, consisting of block/cluster/stacked townhouses, small and large boarding lodging and rooming houses in conjunction with assisted living facilities and a walk-up apartment
lands zoned 'Institutional Special Provision' will be considered one lot for purposes of zoning interpretation & implementation
💰📊 2024 Business Plan and Budget Directions
Direct staff to prepare the 2024 Business Plan and Budget for City Services, incorporating the Budget Development Guidelines and including the Infrastructure Investment Fund increase of 2%
Direct staff to prepare the 2024 Business Plan and tax rate supported Budget by increasing the Reinvestment Reserve to $2.9M to help offset tax supported cost pressures
Send a letter to the following service partners that requires their budget submission to include appropriate level of details and explanations to allow Council to make more informed decisions:
Barrie Police Service
County of Simcoe
Barrie Public Library
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit
Direct staff to prepare the 2024 Business Plan for rate-supported services that includes:
recommendations for changes to user fees that reflect the full cost of providing the program or service
contributions to reserves that are consistent with the Financial Policies Framework, reflecting the anticipated current & future commitments against the reserves
Any significant impacts to the 2024 will be presented for consideration, including:
new investments and changes in level of service
changes in staff complement levels
user fees that are added, removed, or increased/decreased by 5% or more
Prepare a 10-year Capital Plan that includes a one-year capital budget, a 4-year forecast, and a 5-year capital outlook, addressing both growth and renewal of infrastructure, with consideration to the maintenance fo the City's AA+ credit rating and fiscal health
Use the 2024 Budget Development Schedule to develop the 2024 Business Plan for Council's review and approval of the City Services portion of the tax rate no later than December 2023, and Service Partner budget approval in late January 2024
🤐🏷️ Confidential Potential Disposition of Property Matter - Mapleview Drive
💵🏗️ 2023 Development Charge Background Study and Bylaw
Staff Report:
2023 Residential Development Charges - Comparable Municipalities:
2023 Non-Residential Development Charges - Comparable Municipalities:
DC Comments and Questions:
DC Background Study:
Amended Local Service Guidelines:
Summary of Changes from Current Bylaw to Proposed Bylaw:
Proposed DC Bylaw:
Phase-In Period:
Approve the Development Charge Background Study for the City-Wide and Area Specific Development Charges Bylaw
Adopt the assumptions contained in the Development Charges Background Study as an anticipation with respect to capital grants, subsidies and other contributions
Direct staff to request that grants, subsidies and other contributions be clearly designated by the donor as being to the benefit of existing development or new development, as applicable
Enact the draft Bylaw, and repeal the old one
🫂💵 2023 Community Benefits Charges Strategy and Bylaw
CBC Strategy:
2023 CBC Public Comments:
Draft CBC Bylaw:
Approve the Community Benefits Charge Strategy
Adopt the assumptions contained in the Community Benefits Charge Strategy as an anticipation with respect to capital grants, subsidies, and other contributions
Direct staff to request that grants, subsidies and other contributions be clearly designated by the donor as being to the benefit of existing development or new development, as applicable
Enact the draft Bylaw
🚫🅿️ Rodney Street No Parking Anytime
Add "No Parking Anytime" to Rodney Street, both sides from Blake St. to Collingwood St., and Collingwood St., north side from Rodney St. to 28m east
💧⚡️ Water Operations Branch Dedicated Locator Model Agreement
Approve the Dedicated Locator Model Agreement, authorizing locate service providers to locate municipal services on behalf of the City
Delegate authority to the Director of Infrastructure to make amendments to the agreement, approve & reject applications, and execute & terminate dedicated locator agreements on behalf of the City
🤝🏷️ Surplussing of City Owned Property - Portion of 694 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 9)
Declare the property surplus
Transfer the property to North-Point Development in exchange for an equal amount of land being transferred to the City from North-Point's property at 688 Mapleview Drive East
Use a value of $642.45/sq.m to account for any difference in the areas of the property being transferred
🤝🏷️ Surplussing of City Owned Property - Untravelled Portion of East Street (Ward 2)
Declare the property surplus
Offer the property for sale first to the abutting property owners at 156 Clapperton St. & 95 Drury Lane at fair market value
If the abutting owners do not purchase the property, it will be listed with a real estate brokerage and advertised for sale by a realtor
Permit the purchaser to include the property in a pre-consultation, Sit Plan Control application and/or Zoning Bylaw Amendment application as required to facilitate future development
🏫🤝 Use of School Facilities
Make Reciprocal Agreements with the Simcoe County District School Board and Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board for use of School and City facilities, to increase their use for programming that supports health and well-being
Add funding up to $27,3000 to the Recreation and Culture Services 2023 budget and up to $42,600 in the department's 2024 base budget, funded from the Reinvestment Reserve, to allow for a pilot program to provide additional after-school activities
💡🗣️ Items of Discussion
🧹🗑️ Invitation to Present to Council - Clean Up Barrie
Sponsor: Riepma
Invite Clean Up Barrie to provide a presentation to Council about its operations and possible expansion of its outreach
