our team | about
Building an engaged local democracy requires an engaged team keeping it all running smoothly!
Here are the people behind Engage, the movers and shakers, the writers, the organizers,
the designers, the collaborators, the fetchers and the cat-herds.
Each one has their own set of interests and talents, and
we are so grateful for their contributions large and small.
(Hint: they all believe their own efforts to be small, but they don't realize how hugely essential they are!)
contributors | engagebarrie
By "Contributors", we don't mean donors (although many have given generously in that way, as well) – we mean the people who have contributed to the organization and its causes in various ways. Whether sharing their expertise on particular issues, heading up a committee, volunteering their time and talents, writing articles or position papers, or rallying the troops for phone and email campaigns, Engage Barrie couldn't function without the collective effort of each and every one of these amazing community leaders.
This isn't an exclusive club – there's always room for more! If you're a member who'd like to get even more Engaged with the organization, please contact the Board at admin@engagebarrie.org and let's explore the possibilities!
Eleanor Alexander
Founding Member
Randy Aylwin
Founding Director
Kenzie Churchward
Founding Director
Jeffrey Dale
Founding Member
Harminder Dhillon
Suzanna McCarthy
Dave Meslin
Andrea Murray
Tanya Nayler
Cassandra Rutherford
Founding Member
Ryan Tayler
Founding Member
Jennifer van Gennip
Founding Member
Brandon Rhéal Amyot
Founding Member
Amber Beckett
Founding Member
Myrna Clark
Founding Director
Sara Dawson
Anita Johnson-Ford
Founding Member
Holly McDaniel
Founding Member
Ed Moll
Shannon Murree
Paige Power
Founding Director
Brian Shelley
Andy Thomson
Founding Member
Jocelyn Weatherbe
Dr. Anita Arvast
Founding Member
Victoria Butler
Founding Member
Morgan Cope
Founding Member
Sharon Doran
Kari Loyst
Founding Member
Caitlin McKenzie
Penelope J Morrow
Founding Member
Christine Nayler
Margaret Prophet
Founding Member
Michael Speers
Founding Member
John Tom
join the team