A new "food forest" has been planted, there's a public meeting on the City's proposal to allow up to four units on a residential property, and the proposed changes to the City's Official Plan (not exactly as advertised!)
Circulation List: https://barrie.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=1084484&GUID=5F11BA26-6BB2-446C-8DE2-ECC933BACB42&Options=info|&Search=
📑📊 Staff Memos
Trees Canada Edible Trees Grant - Batteaux Park (Ward 6)
Memorandum: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12513206&GUID=8E151417-2F9F-4951-BE78-17CB27AAD846 from S. Wideman, Park Program Coordinator
The "food forest" was planted at Batteaux Park on October 20, with over 50 apple treas, fruiting shrubs and nut-producing shrubs, purchased with the $3500 grant funding from Tree Canada
Digital Waterfront Parking Permit
Memorandum: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12513207&GUID=AC37F30D-8F39-4C80-9D51-664B0C60052C from B. Forsyth, Director of Transit and Parking Strategy
An update on the Digital Waterfront Parking Permit program
👥📃 Committee Agendas
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
Agenda for December 13: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12513216&GUID=14443AA1-8A30-4AB4-A5FB-5AE94CBBCA72
✍️📨 Correspondence
🗣🏘️ Public Meeting Re: Allowing Four Units on a Residential Property
Media Release, December 6: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12513208&GUID=E3700BD0-C4C9-47CC-B257-386BB3B2528B "Public meeting being held to consider allowing up to four units on a residential property"
This public planning meeting will be held at the Affordability Committee meeting on December 13 at 6pm, to gather public feedback on the proposed change to allow up to four dwelling units on a residential property
The public may participate virtually or in-person at City Hall
For more information about the proposal, visit barrie.ca/zoningbylaw
💰📊 City's Portion of the 2024 Budget Endorsed
Media Release, December 6: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12513214&GUID=8DBD3B24-FB1D-443A-83ED-7E9C0E4BC9CA "Council endorses City's portion of the 2024 budget, Budget keeps spending down while investing in infrastructure."
🏙️🧐 Modifications to Barrie's Official Plan
Media Release, December 7: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12513215&GUID=F068954B-1D02-409B-8D11-E6E8C7A5E1F1 "City of Barrie submits recommendations to Province on Official Plan modifications"
The City has submitted its recommendations on the Official Plan, including reverting back to the stronger language in the City's OP addressing protecting the environment, Lake Simcoe, and supporting affordable housing (which the province had previously watered down)
To learn more, visit barrie.ca/OfficialPlan
🏙️🧐 City of Barrie Official Plan Modifications
Official Plan Recommendations: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12513209&GUID=8A6FA1CD-E4A2-410D-B6B9-8BC01AD12F1D
The City's submission to the Ministry of Affairs and Housing, concerning the City's Official Plan recommendations
This submission shows that very few provincial changes are being reverted, and certainly not all of the changes requested by environmental or housing groups. The submission very clearly prioritizes developers and land owners wishing to make money off of Barrie lands, and ignores the wishes of actual Barrie residents. The City's press release (above) was HIGHLY misleading in this regard.
Another oddity in the submission is that former Mayors -- who are not currently on Council nor members of City staff -- were allowed to use the City's letterhead/logo for submission of their submissions of a form letter to the province, which is a puzzling mis-use of corporate identity
Many of the other form letters are multiple "as a business owner" submissions from the same company
⏳➕ Late Additions
