Get extra help applying for your digital waterfront parking pass, fill up your reusable bottles at the waterfront, and more.
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📑📊 Staff Memos
Liquor Sales Licence Application - Basil House Thai & Vietnamese Cuisine, 647 Yonge St.
Memorandum: from T. McArthur, Deputy City Clerk
A Liquor Licence Application Questionnaire has been received by the city from Basil House Thai & Vietnamese Cuisine, located at 649 Yonge Street, Unit 9, and documents circulated
Any concerns regarding this application may be directed to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario through Wendy Cooke, City Clerk
👥📃 Committee Agendas
✍️📨 Correspondence
🚐🛣️ Shuttle Pilot for Central North Correctional Centre
Media Release, July 19:
The City has reached an agreement with the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General to pilot a shuttle service for individuals released from Central North Correctional Centre to leave Barrie.
The City will be responsible for all costs, and will monitor the pilot's success on an ongoing basis.
The shuttle service will begin in September.
🅿️🏖️ Support for Residents to Apply for Waterfront Parking Permit
Media Release, July 19:
The City is offering additional in-person support at City Hall to help residents apply for their digital waterfront parking permit – free for Barrie residents
Extra support offered at Service Barrie (City Hall, 70 Collier Street), 8:30-4:30 on Monday July 24, Monday July 31, Tuesday August 8, Monday August 14, and Monday August 21
Be sure to bring your vehicle ownership document (green permit) for each licence plate you are registering for, plus proof of address (utility or cell phone bill from last 60 days, lease agreement, tax bill from current year, driver's license).
Residents can apply any time via the HotSpot app.
🏖️🚰 Tap Into Barrie Water at Local Beaches
Media Release, July 20:
People are invited to fill up their reusable bottles with Barrie tap water for free at the City's water trailer this summer. It will be at Tyndale Beach or Centennial Beach every Thursday from 11-2 until August 31 (weather permitting and subject to staff availability).
🛣️🐟 Bradford Bypass Project
Correspondence from the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition:
The Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition, Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition and Forbid Roads Over Greenspaces (FROGS) ask Barrie Council to stand up for Lake Simcoe, by requesting due diligence from the province on the Bradford Bypass Project.
This letter highlights their observations from the Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report's 30-day comment period, as well as some concerns, and calls to action.