Council's 2023 expense accounts, a successful Housing Accelerator application, and the impact of the new speed cameras
Circulation List:
📑📊 Staff Memos
🏙️📈 Growth Report 2023
Memorandum: from J. Roberts, Manager Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Analysis
A summary of the city-wide development and community building activities of 2023, including:
Land Use
Development Approvals
Complete Communities
💸🤑 2023 Council Remuneration and Expenses
Memorandum: from S. MacMillan, Supervisor of Financial Reporting and Policy, M. Mifsud, Manager of Accounting and Financial Reporting and C. Millar, Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer
A statement of corporate and council expenses paid to members of Council, local boards and Council Committees
Each Councillor received a $44,940.75 honorarium, with Thomson receiving $54,258.27 as Deputy Mayor, and Nuttall $136,221.85 as Mayor
Mayor Nuttall also received $60,000 for being on the Alectra Board
In total, Council expenses were $101,142.87
Councillor expenses range from Nixon's $1,073.01 for the year to Morales's $9,916.65
Mayoral expenses totalled $37,033.18
Total Honoraria and Expenses was $790,105.74
💰🏗️ Housing Accelerator Fund Application
Memorandum: from J. Roberts, Manager Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Analysis
Barrie's application was a success, and the City will receive $25,684,990 over the 3-year program with a commitment to have 6825 housing starts by March 31, 2027
🗓️🎪 April Programming and Events
Memorandum: from D. Bell, Director of Recreation and Culture Services
🏎️📸 Automated Speed Enforcement Program
Memorandum: from M. Banfield, Executive Director of Development Services and W. Cooke, City Clerk / Director of Legislative and Court Services
A summary of the first three months of operation of the ASE Cameras
The cameras have achieved significant speeding reductions
👥📃 Committee Agendas
🗿🏰 Heritage Barrie Committee
🚸🧯 Community Safety Committee
✍️📨 Correspondence
🛩️🎉 RCAF Centennial Week
Proclamation from Mayor:
April 1-8 is RCAF Centennial Week
⏳➕ Late Additions
