Including a presentation on the 2022 Business Plan and Budget – let Budget Season begin! Also under consideration, noise bylaw enforcement (i.e., noisy cars), the Long Range Financial Plan and Financial Policy Framework, and the Private Tree Bylaw Review.
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📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Minutes from October 25:
🗣🌳 Private Tree Bylaw Review
Deputation by Cathy Colebatch
Deputation Request:
📝📄 General Committee Report
Report from October 25:
🤫🧑🏫 Confidential Education and Training Session – Social Media Training
That motion 21-G-244 contained within the confidential notes to the General Committee Report, concerning the receipt and discussion of a presentation concerning a confidential education and training session – Social Media Training – be received.
📝🏘 Planning Committee Report
Report from October 26:
🗣🏙 Public Meeting – 620 Lockhart Road (Ward 9)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by the Jones Consulting Group Ltd. on behalf of Mattamy Homes, to facilitate the development of a 613 unit residential subdivision containing single detached dwellings, street townhouses, back-to-back townhouses, a mixed-use block, and a park block.
Seeking to rezone the lands from Agricultural General (AG) to Neighbourhood Residential (R5), Neighbourhood Residential Multiple (RM3), Neighbourhood Mixed Use (NMU) and Open Space (OS)
No special provisions are being requested
The lands are 27.95 hectares, located on the north side of Lockhart Road, west of Yonge Street
📝📄 General Committee Report
Report from November 1:
Section A
💰📊 Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Report from October 19:
🌇🌃 City Building Committee
Report from October 26:
Section B
💧🚧 Water Service Repair - 352 Yonge St.
Staff Memo:
Ask staff to work with the owners of 352 Yonge Street to identify lower cost options to repair the water service leak.
Offer the owners an interest free payment plan for costs of the water service repairs.
🔫🏭 Bylaw Exemption to Permit an Indoor Gun Range
Ask staff to work with the proponent, the Chief Firearms Office of Ontario, and the Barrie Police Service to identify applicable regulations, the potential amendments to City of Barrie by-laws that would be required to provide an exemption to allow for an indoor gun range on King Street, and any sensitive uses within 500 metres of the proposed location
Prepare a mailout to all affected businesses on King Street seeking feedback on the application with any costs associated to the mailout be the responsibility of the proponent and report back to General Committee.
🚲👟 Cycling and Pedestrian Safety on Huronia Road
Recommending that staff investigate the feasibility of lowering the speed limit on Huronia Road, between Little Avenue and Big Bay Point Road, from 60km/hr to 50km/hr
Recommending that staff investigate opportunities that would be cost effective to enhance active transportation safety for cyclists and pedestrians, including enhanced shoulders and line painting
🧑💻👷 Active Transportation Planner
Recommending that staff investigate the feasibility of creating an Active Transportation Planner position to assist with the City's active transportation initiatives
🚰💵 Cost Recovery for Water and Sanitary Servicing for 1097 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 9)
Staff Report:
Prepare a bylaw to authorize the recovery of capital costs for the installation of water and sanitary servicing of unserviced properties on Mapleview Drive East between Madelaine Drive and Yonge Street
Give property owners the option to pay the water charges over a 10-year period, interest free
Give property owners the option to pay the sanitary charges over a 10-year period, with interest, and base the interest cost on the City's weighted average cost of capital at the time of completion of the works
🚗🚫 Investigation - No Stopping Anytime - Mapleton Avenue
Ask staff to investigate implementing "No Stopping Anytime" on Mapleton Avenue between Ardagh Road and Batteau Street/Silvercreek Crescent.
✉️🏫 Invitation for Presentation - YMCA - Potential Plans for New YMCA
Invite the YMCA to give a presentation to City Council about potential plans for a new YMCA at H-Block in Downtown Barrie
🧑⚕️🏥 Toxic Drug Crisis
Ask the Government of Canada to declare the overdose crisis a national public health emergency, so it is taken seriously and funded appropriately.
That the Government of Canada immediately seek input from the people most affected by this crisis (including municipalities), and meet with provinces and territories to develop a comprehensive, pan-Canadian overdose action plan, which includes comprehensive supports and full consideration of reforms that other countries have used to significantly reduce drug-related fatalities and stigma – such as legal regulation of illicit drugs to ensure safe supply of pharmaceutical alternatives to toxic street drugs, and decriminalization for personal use.
💉🧒 COVID-19 Immunization Clinics - Youth Under 12
Negotiate with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit for the use of meeting / pre-school / community room spaces within Community Centres as potential immunization clinic locations for youth under 12, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents that may be required.
💰✅ Application to FCM Green Funds Program or MaRS Discovery District - Municipal Investment Infrastructure Fund
If an application to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Green Funds program or MaRS Discovery District succeeds in securing funding for the feasibility study, then the City of Barrie will contribute $22,500 toward the feasibility study for a Municipal Infrastructure Investment Fund – funded by $5,000 from the Mayor's Office existing budget, and $17,500 from the Reinvestment Reserve.
Section C
🏎👮 Noise Bylaw Enforcement
Staff Memo:
Noise Bylaw Review:
Ask Barrie Police Services Board to review opportunities to enhance the Barrie Police Service response to noise that is disruptive to others, especially motor vehicle noise, and provide a memorandum back to City Council outlining the results of the review.
Ask Barrie Police Service to share the outcome of the noisy vehicle blitz over the summer, and the approach of the Citizens on Patrol program
Section D
🏦📈 Long Range Financial Plan and Financial Policy Framework Update 1
Staff Report:
Long Range Financial Plan:
Financial Policies and Framework (Revised):
To schedule a special General Committee meeting, to:
review the Capital Plan to present a list of projects, totalling $300 million or more, that could be postponed until after 2029
allocate the Barrie Hydro Holdings Inc. (BHHI) dividend
conditions to speed up development
To refer motion 21-G-258 (re: the Long Range Financial Plan and Financial Policy Framework Update) to the November 20, 2021 special General Committee meeting for further consideration
Section E
🌳🌲 Private Tree Bylaw Review
Staff Report:
Have staff prepare an Intake Form for the 2022 Business Plan in the amount of $50,000 to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the City's Private Tree By-law
🗂📊 Presentation: 2022 Business Plan and Budget
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 093 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming proceedings of the meeting
