Budget Presentations from the main Service Providers (Police, Library and County)
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1147915&GUID=AF558E86-6E83-418F-9517-D56625D6404F
Watch Again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq57_4GVE_k
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1147915&GUID=AF558E86-6E83-418F-9517-D56625D6404F
Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🧑⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)
📜🫅Swearing In of New Student Mayors
Hayden Jack, Seven Oaks Academy
Mackenzie Bentley-Isaacs, Innisdale Secondary School
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🗣🎙 Deputations
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
📝📄 General Committee Report #1
First Report, January 10: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12581074&GUID=A56B1EF6-8B5E-465F-B065-5E5460222178
Section A (Reports to be Received)
🧑⚖️🙅 Integrity Commission Code Complaint
Report and Addendum from the Integrity Commissioner, dated January 5, 2024, regarding a Code Complaint Outside of the Limitation Period concerning a Confidential Personal Information Matter about an Identifiable Individual(s) Circulated Confidentially for Potential Legal Advice
(Section B was already approved at the January 10 Council meeting – deferring the matter to a future General Committee meeting, and directing staff to undertake confidential action)
📝📄 General Committee Report #2
Second Report, January 10: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12581073&GUID=A7C9CF10-CB9F-4A5D-827A-BBE0ECCF1EF1
Section A (Reports to be Received)
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
Report from December 13: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12552966&GUID=E67E1E51-712B-4F75-BADE-D17EADAD225A
Section B (Items Approved on Consent)
⚡️💵 Alectra Promissory Note (item discussed in camera)
Redeem the $20M promissory note from Alectra Inc when it reaches maturity on May 31
Invest the proceeds in the City's general fund (in accordance with City's Investment Policy) with earned interest included in the City's annual operating budget
Create a reserve for tracking the funds, Hydro Contribution Reserve, and use earned investment returns in the operating budget, replacing the current promissory note interest
Section C
🏘️🏢 Affordable Housing Strategy
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12554336&GUID=1570443B-7BB5-4DAC-89ED-8EFE775A24D8
Affordable Housing Strategy: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12552955&GUID=DB1157CF-6EE1-453F-BAAF-144D6885F21F
Recommending that the City of Barrie's Affordable Housing Strategy be the guiding strategy for the City to action on housing affordability in 2024 an beyond as resources and budget allow, and that Development Services bring forward an implementation plan, including any budget requirements, and report back to the Affordability Committee by June, 2024
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
➡️📜 Direct Motions
🏎️🚸 Direct Motion Without Notice re: Speed
Harvey / Nigussie
Amendment to Schedule B of the Rates of Speed Bylaw 2002-191
Direct Motion approved, unanimously
MOTION: That the Rates of Speed Bylaw 2002-191, as amended, be further amended in Schedule B, concerning the authorized rates of maximum speed variable time flashing 40km/h zone, or when an automated speed enforcement system is in place, by deleting all the times listed in the column "set time", and replacing them with "7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, September 1 to June 30"
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
👮💰 Barrie Police Service 2024 Budget Request
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12581072&GUID=4F63C8F9-A798-49C6-AF09-6AE9274FD0E8
Asking for a 6.78% increase
Councillor Harvey declared a conflict and left the Chamber
📚💰 Barrie Public Library 2024 Budget Request
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12581070&GUID=9E50DCE7-5559-4C6D-B385-5A33F6E01244
Asking for a total increase of $517,923 (percentage not given)
🏛️💰 County of Simcoe 2024 Budget Request
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12588961&GUID=735910F0-1C57-4644-BC59-8122B734B32B (provided late)
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 002 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 230-240 Prince William Way
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 003 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 202-212 Prince William Way
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 004 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 241-228 Prince William Way
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 005 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 17-29 Silo Mews and 18-30 Hay Lane
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 006 - Appointment of Deputy Chief Building Official
Appoint Renate Marianne Beam as a Deputy Chief Building Official as authorized under the Building Code Act
Bill 007 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
