Deputations on the denied requests for a temporary noise exemption at 37 Johnson St., and to permit an indoor gun range in Ward 8. Confirmation of the items approved (mostly on consent) last week.
Engage's Follow-up:
Watch Again:
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Minutes, November 7:
adopted as printed and circulated
Minutes, November 16:
adopted as printed and circulated
🏆🌟 Awards and Recognition
🔔🎄 2022 Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign
Major Bruce Shirran of the Salvation Army, Barrie Bayside Mission addressed Council about the Christmas Kettle Campaign and the services provided by the Salvation Army and partners.
🗣📣 Deputations
💥👷 Request for Temporary Noise Exemption, 37 Johnson St. (Ward 1)
Deputation Request:
Deputation by Lucas du Mont, Property Manager, FRAM + Slokker
this deputation request was withdrawn prior to the meeting
🎯🔫 Exemption Request to Permit an Indoor Gun Range (Ward 8)
Deputation by Roger Gray
📝📄 General Committee Report
Report from November 23:
Section A
adopted unanimously
🏘🪧 Municipal Street Naming – Mattamy Homes (McKay) Subdivision (Ward 7)
Staff Report:
Recommending to approve the street names:
Craydon Street
Ennerdale Street
Foxley Heights
Betterridge Trail
Innisdale Terrace
Jesmond Gate
Jenny Street
Dumont Street
Pearen Lane
Tabern Lane
Upland Lane
Recommending to confirm the names already added to the Municipal Street Naming Registry:
Reid Drive
Exell Avenue
Avondale Street
Carina Lane
💥👷 Request for Temporary Noise Exemption, 37 Johnson St. (Ward 1)
Staff Report:
Recommending that the temporary noise exemption request for the development at 37 Johnson Street be denied, and that the parameters of the noise bylaw be upheld
🎯🔫 Exemption Request to Permit an Indoor Gun Range (Ward 8)
Staff Report:
Recommending that the exemption to the bylaw to permit an indoor sport shooting/gun range be denied
🧑⚖️📛 Deputy Mayor Position
Staff Report:
Recommending approval of Mayor Nuttall's appointment of Councillor Robert Thomson as Deputy Mayor
Section B
received unanimously
⛈💰 Stormwater Climate Action Fund Presentation
Presented by Craig Millar, Chief Financial Officer, and Kelan Jylha, Manager of Tax and Revenue
An update on the status of the program, and proposed rates (to be approved in early 2023)
Section C
🏘🪧 Municipal Street Naming – Mattamy Homes (Lockhart) Subdivision (Ward 9)
Staff Report:
Recommending to approve the street names already included on the Municipal Naming Registry
Ridgehill Drive
Belgrave Trail
Rosette Street
Garnet Avenue
Fleetwood Street
Vinewood Crescent
Ivory Road
Ravenview Crescent
Recommending to confirm the names already added to the Municipal Naming Registry
Greer Street
Fenchurch Manor
Lower Street
AMENDMENT by Morales/Harvey: to replace Ridgehill with Yorkshire Drive, Belgrave with McBride Trail, Rosette with Suzuki Street, Garnet with Gretzky Avenue, and Ravenview with Reddit Crescent
Amendment CARRIED, unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED, unanimously
Section D
adopted unanimously
👥👥 Council Interim Appointments to Committees and Boards
Staff Report:
Recommending passing a bylaw to confirm interim appointments of members of Council to the selected committees and boards as per Mayor Nuttall's recommendations:
Barrie Hydro Holdings – all members of Council
Barrie Police Services Board – Nuttall, Thomson
Barrie Public Library Board – Courser, Morales
County of Simcoe, Affordable Housing Advisory Committee – Kungl [amended to Nuttall]
County of Simcoe, Performance Management Committee (Archives and Museums) – Nuttall
County of Simcoe, Simcoe County Housing Corporation Board of Directors – Nuttall, Thomson
County of Simcoe, Human Services Committee – Nuttall, Riepma, Kungl [amended to Hamilton], Nigussie
Downtown Business Association (BIA) Board – Nixon
Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce – Thomson, Nuttall (ex-officio)
Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Corporation Board – Morales
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority – Riepma, Hamilton
MacLaren Art Centre – Harris, Nixon
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority – Harvey
Physician Recruitment Task Force – Harvey
Public Art Committee – Courser, Thomson
Royal Victoria Regional Health Care Foundation – Nuttall
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit – Kungl, Nuttall
Sandbox – Morales
Tourism Barrie – Harvey
A more comprehensive report on Committees will be presented after the Council Strategic Planning Session scheduled for December 3
Section E
adopted unanimously
📜🙅 Memorandum re: Overview of Policy and Legislative Changes in Bill 23
Staff Memo:
That the memo be referred back to staff for further information concerning an update on Bill 23 policy and legislative changes, the impacts on the tax base and the changes due to the Conservation Authority Act and Heritage Act
Motion Without Notice – Bill 23, "More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022"
permission to introduce the motion given unanimously
MOVED by Riepma, Seconded by Nixon that:
WHEREAS Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, significantly affects municipal finances, infrastructure planning and funding, climate change strategies, affordable housing initiatives and heritage programs and has potential unintended impacts on municipalities; and
WHEREAS the City of Barrie needs to increase the capacity of its Wastewater treatment plant at a cost of $250,000,000 and other growth related infrastructure; and
WHEREAS Bill 23 significantly reduces the development charges and parkland levies available to the City of Barrie for the construction of this infrastructure; and
WHEREAS as a result of the changes adopted in the legislation, the City of Barrie will experience a $90 million reduction in funds to invest in infrastructure for affordable and attainable housing in the next 5 years;
1. That the City of Barrie request the Government of Ontario to fund the expansion of the Waste Water Treatment Facility to aid Barrie in meeting the housing targets outlined by the Province of Ontario in Bill 23.
2. That a copy of this motion, be forwarded to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Provincial Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, MPP Gord Downey, MPP Andrea Khanjin, Colin Best, President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), and Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM).
AMENDMENT by Morales/Harris to remove paragraphs 3 & 4 from the "Whereas" section
Amendment CARRIES [FOR: Riepma, Nixon, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Kungl, Courser]
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 105 - Deeming Bylaw: 685 and 695 Veteran's Drive
Deeming these properties to no longer be a Registered Plan of Subdivision
Bill 106 – Deeming Bylaw: 32 and 42 Norris Drive
Deeming these properties to no longer be a Registered Plan of Subdivision
Bill 107 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 62 to 72 Pumpkin Corner and 50 to 60 Hay Lane
Exempting Block 179 on Plan 51M-1224 from part lot control
Bill 108 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 74 to 82 Pumpkin Corner and 40 to 48 Hay Lane
Exempting Block 180 on Plan 51M-1224 from part lot control
Bill 109 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 23 to 33 Tobias Lane
Exempting Block 181 on Plan 51M-1224 from part lot control
Bill 110 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 13 to 21 Tobias Lane
Exempting Block 182 on Plan 51M-1224 from part lot control
Bill 111 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 1 to 9 Tobias Lane
Exempting Block 184 on Plan 51M-1224 from part lot control
Bill 112 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 2 to 14 Wheatfield Road
Exempting Block 185 on Plan 51M-1224 from part lot control
Bill 113 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 16 to 30 Wheatfield Road
Exempting Block 186 on Plan 51M-1224 from part lot control
Bill 114 – Appointment of Chief Building Official
Appointing Paul Evans as a Chief Building Official as authorized under the Building Code Act
Bill 115 – Pension Participation
Confirming participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Systems (OMERS) Primary Pension Plan and the Retirement Compensation Arrangement for the OMERS Primary Pension Plan, of the employees and head of Council
Bill 116 – Appointment of Deputy Mayor
Appointing Robert Thomson as Deputy Mayor for the 2022-26 term of Council
Bill 117 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
