This meeting was re-scheduled from Monday, in respect of the Queen's funeral that day.
A deputation regarding the Owen Street Development Charge Deferral Request, Committee Reports, a presentation on Invest Barrie, and a rather long list of bylaws.
Engage's Follow-Up:
Watch Again: (direct link not yet provided)
ABSENT: Aylwin
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🌟 Awards and Recognition
🦽🎡 Lorrie, Marc and Finnley Rimmer & I Have Resolve Foundation
Recognition for their donation of an accessible wheelchair swing for one of the City's public parks
🥍👩 Barrie Bombers U15 'A' Girls Lacrosse Team
Winners of the 2022 Ontario Lacrosse Association's "A" Provincial Box Lacrosse Championship
Go Bombers!
🥍👩 Morgan Lowe, Jorja Whalen, Willow Davidson and Ryley Black, Team Ontario 14U Lacrosse Team
Local representatives of the Team Ontario 14U Lacrosse Team
Winners of the 2022 14U Canada National Lacrosse Championship
Amazing accomplishment, congratulations!
🗣📣 Deputations
⏳💰 Owen Street Development Charge Deferral Request (Ward 2)
Deputation Requests:
Deputation by Cathy Colebatch
Colebatch not in favour of a "lame duck" Council making a decision related to the development charge deferral request, as it sets a precedent that next Council may be stuck with. The development is for profit, and the developers should have their funding in place and not use public funding, when Development Charge Reserves are forecast to be depleted. How would this guarantee the development gets built, and doesn't just get flipped again?
💸📑 Tax Applications
Applications, September 21:
Applications for cancellation, reduction or addition to taxes totalling $49,990.65 – the majority of these are related to the tornado damage.
CARRIED unanimously
📝📄 General Committee Report
Report from September 12:
Section A
CARRIED Unanimously
🤐🧑⚖️ Confidential Litigation Matter: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - Essa Road
Staff Report (not available to the public)
🚫🚗 Cuthbert Street No Parking Any Time (Ward 6)
Staff Report:
Amend the traffic bylaw to add "No Parking Any Time" to Cuthbert Street on the north side from Ferndale Drive South to a point 194 metres east
🤝🏭 Surplussing City Lands for Inclusion in Industrial Development Proposal (140 Lockhart Road - Ward 8)
Staff Report:
Declare the Rawson North Open Space as surplus, and allow the proponent planned industrial subdivision at 140 Lockhart Road to include this land as part of the submission for development (at their own expense)
🧑💻📊 Business Plan Status as of June 30, 2022
Staff Report:
Receiving the update as information.
🌳💰 Parkland – Alternative Rates
Staff Report:
Appendix C (Staff Report from June 12, 2017):
Appendix D (Draft Bylaw, Cash in Lieu of Parkland):
Staff is recommending that the Parkland Dedication and Cash-in-Lieu bylaw from 2017 be repealed and replaced with a new bylaw,, as set out in Appendix "D"
Under Bill 197, the current bylaw will expire on September 18, so a new bylaw needs to be passed
This proposed new bylaw is an interim bylaw – which keeps the same rates as the previous one – until the new Community Benefit Charge Bylaw is brought forward in 2023
✍️🤫 Delegated Authority to Execute Non-Disclosure Agreements
Staff Report:
Authorize the Director of Internal Audit and City Clerk (or designate) to execute non-disclosure agreements for the purpose of conducting third-party audits
📜🛣 Expropriation – Mapleview Drive East Road Expansion, East of Yonge to Prince William (Wards 9 & 10)
Staff Report:
Proceed with expropriating the land required for the construction of Mapleview Drive East between Yonge Street and Prince William Way
📜🛣 Expropriation – Huronia Road Improvements, Lockhart Road to South of McKay Road East (Wards 8 & 9)
Staff Report:
Proceed with expropriating the land required for the reconstruction of Huronia Road between Lockhart Road and south of McKay Road East to the City Limits
Section C
Section B was dealt with at last week's City Council meeting, directly after General Committee
⏳💰 Owen Street – Development Charges Deferral Request (Ward 2)
Staff Report:
Staff recommended to receive the request for information purposes – but because the request doesn't meet the requirements of the current legislation, the request not be approved
Amended to direct that an agreement be made to defer the portion of development charges related to the rental units only, payment in full at occupancy, interest-free for a year, providing the building permits be applied for within 120 days of the agreement
AMENDMENT by Riepma/J.Harris: 1. That staff enter into an agreement with the Junction Group on behalf of their client Traditions Senior Housing (the Developer) to defer the portion of the development charges related to the proposed rental units (excluding the owned units) for a period of two years, contingent on the developer applying for building permits within 120 days of this agreement. 2. That for the term of the deferral, the Developer shall pay interest to the City on the deferred amount at a rate of 50% of the City's 5 year moving average weighted cost of capital.
AMENDMENT (to the amendment) By Ward/Thomson, to switch paragraph #1 with: 1. That staff enter into an agreement with the Junction Group on behalf of their client Traditions Senior Housing (the Developer) to defer the portion of the development charges related to the proposed rental units (excluding the owned units) for a period of three years or occupancy which is sooner, contingent on the developer applying for building permits within 120 days of this agreement.
CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: Harvey (couldn't see vote, but he said he couldn't support)]
CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: Harvey]
Section D
🤐🧑⚖️ Confidential Litigation Matter – Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal – Mapleview Drive
Receiving the confidential notes of the discussion
RECEIVED unanimously
Section E
🤐🧑⚖️ Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal – Mapleview Drive
Direct staff to implement the (confidential) steps outlined, and authorize the Mayor & City Clerk to execute any documents required if the application is resolved.
Release the Staff Report publicly after Council approval
CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: Harvey]
📝🏘 Planning Committee Report
Report from September 13:
Section A
CARRIED unanimously
🏢🏘 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 219 Bayfield Street (Ward 2)
Staff Report:
Approve the rezoning from "Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density (RM2)" and "Transition Centre Commercial, Special Provision Fifty-Seven (C2)(SP-57)" to "Transition Centre Commercial, Special Provisions (C2)(SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
reduce landscape buffer from 3m to 2.5m
limit permitted uses to Bed and Breakfast, Custom Workshop, Florist, Funeral Establishment, Office, Medical Office, Personal Service Store, Photography Studio, Rental Store, Retail Store, Restaurant, Veterinary Clinic, Art Gallery, Assisted Living Facility, Child Care, Museum, Social Service Facility, Dwelling Units in conjunction with permitted commercial uses except defined automotive uses, Residential uses permitted in the Second Density RA2 Zone, and Group Home
🚜🏭 Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 140 Lockhart Road (Ward 8)
Staff Report:
Redesignation of part of the land from "General Industrial" to "Restricted Industrial, from "Environmental Protection Area" to "Restricted Industrial", from "Environmental Protection Area" to "General Industrial", and from "General Industrial" to "Environmental Protection Area"
Identify the Defined Policy Area for a part of the land for "Restricted Industrial" use, to allow a Salvage Operation and Outdoor Storage
Approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment for part of the lands from "General Industrial (G1)" to "Restricted Industrial with Special Provisions (RI)(SP-XXX)", from "Environmental Protection (EP)" to "Restricted Industrial with Special Provisions (RI)(SP-XXX), from "Environmental Protection (EP)" to "General Industrial (GI)", and from "General Industrial (GI) to "Environmental Protection (EP)"
Special Provisions for the "Restricted Industrial with Special Provisions (RI)(SP-XXX):
define Salvage Operation
reduce minimum required parking standard from 1 parking space per 70 m2 to 1 parking space per 140 m2 of gross floor area
increase height restriction for outdoor storage from a maximum height of 4m to 12.25m except for outdoor storage of machinery or equipment
💰📊 Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Grant Approvals Summary – February to April 2022
Staff Report:
Receive the report
reallocate 50% of the funds from the current balance to the affordable housing and preservation of built heritage grant programs, replenish the balance and continue funding affordable housing and heritage preservation projects in 2022
65.5% to the affordable housing grant reserve, 33.5% to the preservation of built heritage grant reserve
Section B
RECEIVED unanimously
🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 109 Park Place Boulevard (Ward 8)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Proposal to permit residential uses at the location, for the development of two mixed-use buildings, 6 storeys and 16 storeys, with ground floor commercial and a total of 475 residential units
Application submitted by North American (Park Place) Development Corporation
Seeking to add additional special provisions to the "General Commercial with Special Provisions (C4) (SP-304)" zone
Requested special provisions include:
allowing dwelling units in conjunction with the permitted commercial and institutional uses
parking standard of 1 space per dwelling unit
allowing the current building height regulations to apply to the residential portion as well
removing the residential use restrictions
🗣🏘 Public Meeting – 193 and 197 Blake Street (Ward 1)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Additional Correspondence:
Application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Proposal to permit the development of five residential townhouse units
Application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions Incl. on behalf of Fennelwood Corp.
Seeking to amend Official Plan designation from "General Commercial" to "Residential", and to amend the zoning from "General Commercial (C4)" to "Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density - Townhouse with Special Provisions (RM2-TH)(SP-XXX)"
Requested special provisions include:
reduce lot area from 200m2 to 183m2 on lots B-D
reduce side yard setback from 1.8m to 1.2-1.5m
reduce landscaped open space from 35% of lot area to 32% of lot area
increase gross floor area from 60% to 83.4% (Lot A), 118.8% (Lots B-D), and 100% (Lot E)
increase building height from 10m to 13.9m
reduce minimum driveway length from 11m to 5.5m
set front yard parking coverage to 42% (Lot A), 65% (Lots B-D), and 52% (Lot E)
reduce front yard setback to a porch from 1.5m/3m to 0m
🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 303 Cundles Road East (Ward 3)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Additional Correspondence:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Proposal to add additional special provisions to the current "General Commercial with Special Provisions (C4) (SP-520)(SP-530)
New special provisions include:
Amendment from standard C4 bylaw:
reduce minimum rear yard setback from 7m to 3.5m
Amendments to the special provisions already granted
increase maximum residential building height further, from 6 storeys to 12 storeys
increase maximum residential unit count further, from 200 residential units (120 currently built and occupied) to 505 residential units
DIRECT MOTION: Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act
Moved by N.Harris, Seconded by Kungl: 1. That, given the Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act has been reintroduced after the Provincial Election, the City of Barrie re-issue its letter of support endorsing this Act that would create a process for municipal councils to remove Councillors who violate workplace violence and harassment policies. 2. That a letter of support be sent to local MPPs, MPP Stephen Blais, the Premier, and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO).
AMENDMENT by Morales/J.Harris to add: That paragraph 3 be added to the direct motion concerning Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act: 3. That the Province of Ontario explore ways for municipalities to deal with members of Public who are vexatious harassers, that is compliant with the Municipal Act.
The Councillors who spoke all (except J.Harris & Morales) said this watered down the purpose of the motion, with Ward suggesting the amendment was out of order.
Motion (original) CARRIED unanimously
💰📈 Invest Barrie Update
Presented by Stephannie Schlichter, Director of Economic and Creative Development and Jennifer Roberts, Manager of Strategic Initiatives
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 081 - Part Lot Control Exemption: 11-21 & 37-47 Turnberry Lane, 14-26 Southpark Lane
Exempting Block 2 on Plan 51M-1187 from part lot control
Bill 082 - Part Lot Control Exemption: 1-11 and 27-37 Evergreen Terrace, 24-34 Westwood Avenue
Exempting Part of Block 12 on Plan 51M-1187 from part lot control
Bill 083 - Part Lot Control Exemption: 11-34 Greer Street
Exempting Lots 3-14 on Plan 51M-1216 from part lot control
Bill 084 - Part Lot Control Exemption: Mapleview Developments - 101 Blue Forest Crescent
Exempting part of Block 1 on Plan 51M-1193 from part lot control
Bill 085 - Part Lot Control Exemption: Mapleview Developments - 00 Blue Forest
Exempting part of Block 2 on Plan 51M-1193
Bill 086 - Part Lot Control Exemption: Mapleview Developments - 39 Blue Forest Crescent
Exempting part of Block 5 on Plan 51M-1193
Bill 087 - Part Lot Control Exemption: Mapleview Developments - 71 Blue Forest Crescent
Exempting Block 6 on Plan 51M-1193
Bill 088 - Expropriation: 285 Dunlop Street
Expropriating the lands at 285 Dunlop Street for a daylighting triangle
Bill 089 - Expropriation: 297 Dunlop Street
Expropriating the lands at 297 Dunlop Street for a daylighting triangle
Bill 090 - Official Plan Amendment: Ram Iron & Metals, 140 Lockhart Road
permitting "Restricted Industrial" use on a portion of the property
Bill 091 - Zoning Amendment: Ram Iron & Metals, 140 Lockhart Road
changing the zoning to permit a salvage operation and outdoor storage
Bill 092 - Site Plan Control: 140 Lockhart Road
establishing site plan control areas on the property
Bill 093 - Zoning Amendment: 219 Bayfield Street
changing zoning to Transition Centre Commercial with special provisions
Bill 094 - Speed Limits: Salem Road
change speed to 60km/h on Salem Road from Highway 400 to the City Limit
Bill 095 - Overnight Waterfront Parking, Pedestrian Crossovers (Ward 7), Cuthbert Street Parking (Ward 8)
Changing the traffic bylaw to allow for the following:
No Parking Any Time, Cuthbert Street north side from Ferndale Drive, to a point 194m east
New pedestrian crossovers in Ward 7
Restrict overnight waterfront parking
Exempt those with accessible permits from paying for parking
Bill 096 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
