Budget and Timelines, Committee Survey Results, Meeting Schedule
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1227994&GUID=DFD78389-1B6A-44FF-B4F2-AAACAC34CCD5
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1227994&GUID=DFD78389-1B6A-44FF-B4F2-AAACAC34CCD5
Meeting Location: Sir Robert Barrie Room
(Advisory Committees are no longer being broadcast, attendance is in-person only)
🧑🏫📊 Presentations
💡🗣️ Discussion Items
📊🗓️ Budget and Timeline
Asking for $125,000 budget to hire a consultant to support the review and any revisions to the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
❓🙋 Results of Committee Survey
Recommending addition to Committee of representatives from the County of Simcoe (Social Housing, Emergency Shelters and Homelessness Prevention Programming, and from the Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle (why these two groups were not initially invited seems rather short-sighted)
🗓️👥 Meeting Schedule
↪️📥 Referred Items
📑🗂 Reports / Memos to Committee
