presentation on the Ward Boundary Review, office space for Sea Cadets, requiring in-person presentations, committee changes, allowing motorized watersports at the waterfront
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
All Committee Members Present: Harvey (Chair), Nuttall, Thomson, Kungl
Also Present: Riepma, Nigussie, Nixon, Courser, Hamilton
Arrived Late: Harris, Morales
🎤🙋 Open Delegations
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
🗺️🧐 City of Barrie Ward Boundary Review
Presentation: by Dr. Zachary Spicer, Public Affairs Consultant and Municipal Electoral Systems Expert
Introductory Council Workshop on the Ward Boundary Review - overview and next steps
↪️📥 Deferred / Referred Items
📝📑 Advisory Committee Reports
📑🗂 Staff Reports
💡🗣️ Items of Discussion
⛵️🏢 Sea Cadets - Use of General John Hayter Southshore Community Centre
Proposal by Nuttall:
Allow the Sea Cadets to use office space at the General John Hayter Southshore Community Centre for free, and allow rental and parking provisions in alignment with other user groups
APPROVED on consent
🧑🏫📺 Amendment to Procedural Bylaw
Proposal by Nuttall:
Require consultants, developers, etc., to provide Council and Committee presentations in person, unless authorized by the City Clerk in consultation with the Mayor / Chair - to allow for clearer interaction and discussion with members of Council and staff
APPROVED on consent
👥👥 Committee Updates
Proposal by Nuttall:
Make changes to Advisory Committees:
remove Kungl from Active Transportation and Sustainability (at her request) and replace her with Morales
remove Hamilton from the County of Simcoe Human Services Committee (at her request)
add Nixon to the Town and Gown Committee
remove Riepma as Chair of Heritage Barrie and replace him with Kungl
Direct the City Clerk to review the membership and mandate of the Seniors and Accessibility Advisory Committee to ensure that the provisions of the AODA continue to be met, and report back to Finance and Responsible Governance Committee if changes are required
Create a Parking Advisory Ad-Hoc Committee to review on street parking standards in the City, including provisions for new developments, current practices and potential modernization, and report back to the Community Safety Committee by the end of Q2 in 2026, with the following composition
3 citizen members
1-2 representatives from the Development Community
APPROVED on consent
🚤🛥️ Licensing of Watersports
Proposal by Hamilton:
Rescind the previous Council's decision to not allow operators to provide motorized activities on Barrie's waterfront
Direct staff to prepare a licensing protocol for the licensing of businesses operating motorized activities along the waterfront, including a limit on the vehicles permitted, fees and safety measures for their operation, and report back to General Committee
The previous Council prevented motorized activities along the waterfront in order to preserve the natural environment, as well as public safety. Considering all the discussion at Council about the Sea Cadets' safety when learning in Kempenfelt Bay, it seems quite contradictory to now introduce motorized watersports on the Bay
APPROVED on consent
🫂🛠️ Community Project Submission(s)