developers arguing against development charges, travel policy for the International Committee
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
PRESENT: Chair Harvey, Nuttall, Thomson (Kungl arrived late)
GUESTS: Riepma, Nixon, Courser (Harris & Nigussie arrived late)
🎤🙋 Open Delegations
🧾🏗️ Development Charges for 80 Big Bay Point Road
Open Delegation Request, Isabel Bercasio:
Arguing against the Section 27 Development Charge
Asking to defer development charges for this commercial property until building is occupied, so businesses don't have to come up with an up-front payment, which would make it more difficult to rent out space.
MOVED by Thomson to enter into an agreement with the Rinomato Group to defer payment of development charges to occupancy instead of issuance of building permits.
"friendly" amendment by Kungl that if occupancy doesn't occur after 3 years, interest charges will be applied
amended further by Thomson to make it 3 years after building completion
"friendly" amendment by Nuttall to make the agreement 5 years only (with the 3 year interest from above)
CARRIED, Unanimously
🧾🏗️ Development Charges for 399 Veterans Drive
Open Delegation request from Sean Mason
Arguing against the Section 27 Development Charge
Project is "missing middle" housing. Asking for frozen DC rate to be extended 45 days, since he missed the June expiration date for frozen rate.
MOVED by Thomson to enter into an agreement with Sean Mason Homes to apply the previous frozen development charge rate that expired June 8 plus indexing with term for payment to expire 45 days after Council approval
CARRIED, unanimously
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
↪️📥 Deferred / Referred Items
📝📑 Advisory Committee Reports
💰📈 Investment Board
Report, August 13:
RECEIVED on consent
🇨🇦🇺🇳 International Relations Advisory Committee
Report, September 3:
RECEIVED on consent
✈️🍽️ Committee Travel Policy
Direct Legislative and Court Services to develop a Committee travel policy using the same provisions in the Reimbursement of Council Expenses Policy and report back to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
Until a Committee Travel Policy is approved by Council, Members of the International Relations Committee to follow the travel provisions in the Reimbursement of Council Expenses Policy
HELD by Thomson, to make amendment
AMENDMENT by Thomson: to delete paragraph one, and replace paragraph two with "That members of the International Relations Committee follow the travel provisions detailed in the Reimbursement of Council Expenses Policy."
CARRIED, unanimously
📑🗂 Staff Reports
💡🗣️ Items of Discussion
