Monday night will be a busy one, with 6pm General Committee, followed immediately by City Council
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💰🧑⚖️ Council Compensation Review Committee
Report from September 2:
💰📊 Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Report from September 14:
🚰💦 Support for Water First Organization
Consult with Indigenous communities, including the Barrie Native Friendship Centre & Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle, on the possibility of dedicating 0.2% of its water/wastewater revenue forecast for 2022 toward Water First and their efforts to improve water services in Indigenous communities.
Investigate an option to give residents the opportunity to make a donation to Water First on their water bill.
Invite representatives of local Indigenous communities to attend a Finance and Corporate Services Committee to provide feedback on the proposal.
Enter into a 3-year partnership with Water First to market the organization in signage along the waterfront, on the Canada Day website section, and in other appropriate marketing resources.
Ask Water First to consult with its First Nations Advisory Council and other partners on the proposal and report back to the City.
💰📊 Year-To-Date Internal Audit Status Report
2021 YTD Internal Audit Status Report:
Receive as information
🚻♿️ City of Barrie Public Washrooms
Investigate the feasibility of an Accessibility Washroom Strategy for all City Public Facilities
Review the current conditions of the public washroom facilities as well as cost for future accessible renovations.
🌇🌃 City Building Committee
Report from September 21:
🏰🏘 Heritage Conservation Districts
Investigate the feasibility and costs associated with conducting a study regarding the establishment of Heritage Conservation Districts
🚲👟 Review of CIP Planning Active Transportation Webinar
Provide links to webinars from the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.
Purchase an annual advocate membership (if necessary) for the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals for the Active Transportation and Sustainability Advisory Committee.
🌳🌲 Single Tree Bylaw Update
Include in the Single Tree Bylaw investigation:
individual heritage trees
an evaluation of best practices from other municipalities
the potential for a more comprehensive approach to mature tree protection beyond excavation and construction
a public and stakeholder consultation process
🛣🚴 Sunnidale Road Overpass
Consult with the MTO Sunnidale Road Project Team to determine the project and cost implications of upgrading the proposed active transportation infrastructure to include sidewalks on both sides, as well as separated cycling facilities.
📃🏰 Municipal Heritage Register
Add 84 Cumberland Street and 125 Toronto Street to the Municipal Heritage Register as listed properties
All-Way Stop at Innisfil & Brock (Ward 2)
Staff Report:
Recommending to add a four-way stop at Innisfil Street and Brock Street
Invitation for Presentation - Simcoe County Food Council
Sponsor: Aylwin
Invite representatives from the Simcoe County Food Council to provide a presentation to City Council on the Food Council and its work in implementing the Simcoe County Food Security Framework.
Watershed Walkway behind East Bayfield Community Centre
Sponsor: Kungl
Investigate ways to mitigate unwarranted access and address safety concerns related to the watershed walkway behind East Bayfield Community Centre (Stanley Street & Arch Brown Court) and report back with costing.
