The Market Precinct Task Force will give its final update, plus potential adoption of the Stormwater Climate Action Fund, Transit Service Guidelines, and more!
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🥦🛍 Market Precinct Task Force Update
Presentation by the Task Force:
Presentation by Deputy Mayor Ward, Jon Grootveld (Barrie Farmers Market), Sarah Jensen (BIA, Public Art Committee), Craig Busch
💰📊 Finance and Corporate Services
Approved on consent
Report from January 25:
🌊💰 Stormwater Climate Action Fund
Final Report:
Implement a Stormwater Climate Action Fund (SWCAF) in 2023, to pay for the City's operating and capital stormwater infrastructure
Adopt the proposed Stormwater Climate Action Fund Program Policy, and the Stormwater Climate Action Fund Credit Policy
Update the water and wastewater billing software, funded from the existing SWCAF
Create 2 new positions starting May 1, 2022 – Dedicated Program Coordinator, and Dedicated Financial Billing Analyst
🚏🚌 Transit Service Guidelines
Staff Report:
Approve the Transit Service Guidelines for conventional transit service delivery
⚖️🦹 2021 Q4 Internal Audit Status Report, 2021 Fraud and Wrongdoing Program Activity, 2021 Summary of Internal Audit Activity, and 2022 Internal Audit Work Plan
Staff Report:
Receive the 4th Quarter Internal Audit Status Report as information
Receive the 2021 Fraud and Wrongdoing Program Activity as information
Receive the 2021 Summary of Internal Audit Activity as information
Approve the 2022 Internal Audit Work Plan
🤫🏦 Confidential Financial Information Supplied In Confidence to the Municipality
Approved on consent
Confidential financial information supplied in confidence to the municipality, which if disclosed could reasonably be expected to interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the organization matter – Affordable Housing.
⛹️🤼 Recreation and Sport Community Grant Program – Guidelines Approval
Approved on consent
Staff Report:
Limit the Recreation and Sport Community Grant Program to $300,000 annually, funded from the Reinvestment Reserve.
Approve the guidelines for managing the Recreation and Sport Community Grant outlined
👨👨👧👧👩👧👦 Invitation to Present – Barrie Families Unite
Approved on consent
Sponsor: Kungl
Invite Barrie Families Unite to give a presentation to General Committee with an overview of the services provided, and update on collaboration initiatives with other agencies in Barrie, and an outline of future plans.
🔔📣 Town Crier – Extension of Appointment
Approved on consent
Sponsor: Morales
Extend Steve Travers's appointment as Town Crier from November 14, 2022 to December 31, 2022
🥦🛍 Market Precinct Task Force
Sponsor: Ward, on behalf of the Market Precinct Task Force
Endorse in principle the concept of a Barrie Bayside Market Area centred around the conversion of the existing transit terminal on Maple Avenue to a year-round market, plus the construction of a new building of at least 10,000 square feet nearby to house the Barrie Farmers Market. (Taking into consideration the design recommendations.)
Hire a contractor or consultant with a budget of $100,000 (funded from the Reinvestment Reserve) to:
prepare a plan for the conversion of the transit terminal into a permanent market, and the construction of a new building to house the Barrie Farmers Market
apply grant & sponsorship opportunities to cover the capital costs
prepare a business case for the market
prepare a precinct plan, including programming strategy, market operations, detailed designs, and signage
prepare a streetscape master plan, including possible recommendations for amendments to the Official Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and Community Improvement Plan
undertake a marketing and recruitment strategy
prepare a pop-up shop program
collaborate with local developers
secure letters of intent for vendors
create a public art policy subcommittee or work with the existing Barrie Public Art Committee
Include the capital costs of building the market in the City's capital budgets, starting 2023
Consider acquiring lands in the immediate area of the market district, if it's determined that additional property is needed
Have staff in Development Services and the Economic and Creative Development Departments prepare a Staff Memo with the intended timelines and resource requests associated with the recommendations by the end of March, 2022
Amendment proposed by Kungl (with "friendlies" by Ward, Thomson, Lehman, J.Harris) to Section 3, Paragraph a), to specify a community commercial kitchen be included in the design plans:
"Prepare a plan for the conversion of the transit terminal into a permanent market and the construction of a new building to house the Barrie Farmers' Market, with a community commercial kitchen on site, taking into account..."
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
Motion as Amended CARRIED unanimously