Or immediately following the BHHI Shareholders Meeting
There is no video link provided for this meeting, and its only item listed is a confidential Staff Report, so safe to deduce that the public may not attend this one!
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=913792&GUID=53E2D4C5-8CEC-4E3D-920E-743E3293074A
Watch Online: not available
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=913792&GUID=53E2D4C5-8CEC-4E3D-920E-743E3293074A
🤫✍️ Amended and Restated Alectra Inc. Unanimous Shareholders Agreement
Staff Report: not available
Confidential commercial and financial information matters – Side Letter associated with the Amended and Restated Alectra Inc. Unanimous Shareholders Agreement
That the recommendation of the Board of Directors of Alectra Inc. and Confidential Staff Report CCS001-22 with respect to a Side Letter associated with the Amended and Restated amendments Unanimous Shareholders Agreement for Alectra Inc., be received.
That the Side Letter associated with the Amended and Restated Unanimous Shareholder Agreement (the “USA”) for Alectra Inc dated January 1, 2019 substantially in the form of the described within Confidential Staff Report CCS001-22, be approved.
That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to approve such further non-material revisions to the Side Letter, as they in their discretion consider advisable.
That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute and deliver the Side Letter associated with the Amended and Restated Unanimous Shareholder Agreement for Alectra Inc.
McCann declared a potential pecuniary interest and did not participate or vote on the matter.