It's the first day of budget deliberations (continuing Tuesday and Wednesday, if necessary). Also up, Reports from the Finance & Corporate Services and City Building Committees (including restoration and donation of Engine 1531 to the Simcoe County Museum), and a status update on the city's consultation with Indigenous communities.
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💰📊 Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Report from November 16:
🧑💼💸 Small Business Property Tax Subclass (SBTC)
Small Business Property Tax Subclass Report:
SBTC Report, Appendix A (Ontario's Small Business Property Subclass: Considerations for Municipalities):
SBTC Report, Appendix B (Process for Establishing a Small Business Property Subclass):
SBTC Report, Appendix C (Study into what the Impacts may be from Implementing a Small Business Tax Class in the City of Barrie):
SBTC Report, Appendix D (Small Business Tax Class follow up report: BIA Properties):
Receive the report for information purposes.
🏦💰 County of Simcoe Capital Contributions
Receive the report for informational purposes
🌇🌃 City Building Committee
Report from November 23:
🚂🎁 Restoration and Donation of Historic Train - Engine 1531
That (subject to the approval of the County of Simcoe) the Economic & Creative Development Department negotiate an agreement with the Simcoe County Museum for donation of Engine 1531, its tender box and caboose to be included as part of the Museum's larger exhibit regarding local railway heritage, with an emphasis on the City of Barrie and the Allandale Station
Fund restoration from the Reinvestment Reserve – $150K in 2022, $100K in 2023 and $64K in 2024
Staff Report:
📑🏰 Municipal Heritage Register
Add to the Municipal Heritage Register as listed properties:
123 Toronto Street
50 William Street
90 Cumberland Street
97 Cumberland Street
105 Cumberland Street
🤝👥 Status Update: Consultation with Indigenous Communities
Staff Report:
Include $40K in the CAO's base budget, for costs related to:
ongoing Indigenous cultural competency and safety training for staff & Council
ongoing collaboration with the Indigenous communities related to community events, City projects, and the TRC's Calls to Action, including the preparation of surveys, analysis of results, and hosting of workshops
awareness and recognition projects, which could include:
a more permanent means of recognizing the memorial of shoes at the Spirit Catcher
enhancements to the area that has recently been used for a Sacred Fire to improve safety & accessibility
Report back to General Committee with the results of the consultation with the Barrie Native Friendship Centre and Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle re: the potential Water First arrangement
⚖️💰 2022 Business Plan
Staff Report:
Operating Budget Approvals
Capital Budget Approvals
Bylaw Update and Forecasts received for information
Council and Staff Authorization Requests