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Writer's pictureAccountability Team

General Committee – Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 7pm

Updated: Jan 6, 2024

moving forward on the new Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw, and changes to the new Lobbyist Registry that may give the City more work than they bargained for

Meeting Location: Council Chambers

🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings

  • Nil

🧑‍🏫📑 Presentations

  • Nil

⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business

  • Nil

📝📑 Reports of Reference, Advisory or Special Committees

💰🤷 Affordability Committee

🚴🛣️ Review of Right of Way Design Standards for Salem and Hewitt Areas

  • Deferred from Affordability Committee, September 27

  • Memorandum: from M. Munshaw, Supervisor of Engineering Standards

  • a review of right of way design standards for the Salem and Hewitt areas

    • on collector streets, cycle tracks are the standard and will be implemented for new developments where engineering submissions have not been made – on street buffered bike lanes will be accepted where engineering submissions have been received

    • on arterial streets, off-street facilities are preferred and corridor-specific solutions would be assessed and identified through the Municipal Class EA process

  • Recommendation: to receive the memo

🏰📜 Municipal Heritage Register – 194 Collier Street

  • Recommendation: To add 194 Collier Street to the Municipal Heritage Register as a listed property

📑🗂 Staff Reports

🤐🤝 Confidential Instructions to be Applied to Negotiations – Inter-Municipal Relationships Matter

🏭🏗️ Amendment to the Zoning Bylaw - 315 & 323 Mapleview Drive West (Ward 7)

  • Staff Report:

  • Recommending to approve the rezoning from 'Light Industrial with Special Provision' (LI)(SP-367) to 'Light Industrial with Special Provision' (LI)(SP-XXX), to permit a 4,753 sq.m. food store in addition to two 605 sq.m. retail uses

  • Special Provisions to include:

    • permitting additional employment uses: retail store, personal service store, food store, supermarket, stand alone restaurant

🚫🚗 No Parking Anytime - Batteaux Street (Ward 6)

🗺️🏙️ New Zoning Bylaw Update

🤝📜 Lobbyist Registry – Addition of Special Interest Groups

  • Staff Report:

  • Recommending an amendment of the draft Lobbyist Registry Bylaw approved May 3, and taking effect January 1, 2024:

    • Add the definition "Organization"

      • A Business, Trade, Industry, Professional or Voluntary Organization;

      • A Trade Union or Labour Organization;

      • A Chamber of Commerce or a Board of Trade;

      • A Partnership, Trust, Association, Charitable Organization, Coalition or Interest Group;

      • A Government, other than the Government of Canada; and

      • A Corporation without share capital incorporated to pursue, without financial gain to its members, objects of a national, provincial, patriotic, religious, philanthropic, charitable, scientific, artistic, social, professional or sporting character or other similar objects.

  • An interesting addition – from the wording, it appears that the Province of Ontario would have to register as a lobbyist (very curious the federal government was exempt but not the province), as would the Barrie Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Barrie BIA, and other organizations that often have the City's ear (so not a bad idea, in our opinion). But this wording would also add all local places of worship, charities, arts organizations, sports teams, youth and social groups, etc. This is going to make the registry exceedingly cumbersome, with many staff hours having to go into keeping track of numerous interactions, and diluting the original purpose of a lobbyist registry and usual definition of "lobbyist" (those who stand to make considerable financial gain as a result of their lobbying activities).

💡🗣️ Items of Discussion

  • Nil

📥🔄 Circulation List Referrals

  • Nil



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