Public Meetings for two proposed developments in Ward 9 – 680 Lockhart Road (Phase 2) and 338 Mapleview Drive East. Also, a zoning bylaw amendment for 953 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
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If you wish to provide oral comments at the Virtual Public Meeting, please register in advance by emailing: or calling 705-739-4220 Ext. 5500 during regular office hours prior to Tuesday, May 3 at 12:00 p.m.
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting with electronic participation. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email or call 705-797-5353
LATE: McCann
ON LEAVE: Lehman
🗣🏘 Public Meeting – 680 Lockhart Road (Phase 2) (Ward 9)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision in the Hewitt's Secondary Plan Area
Proposal to develop 467 residential units and 2 school blocks, with required roads and infrastructrue – 194 single-detached units, 118 semi-detached units, 147 street townhouse units, and 8 future development blocks/lots
Application submitted by Rainsong Land Development Inc.
Seeking to rezone from Agricultural General (AG) in Innisfil to Neighbourhood Residential (R5), Neighbourhood Mixed Use with Special Provisions (NMU SP-XXX) and Educational Institutional with Special Provisions (IE SP-XXX)
Special Provisions proposed include:
permitting residential uses on the future school block if the block is not acquired by a school board
flexibility in final built form for future mixed-use development block which abuts 1012 Yonge St, which is intended to merge with that property – proposed development to include a mix of walk-up apartment buildings and townhouse blocks
🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 338 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 9)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Correspondence Received:
Application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, in the Painswick South Planning Area
Proposal to permit the future development of 107 residential townhouse units
Application submitted by MHBC Planning Ltd. on behalf of Loon Avenue Lands OP Inc
Seeking to change the designation of the lands from General Industrial and Environmental Protection to Residential and Environmental Protection
Seeking to rezone from Agriculture (A) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Residential Multiple Second Density with Special Provisions (RM2 SP-XXX) and Environmental Protection
Site-specific zoning provisions include:
allowing tandem parking
1.17 parking spaces per unit (1.5 currently required)
allow back-to-back townhouses
driveway length 3m for Block 12 (6 metres currently required)
allow 12 m (3 storeys) height for back-to-back, and 14.5m (4 storeys) for block/cluster (10m current maximum)
allow density of 43u/ha (40u/ha current maximum)
allow 6m front yard setback (7m currently required)
allow rear yard setback of 2m to building, 1m to balcony (7m currently required)
🏘🏘 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 953 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
HELD by Morales
Staff Report:
Amend Zoning Bylaw to rezone from Agriculture General (AG) to Neighbourhood Residential (R5), Neighbourhood Multiple Residential (RM3), Neighbourhood Multiple Residential with Special Provisions (RM3 SP-XXX), Neighbourhood Mixed Use (NMU) and Environmental Protection (EP)
Special Provisions for Neighbourhood Multiple Residential with Special Provisions will permit a dedicated drainage, servicing and vehicular/pedestrian access block (block 202) to provide the adjacent proposed mixed use development at 947 Mapleview Drive East with access to Street C
To allow for the development of a residential subdivision with a total of 470 residential units:
182 single detached units
61 street townhouse units (blocks 183-190)
2 medium density residential blocks (blocks 191 & 192)
1 medium density / neighbourhood mixed use block (block 193)
4 future lots & blocks (blocks 194-196)
1 open space / pedestrian connection block (block 197)
3 environmental protection blocks (block 198-200)
1 stormwater management drainage & pedestrian access block (block 201)
1 stormwater management drainage & access block (block 202)
1 stormwater management block (block 203)
widening & reserve blocks (blocks 204-210)
6 municipal streets (streets A to F)
Morales had held the item for the Ward Councillor, who arrived late (at some point in the presentation for the first Public Meeting)
MOTION APPROVED, unanimously