public meetings for properties in wards 2, 5 & 7, and recruiting a Heritage Planner
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings
The Public Meetings are now being held in person OR by electronic participation.
If you wish to provide oral comments electronically, please register in advance by emailing: or calling 705-739-4220 x5500 during regular office hours prior to 12pm on the day of the meeting
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting virtually, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email or call 705-797-5353.
🏠🏘️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 242 Edgehill Drive (Ward 5)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Proposal to permit a residential development of three townhouse units with attached garages
Presentation by Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of 1000493081 Ontario Inc.
Staff presentation by Rachel Mulholland, Planner
Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Applying to rezone from 'Residential Single Detached Dwelling Second Density' (R2) to 'Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density - Townhouse - Special' (RM2-TH)(SP-XX)
Special Provisions:
increase Maximum Gross Floor Area from 60% to 85%
🏢🏢 Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments - 126, 136 & 140 Bradford Street (Ward 2)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Proposal to permit a mixed-use building with two towers, 45 storeys, including 912 residential units with a shared 6-storey podium including 333 sq.m of commercial space and parking
Presentation by Innovative Planning Solutions Inc. on behalf of Crown (Bradford) Developments Inc.
Staff presentation by Logan Juffermans, Senior Planner
Official Plan Amendment
Applying to add a Defined Policy Area to permit a reduced ratio of 15% of the total units to be provided at an affordable rate (20% required within the Urban Growth Centre), and to recognize that all affordable units will be provided in 1 and 2-bedroom unit sizes
Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Applying to rezone from 'General Commercial' (C4) to 'Central Commercial Area' (C1-2) with Special Provisions (SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
increase maximum building height to 142.15m (currently 10m within 5m of front lot line and lot flankage, or 45m beyond 5m of the front lot line and lot flankage)
reduce rear yard setback from 7m to 3m
increase maximum gross floor area from 600% to 1311%
reduce commercial use area from 50% to 17% of lot area
reduce parking from 1 space per unit to 0.469 spaces per unit (with affordable housing units excluded from parking entirely)
reduce barrier-free parking from 1 space plus 3% of required spaces to 1 space plus 2.2% of required spaces
Essentially, they want to triple the height, double the GFA, and cut the commercial area to less than a third of the requirements, while REDUCING the number of affordable units AND reducing the accessible parking. We are not seeing any sort of justification for reducing the affordability or accessibility in what's being presented.
🏘️🏘️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Red Line Revision to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision - 124, 180 & 228 McKay Road West (Ward 7)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Proposal to permit residential lots
Presentation by The Jones Consulting Group Lt. on behalf of Mattamy (Salem) Limited
Staff presentation by Tyler Butler, Planner
Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Applying to rezone northern portion from Agriculture General (AG) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Neighbourhood Residential (R5) and Environmental Protection (EP)
Red Line Revision to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision
To create areas for stormwater management on the northern portion of the property, to facilitate development of an additional 20 single detached residential units (previous plan proposed 731 residential units)
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
↪️📥 Referred Items
📝📑 Advisory Committee Reports
🏰🗿 Heritage Barrie
🤝🧑💻 Recruitment of a Heritage Planner
Recommending that the Development Services Department submit an intake form for the 2025 budget for the recruitment of a Heritage Planner
📑🗂 Staff Reports
