The first meeting of this new committee! Beginning with a Public Meeting on an application for 301 McKay Road West, plus Allandale Neighbourhood Association's concerns with Bill 23, and a number of recommendations from Heritage Barrie.
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🗣👥 Public Meeting
🏘️🏫 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 301 McKay Road West (Ward 7)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw amendment
Proposal to facilitate the creation of 204 single detached residential dwelling units, 49 townhouse units, a recreation centre, and an elementary school, in the Salem Secondary Planning Area
Application submitted by KLM Planning Partners Inc. on behalf of Watersand Construction Limited
Seeking to amend the zoning from Agricultural General (AG) to Neighbourhood Residential (R5), Environmental Protection (EP), Educational Institution Special Provision (I-E, SP-XX) and Neighbourhood Mixed Use (MNU) – application being reviewed concurrently with an application for a Draft Plan of Subdivision
Site-Specific Provisions:
Permit the future development of a public elementary school with a special provision to permit uses in accordance with the R5 Zone provisions, should the school board not acquire the elementary school block (has been applied consistently across Hewitt's & Salem Secondary Plan Areas, to allow residential use if school board doesn't purchase allocated site)
For elementary school, reduce minimum landscaped open space of 35% (instead of 41%), to allow for demand for parking, kiss & ride drop off lanes, bus loading areas, portable pads, and an asphalt play area without the requirement for a future zoning bylaw amendment application (Site Plan Control application would be required prior to development of elementary school site)
👉📥 Referred Item
📝🏘️ Correspondence from Allandale Neighbourhood Association re: Bill 23
Allandale Neighbourhood Association Submission:
Addressing the concerns raised for consideration and discussion
👥📑 Advisory Committee Reports
🏰📃 Heritage Barrie Committee
🗺️🪧 Heritage Conservation District – Blake Street & Dundonald Street Area
Direct staff to investigate the feasibility and costs associated with conducting a study related establishing a Heritage Conservation District for the north side of Blake Street and the east side of Dundonald Street
📋🧑💻 Heritage Planner Position
Consider, as part of the 2023 Budget, a Heritage Planner position responsible for heritage conservation, preservation, restoration, and promotion for the community
🏰📜 Municipal Heritage Register - 62 High Street
Add 62 High Street to the Municipal Heritage Register as a listed property
🪧🏰 Designated and Listed Properties Plaque Policy
Approve the policy
🏰📃 Heritage Barrie Committee
🏰📃 Heritage Barrie Committee
🗺️🪧 Heritage Conservation District
Direct staff in Development Services to identify the best location for a Heritage Conservation District within an existing historic neighbourhood, obtain a quite for undertaking the required studies to establish it, and report back to General Committee with the locations and a request for funding