First City Council of 2022! Including deputations on the proposed Condo development at 217 Dunlop Street East, and on the Housing Affordability Task Force Report.
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📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Minutes from City Council, December 13:
CONFIRMED as printed and circulated
🗣🎙 Deputations
There was an emergency deputation request from Cathy Colebatch regarding the Holly Community Centre naming rights. APPROVED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, McCann, Lehman; AGAINST: Morales)
🏙🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 217 Dunlop Street East (Ward 2)
Deputation Request, and requested Building Massing Plan:
Deputation by Nicola Mitchinson of Mitchinson Planning and Development, and Gerry Pilon of Salter Pilon Architects, on behalf of the owners PBM Realty Holdings Inc.
🏘💵 Housing Affordability Task Force
Deputation Request:
Deputation by Jennifer van Gennip on behalf of the SCATEH Barrie Chapter
Councillor McCann left the meeting partway through this deputation.
🏫🏊 Holly Community Centre Naming Rights
Emergency deputation by Cathy Colebatch
Councillor N.Harris declared potential conflict and left meeting for this deputation.
📝🏘 Planning Committee Report
Planning Committee, December 7:
Section A
CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; ABSENT: McCann)
🏙🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 112 & 136 Bayfield St., 14 Sophia St. W., 113 & 115 Maple Ave. (Ward 2)
Staff Report:
Rezone from Transition Centre Commercial - 1 (C2-1) to Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density - 1 with Special Provisions (RA2-1 SP-XXX) and Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density - 1 with Special Provisions (RA2-1 SP-YYY)
Section B
Councillor McCann returned to the meeting shortly before this vote
CARRIED: unanimously
🗣🏘 Public Meeting – 953 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Additional Correspondence:
Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by The Jones Consulting Group Ltd. on behalf of Mapleview Drive South (Innisfil) Ltd.
To allow for the creation of 466 residential units of varying single detached dwelling lot sizes and street townhouses, as well as three medium density blocks, environmental protection blocks, stormwater management blocks, and municipal roads
Seeking to rezone the lands from Agricultural (AG) to Neighbourhood Residential (R5), Neighbourhood Residential with Special Provisions (R5 SP-XXX), Neighbourhood Multiple Residential (RM3), Open Space (OS), and Environmental Protection (EP)
The Special Provisions zone would permit a dedicated drainage and access block
🗣🏙 Public Meeting – 108, 116 & 122 Harvie Road (Ward 6)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Additional Correspondence:
Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by the Jones Consulting Group Ltd. on behalf of ASA Developments
To facilitate a residential subdivision with 127 residential units consisting of single detached dwellings and two blocks that will permit townhouses and an apartment building, north of Harvie Road, east of Veteran's Drive
Seeking to rezone the lands from Residential Single Detached Dwelling First Density (R1) to Residential Multiple Dwelling First Density with Special Provisions (RM2 SP-XXX), Residential Apartment First Density with Special Provisions (RA1-2 SP-XXX) and Residential Single Detached Fourth Density with Special Provisions (R4 SP-XXX)
Section C
CARRIED (FOR: Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, McCann, Lehman; AGAINST: Riepma)
🏙🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 217 Dunlop Street East (Ward 2)
Staff Report:
Staff Memo re: Additional Information Requested:
Rezone from Transition Centre Commercial (C2-1) and Central Area Commercial (C1-1) to Transition Centre Commercial with Special Provisions (C2-1 SP-XXX)
Section D
CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, McCann, Lehman; AGAINST: Aylwin)
🏙🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 407, 411, 413, 417 & 419 Mapleview Drive West (Ward 7)
Staff Report:
Correspondence re: Site Plan Revisions:
Recommendation to defer to January 18, 2022 Planning Committee meeting for further consideration
📝🏘 Planning Committee Report
CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; ABSENT: McCann)
Planning Committee, December 14:
🗣🏘 Public Meeting – 405 Essa Road (Ward 6)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of Sean Mason Homes
To facilitate the development of an 8-storey, mixed use building with 89 residential apartment units, 6 residential townhouse units, and 2 ground floor commercial units, developed as a plan of condominium.
Seeking to rezone the lands from "Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions - Hold" (RM2 SP-562 H-139) to "Mixed Use Corridor with Special Provisions (MU2 SP-XXX)
Special Provisions include reduced front and side yard setbacks, a reduced drive aisle width, a reduced setback from an underground structure and a reduced landscape buffer
📝📄 General Committee Report
General Committee, January 10:
Section A
Amendment introduced by Thomson/Ward, to the Invitation to Present – County of Simcoe
That the City request that the County of Simcoe work with the City of Barrie and appropriate communitiy partners on developing additional permanent warming space options, and that City Staff report back to General Committee on the item in their meeting scheduled for September 12, 2022.
CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; ABSENT: McCann)
Section A, as amended, CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; ABSENT: McCann)
⛸🏒 Ice Allocation Policy
Staff Report:
To adopt the revised Ice Allocation Policy, starting September 1, 2022
💰🚑 Invitation To Present – County of Simcoe
Invite the County to give a presentation to Finance & Corporate Services Committee, giving an overview of the services provided by the County, the role of other levels of government, any legislative context for the services, how the services are funded by the Province and the Agreement parties, and a discussion of the future related to these services and funding
🧓🏥 Review Options for Delivery of Long Term Care Facilities
Ask staff to review options available for the delivery of Long Term Care facilities for Barrie
🧑🍳🧾 Reinstating Program for Residents Supporting Local Restaurants – Parking Tickets
To reinstate the program, whereby people who have received a parking ticket may have it waived if they can show a receipt from a local restaurant.
Section B
CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; ABSENT: McCann)
🏘💵 Housing Affordability Task Force Update
Presentation by Mayor Lehman, Ray Duhamel and Andy Thomson of the Housing Affordability Task Force
Section C
N.Harris declared potential conflict and removed herself from the discussion and vote
Both Harvey & Riepma said they changed their vote from the previous week, due to concerns over lack of community consultation
CARRIED (FOR: Kungl, Ward, Thomson, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; AGAINST: Riepma, Aylwin, Harvey; ABSTAINED: N.Harris; ABSENT: McCann)
🏫🏊 Holly Community Centre Naming Rights
Staff Report:
To rename the Holly Community Centre to the Peggy Hill Team Community Centre, for a period of 8 years, and payment of $80,000 per year
Heritage Barrie Committee to be consulted on the development of an installation at the Community Centre to showcase the history of the Holly Community
Section D
Amendment introduced by N.Harris / Harvey
That staff in the Corporate Facilities Department prepare a fulsome report for General Committee concerning possible ways to use City facilities for warming spaces beyond the Transit Terminal, such as the City Hall Rotunda, and the hiring of security that is trained in de-escalation techniques
CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; ABSENT: McCann)
Section D, as amended, CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; ABSENT: McCann)
🏘💵 Housing Affordability Task Force
Final Report:
To support in principle the Task Force's recommendations
Ask staff to report back with intended timelines and resource requests associated with implementing these recommendations.
Authorize the Development Services Department to apply to the Federal Housing Accelerator Fund or similar opportunities for a grant to support these recommendations
Create a dedicated position to expand and oversee all housing affordability initiatives.
Have an in camera Council meeting to discuss the recommendation to allocate funding from the Community Benefit Reserve to a new Supportive Housing Fund, and discuss potential supportive housing projects
Ask the County to examine the potential for increased density for the proposed SCHC project at the former OPP Station site (Rose St. / Highway 400)
Provide a $20,000 grant to the County through the John Howard Society to fund additional overnight warming capacity in Barrie, and ask the County to match this funding.
To open a warming facility when an extreme cold weather alert is issued by Environment Canada or the temperature or wind chill is expected to reach -20C for at least 2 hours
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 001 – 2022 Interim Property Tax Bylaw
Provide for an interim tax levy on all property classes in the City of Barrie
Staff Memo:
Bill 002 – Gilroy Innishore Subdivision – Prince George Crescent
Accept the "as-constructed" municipal services within and complementary to the Gilroy Innishore Residential Development, and to assume the streets within the plan of subdivision for public use
Bill 003 – Harvey Island Estates Subdivision – Megan Crescent
Accept the "as-constructed" municipal services within and complementary to the Harvey Island Estates Subdivision, and to assume the street within this plan of subdivision for public use
Bill 004 – Appointment of Deputy City Clerk, Megan Lee Williams
Appoint Megan Lee Williams as Deputy City Clerk for the City of Barrie
Bill 005 – Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming proceedings of the meeting