Confirming earlier decisions from General Committee, and a Direct Motion to apply for a "rush" for a Senior's Development
Watch Online:
🧑⚖️🤴 Swearing in of Honourary Student Mayor
Hope from Seasons Centre for Grieving Children – Hope Around Town Initiative
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🏒🥅 Barrie Colts U15AA Hockey Team
Congratulations to the Barrie Minor Hockey Association (BMHA) Barrie Colts U15AA Hockey Team on winning the Ontario Minor Hockey Championship and All Ontario Championship
🗣🎙 Deputations
🏢🏬 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 667-675 Yonge Street (Ward 9)
Vincent Tran
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
📝📄 General Committee Report
RECEIVED unanimously
Report, July 21:
🤫🤝 Confidential Potential Disposition of Land Matter – City Property
To receive the confidential notes from the meeting
CARRIED unanimously
📝📄 General Committee Report
RECEIVED unanimously
Report, August 16: not available (happening earlier same day) – view Agenda for items you may wish to give a deputation on
(The following items may need to be corrected once minutes are published)
Section A (Committee Reports)
RECEIVED unanimously
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
🏛️🛝 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
Section B (Items Approved on Consent)
CARRIED unanimously
🚸🛑 Adult School Crossing Guard Program
Direct staff to investigate the feasibility of implementing an Adult School Crossing Guard Program for the City, including costs and staffing requirements, and report back to General Committee
Direct staff to reach out to the Simcoe County School Boards as part of the process, concerning assistance and/or partnerships
🚫🅿️ No Parking Anytime – Cityview Circle (Ward 6)
Direct the Development Services Department to investigate the feasibility of implementing "No Parking Anytime" on Cityview Circle and report back to General Committee
🚦🚸 Controlled Crosswalk on Baldwin Lane at Marshall Street (Ward 8)
Direct Development Services Department to review the installation of a controlled crosswalk on Baldwin Lane at Marshall Street and report back to General Committee
♻️🗑️ Blue Box Transition and Solid Waste Collection Contract
Staff Memo: from S. Coulter, Acting Associate Director of Waste Management and Environmental Sustainability regarding the Blue Box Transition and new Waste Collection contract details
To receive the memo for information purposes
🚲💰 Firebird Community Cycle
To receive the proposal for information purposes, but not take any action: "That staff in the Development Services Department meet with Firebird Community Cycle to seek grant funding opportunities and/or partnership opportunities in support of viable locations for a permanent space and report back to the Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee."
🏭🪧 Municipal Street Naming for Industrial Plan of Subdivision - 80 Big Bay Point Road and 315 Bayview Drive (Ward 8)
Staff Report:
Select the following names (already on the Municipal Naming Registry) for the Industrial Draft Plan of Subdivision:
Part Street A - Landsdown Road
Part Street A - Middleton Court
Street B - Ironstone Crescent
🚜⛏️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 518-524 Tiffin Street (Ward 5)
Staff Report:
Approve the rezoning from 'Environmental Protection' (EP) to 'General Industrial - Special Provision' (GI)(SP-XXX) and 'Open Space' (OS)
Special Provisions:
minimum side yard setback of 0m permitted adjacent to existing building (current 3m required)
minimum rear yard setback of 0m permitted adjacent to existing building (current 7m required)
no continuous landscape buffer required along portions of the applicable north & east lot lines adjacent to the existing building on-site (current 3m required)
permit outdoor storage within the front yard (current not permitted)
continuous fence to be constructed along lot lines around perimeter of site to screen outdoor storage from view from the street (current fencing required to be setback from front, rear & side lot lines)
outdoor storage of sand, gravel, stone or soil to be permitted (currently not)
consider 518, 520, 522 and 524 Tiffin Street as one lot for purposes of zoning interpretation and implementation
This approval would permit indoor and outdoor storage and warehousing (including the front yard) to facilitate the related landscaping component of the existing Pioneer Family Pools Barrie Inc., which operates their commercial store at 42 Anne Street South.
🚸🏎️ Rates of Speed Bylaw Update
Staff Report:
Amending the Bylaw to include the designated times at which the speed limit is in effect in Variable Time Flashing 40 km/h Zones – in order to come into accordance with the Highway Traffic Act
💰🏚️ Facilities Planning and Development 2023 Capital Funding
Staff Report:
Increase the 2023 budgets by $1,819,000 for five projects, funded from the Tax Capital Reserve
Allandale Historic Train Station Development
MacLaren Arts Centre RTU Replacement and Roofing
Transit Terminal Exterior Door Replacement
Allandale Recreation Centre Sidewalk Paver Replacement
Eastview Arena Parking & Light
Decrease the 2023 budget for City Hall Redevelopment by $1,200,000 and return the funding to the Tax Capital Reserve
Decrease the 2024 budget for City Hall Redevelopment by $619,000 and return the funding to the Tax Capital Reserve
💵🤝 115 Bayfield - Reimbursement of Cash-In-Lieu Charge
Staff Report:
Reimburse $604,476 related to 115 Bayfield Street to Coral Sophia Lane Housing Inc.
The project is a 108-unit not-for-profit housing development, and therefore now exempt from parkland-related charges under new provincial legislation
🔍🪦 Archaeological Investigation - Hewitt Secondary Plan Area (Ward 10)
Staff Report:
Authorize the CAO and General Manager of Infrastructure and Growth Management to negotiate a Development Charge Credit Agreement with Hewitt's Creek Landowners Group and their Trustee for the Archeological Investigations related to the Hewitts Pump Station and Forcemains Project (burial sites were discovered in this area in 2022)
Approve a budget of $1.5m for the project in 2023, with funding from future Wastewater Development Charge Credits
👕🗑️ Textile Collection Program - Agreement Extensions
Staff Report:
Extend the current Sole Source Agreements with Talize Inc. and Cornerstone to Recovery for an additional 2 years (2024 & 2025)
Provision of Curbside Textile Pick-Up and Disposal Services
Provision of Site Access for Textile Bin Placement and Pick-up Services
💌🎨 Invitation to Present - Art and Water Group
Notice of Item:
Invite the Art and Water Group to provide a presentation to Council about the group and its initiatives.
The Art and Water Group has offered to bring their program to Barrie for the 2024 season
🤐🤝 Confidential Potential Disposition of Land Matter - City Properties
Section C
🌊🦆 Bear Creek Wetland - Marta Crescent Flooding Issue (Ward 6)
Staff Report:
Approve the funding request for the capital construction and ongoing maintenance of a dewatering initiative at Marta Crescent and the Bear Creek wetland
Increase funding by $350,000 for 2023 to Capital Project EN1513, from the Tax Capital Reserve
Present the 2024 operating budget to Council in late 2023, including an additional $400,000 to fund ongoing operations and maintenance of the dewatering
Have staff in Corporate Asset Management report back to the Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee on the effectiveness of the project by September, 2024
CARRIED unanimously (first vote – Morales asked for recorded vote – other items added after mistake realized, so received 2nd vote)
🚲♻️ Landfill Bike Diversion Pilot Program
To refer this recommendation back to the Active Transportation and Sustainability Committee for further discussion: "That the Landfill Bike Diversion Pilot Program be formalized, and that Firebird Community Cycle be the recipient of the donations."
CARRIED unanimously (in second vote, adding in to Section C)
💰🚲 Grant to Support Community Based Cycling Groups
To receive the proposal for information purposes, but not take any action: "That staff in the Development Services Department investigate the creation of a grant to support community-based cycling groups to advance the City's cycling objectives through education, outreach and supporting residents' access to bicycles and report back to the Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee."
CARRIED unanimously (in second vote, adding in to Section C)
🍁🌳Maple Trees Forever
The City of Barrie recognizes the importance of the native maple tree, our arboreal emblem, and we commit to favour planting native maples whenever a maple tree is called for in any municipal planting project
CARRIED unanimously (in second vote, adding in to Section C)
Section D
🏢🏬 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 667-675 Yonge Street (Ward 9)
Staff Report:
Approve the rezoning from 'Residential Single Detached Dwelling First Density' (R1) to 'Mixed Use Corridor - Special Provision' (MU2)(SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
lands shall be developed in accordance with the Conceptual Site Plan attached, re: building height, placement & setbacks, location & configuration of amenity areas, location & configuration of landscape strips, drive aisles & parking areas
maximum side yard setback (north) of 34m permitted (current max. 3m required)
minimum exterior side yard setback of 0.5m to the daylighting triangle permitted (current min. 1.5m required)
rear facade step-back won't apply (current min. 45-degree angular plane at height above 7.5m using a min. 3m step-back required)
maximum building height of 36.5m permitted (current max. height 25.5m permitted)
minimum setback of 0.5m to underground parking structure from daylighting triangle permitted (current 3m required)
minimum of 50% of the ground floor building frontages abutting public streets will consist of commercial or institutional uses
At time of site plan, applicant will be encouraged to consider creative garbage collection solutions, EV parking rough-ins and the use of creeping type and clover grass
This approval would permit the development of an 11-storey mixed-use development with 249 residential units and 797 sq.m of ground floor commercial area
CARRIED unanimously (Morales asked for recorded vote)
Section E
🏗️💰 Federal Housing Accelerator Fund Update
Staff Report:
Direct staff in Development Services, in collaboration with other departments, to submit a Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan that includes the initiatives in Appendix "A", along with all additional required documentation to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) as the municipality's application under the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) program
Proposed initiatives total 900 incentivized units, with a budget of $11,100,000 and estimated HAF Revenue of $43,808,000
CARRIED unanimously
Section F
CARRIED unanimously
📸🏁 Automated Speed Enforcement Systems
Correspondence from City of Woodstock, June 27:
Asking the Province to amend the Highway Traffic Act to permit municipalities to locate Automatic Speed Enforcement Systems (ASE) permanently or temporarily on any roadway under the jurisdiction of the municipalities
Refer this item to Community Safety Committee for discussion
🏘️🧑⚖️ Short Term Rental Controls
Correspondence from Town of Erie, July 26:
Fort Erie has resolved to ask the province to establish a regulatory framework requiring digital platforms such as AirBNB and VRBO to require owners using the platforms to comply with municipal planning and licensing regulations, and prevent advertising of properties that aren't registered with the relevant municipality.
They are also asking the province to work with municipalities to address situations in which long-term housing stock has been lost to corporate ownership of short-term rental properties.
Refer this item to the Community Safety Committee
Section G
🤐👥 Confidential Personal Information Matter - Appointments and Terms of Reference Updates to Various Committees and Board
CARRIED unanimously
Section H
🤐👥 Confidential Potential Personal Information Matter
CARRIED unanimously
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
Direct Motions
🧓🏢 Community Infrastructure Housing Accelerator (CIHA) - 800 Yonge Street
Mover: Morales
Seconded: Nuttall
Direct staff in Development Services to initiate a Community Infrastructure Housing Accelerator (CIHA) application to facilitate the approval for construction of a long-term care facility, retirement home and related residential development for 800 Yonge Street and report back to Council in September.
CARRIED unanimously (Nuttall asked for recorded vote)
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 079 - Part Lot Control, 11-23 Rochester Drive (odd only)
Exempt all of Block 188 on Plan 51M-1221 from Part Lot Control
Bill 080 - Part Lot Control, 13-23 Tamworth Terrace (odd only)
Exempt all of Block 198 on Plan 51M-1221 from Part Lot Control
Bill 081 - Part Lot Control, 1-13 Tamworth Terrace (odd only)
Exempt all of Block 197 on Plan 51M-1221 from Part Lot Control
Bill 082 - Part Lot Control, 20-30 Durham Avenue (even only)
Exempt all of Block 195 on Plan 51M-1221 from Part Lot Control
Bill 083 - Part Lot Control, 12-22, 38-48 Westwood Avenue (even only) and 13-25 Evergreen Terrace (odd only)
Exempt Part of Block 12 on Plan 51M-1187 from Part Lot Control
Bill 084 - Expropriation, Huronia Road Improvements Lockhart Road to South of McKay Road East (Wards 8 & 9)
Expropriate Part of the North Half of Lot 11, Concession 9, Innisfil – Part 3 on 51R-43574
Bill 085 - Expropriation, Huronia Road Improvements Lockhart Road to South of McKay Road East (Wards 8 & 9)
Expropriate Part of the North Half of Lot 10, Concession 10, Innisfil - Part 3 on 51R-43576
Bill 086 - Expropriation, Huronia Road Improvements Lockhart Road to South of McKay Road East (Wards 8 & 9)
Expropriate Part of Lot 11, Concession 10, Innisfil - Part 5 on 51R-43576
Bill 087 - Part Lot Control, 1-9 Pumpkin Corner Crescent (odd only)
Exempt all of Block 165 on Plan 51M-1224 from Part Lot Control
Bill 088 - Part Lot Control, 41-55 Milady Crescent (odd only)
Exempt all of Block 267 on Plan 51M-1233 from Part Lot Control
Bill 089 - Part Lot Control, 75-89 Milady Crescent (odd only)
Exempt all of Block 265, Plan 51M-1233 from Part Lot Control
Bill 090 - Part Lot Control, 1-15 Milady Crescent (odd only)
Exempt all of Block 264, Plan 51M-1233 from Part Lot Control
Bill 091 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 947 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
Amend the Zoning Bylaw for 947 Mapleview Drive East
Bill 092 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 15 Harvie Road (Ward 7)
Amend the Zoning Bylaw for 15 Harvie Road / Barrie-Bryne Developments Inc.
Bill 093 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 49 Collier Street (Ward 2)
Amend the Zoning Bylaw for 49 Collier Street
Bill 094 – Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
