A deputation against the temporary noise exemption at 37 Johnson Street, public appointments to various boards and committees, and a presentation setting the stage for the upcoming budget deliberations.
Engage's Follow-up: https://www.engagebarrie.org/post/council-follow-up-week-of-january-16
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1076328&GUID=834412F9-06BD-4341-9259-8AF0134CA1C2
Watch Again: https://youtu.be/dCq75_Rgk3s
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1076328&GUID=834412F9-06BD-4341-9259-8AF0134CA1C2
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Minutes, December 14: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11573247&GUID=58AA5024-8052-4638-9EE9-2D449424A3CB
ADOPTED as printed and circulated
🗣🎙 Deputation
🎧🏗 Second Request for Temporary Noise Exemption at 37 Johnson Street, Barrie for Fram + Slokker (Ward 1)
Deputation Request: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11575796&GUID=8CA9CCB4-F685-43CB-9DCC-CF1441441378
Deputation by Len Savella in opposition to the temporary noise exemption
An emergency deputation request by Stefan Wisniowski on behalf of Starlight Developments was withdrawn prior to the meeting
📝📄 General Committee Report
RECEIVED unanimously
Report, December 20: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11573462&GUID=06F31151-27EA-461B-B386-0864826EEA7B
🤫🧑🏫 Leading Together
Confidential Education and Training Session – Leading Together, Council Staff Relations, Violence/Harassment in the Workplace Training
To receive the confidential notes from the presentation
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A
CARRIED unanimously
💰🏫 Grant Application for Skills Development Fund Round 3 Supported by Georgian College
Staff Report (Economic and Creative Development Department): https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11555496&GUID=ECD2EA18-59D3-493F-A452-89A18F19A70C
Direct staff to apply to the Skills Development Fund (SDF) Round 3, through the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) for up to three years of funding, to address development and labour shortages within the manufacturing sector with Georgian College as the service delivery partner, with the following parameters:
City is the lead applicant
all costs incurred by the City to administer the program, including employee resources, be identified and supported as part of the application, and
Director of Economic and Creative Development is given authority to make decisions pertaining to the operation and execution of the program, in consultation with applicable departments and the General Manager of Infrastructure and Growth Management
If the application is successful, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be created between the City and Georgian College outlining program deliverables and financial approvals
Authorize the City Clerk to execute all required documents and facilitate the application and any associated funding approvals
🏢🤝 Lease of City Owned Property – 24 Maple Avenue (Ward 2)
Staff Report (Corporate Facilities Department): https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11555631&GUID=214C730C-6BB2-4ABB-8E60-5E5B648088A3
Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a commercial lease agreement for the former convenience store space at 24 Maple Street, with the following terms & conditions:
MVT Canadian Bus (the City's current transit operator) will lease the property as transit operator support space
approximately 500 square feet of vacant space
one-year term at rate of $26.50 per square foot, with optional annual renewal periods subject to 2% rate escalation
agreement to include a Right of Termination clause, to vacate the space upon completion of the Allandale Transit Hub
🗓👥 Schedule of City Council and General Committee Meetings for 2023 to 2026
Staff Report (Legislative and Court Services): https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11555501&GUID=9B97485F-773B-4D6B-943C-1157C7C92575
Setting the schedule of City Council and General Committee meetings for 2023-2026
Authorizing the City Clerk in consultation with the Mayor to alter the schedule as required
Section B
RECEIVED unanimously
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
Section C
🎧🏗 Second Request for Temporary Noise Exemption at 37 Johnson Street, Barrie for Fram + Slokker (Ward 1)
Staff Report (Legislative and Court Services): https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11555495&GUID=5E39DCE3-A3DB-4C13-8920-21A6128086AB
Previous Request: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11463881&GUID=728A8F42-0180-4C77-9BFE-69C96CFEB868
Grant a temporary exemption to the noise bylaw, to expire on June 20, 2023, subject to the following conditions:
extend the permitted times to 7am - 8pm on one day per week, Monday through Thursday
applicant must circulate notice to all residents within 500m before beginning the work
the applicant will make reasonable effort to keep noise between the permitted 7am - 5pm whenever possible
In addition to the exemption, the applicant will
turn crane lights off by 8pm (when not required to meet health & safety requirements)
block or point lights away from the adjacent homes and residences, and
use the boulevard only for receipt and staging of materials, and not for long-term storage
Failure to comply with the above will cause the exemption to be revoked
LOST [FOR: Riepma, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Nixon, Kungl, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris]
Section D
📝🧑🌾 Correspondence from Barrie Farmers' Market
Correspondence: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11575478&GUID=3DE7DF34-B547-4017-A084-009C1717A22F
Letter dated January 11, regarding the Barrie Farmers' Market, including a funding request to repeat the mobile markets this summer, and consider winter expansion possibilities
Refer the correspondence to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Nixon, Kungl, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Hamilton; AGAINST: Morales]
Section E
🤐🤝 Confidential Potential Disposition of Property Rights, Mapleview & Bayview
Confidential potential disposition of property rights and instructions to be applied to negotiations on behalf of the municipality – negotiation of potential land lease for local branch of national charity – portion of Mapleview Drive and Bayview Drive
🤐👥 Confidential Personal Information Matter – Appointment to the Police Services Board
Confidential Staff Report from Legislative and Court Services
🤐👥 Confidential Personal Information Matter – Appointments to Various Boards and Committees of Council
Confidential Staff Report from Legislative and Court Services
(Councillor Harvey did not participate in the discussions, to remain in compliance with his statutory obligations under the Police Services Act)
AMENDMENT by Thomson / Morales – to separate out the Police Services Board item and re-introduce it as Section "I"
CARRIED unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
Section F
CARRIED unanimously
🏢🤝 Negotiation of Potential Land Lease for Local Branch of National Charity – Portion of Mapleview Drive and Bayview Drive
Declare ~3 acres of the City-owned site surplus, for the sole purpose of negotiating a land lease with YMCA Simcoe, based on the general terms & conditions in the confidential report
Section G
👥👮 Appointment to the Barrie Police Services Board
Appoint Greg Ferguson to the Barrie Police Services Board for a term ending November 14, 2026
Councillor Harvey declared conflict and did not vote
CARRIED unanimously
Section H
👥👥 Appointments to Various Boards and Committees of Council
To make the following appointments, for terms ending 2026:
Barrie Public Library Board: John Edwin Bicknell, George Hawtin, Merrisa Little, Austin Mitchell, Robin Munro, Michael Saura, David (Hongxue) Zhao
Business Licensing Appeal Committee: William French, Catherine Kenwell, Stephen Kinsella, Camille Kosokowsky, Prabhat Batra
Committee of Adjustment: Andrea Butcher-Milne, Jay Dolan, Graydon Ebert, Carol Phillips, Stephen Trotter
Heritage Barrie Advisory Committee: Cathy Colebatch, Debra Exel, Craig Froese, Camille Kosokowsky, Kayleigh MacKinnon, Sarah MacKinnon, Shelley Marchant, Pauline Stevenson, Prabhat Batra
Property Standards Committee: Alex Goldstein, Stephen Kinsella, Camille Kosokowsky, Carol Phillips, Brendon Saxton
AMENDMENT by Morales/Hamilton – to refer appointments to the Committee of Adjustment to the next General Committee for further review and consideration
CARRIED unanimously
MOTION, as amended CARRIED unanimously
Section I
🤐👥 Confidential Personal Information Matter – Appointment to the Police Services Board
Confidential Staff Report from Legislative and Court Services
Councillor Harvey declared conflict and did not vote
CARRIED unanimously
🕦🏒 Motion Without Notice – Support for 2023 International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) Women's World Hockey Championships – Pre-Competition Host Community Opportunity
Moved by Harvey / Kungl
Permission GRANTED unanimously
🏒🤗 Support for 2023 International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) Women's World Hockey Championships – Pre-Competition Host Community Opportunity
Moved by Harvey/Kungl
To support the Barrie Women's Hockey Association's pre-competition host community proposal for the 2023 IIHF Women's World Hockey Championships
Allow IIHF international teams to use City recreation facilities, March24-April 5
Commit a matching contribution of $5,000 if hosting approved
CARRIED unanimously
🧑🏫📊 Presentation
💰💸 2023 Business Plan and Budget Presentation
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11573246&GUID=D6FA2A52-32CB-425C-B8B3-E13EF05139C5
Preparing Council and Public for the budget deliberations coming up in early February
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 001 – Part Lot Control Exemption – 251 & 253 Madelaine Drive
Exempting Lot 71 on Plan 51M-1216 from part lot control
Bill 002 – Part Lot Control Exemption – 265 & 267 Madelaine Drive
Exempting Lot 75 of Plan 51M-1216 from part lot control
Bill 003 – Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings