Eleven Public Meetings
Watch Online: must register first (see below)
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1098870&GUID=183FD7E9-71BF-4148-8664-68E60CD9A3A8
Registration Link: https://barrie-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_H3b2EsgnTo25VhvjqYIJGg
All Committee of Adjustment meetings are open to the public and any interested party can appear before the Committee to express their views in support of, or opposition to, an application.
At the meetings, the committee will announce the application(s) to be heard and the applicant will provide a brief overview of the application to the committee and the public. The Secretary-Treasurer will provide a summary of staff and agency comments, after which the chair will open the floor to members of the public to provide comments on the application.
Members of the public may also submit written comments to the Secretary-Treasurer in advance of the meeting by:
emailing comments to CofA@barrie.ca
mailing comments to the City of Barrie Planning Department, P.O. Box 400, Barrie, ON, L4M 4T5
delivering via the drop boxes at City Hall, 70 Collier Street, Barrie
Once a decision has been made at the meeting, a notice of decision will be sent to all interested parties. The applicant, the Minister or a specified person or public body that has an interest in the matter may appeal the committee's decision within 20 days of the decision being made. If no appeal is received within the 20-day appeal period, the decision is final and binding.
Note: In accordance with Section 45(12) of the Planning Act third party appeals by persons or individuals are not permitted.
Committee of Adjustment meetings are being held in a virtual forum with electronic participation. Hearings take place via a Zoom conference call. Registered attendees will be provided with a Meeting ID and Participant number. Please refer to the Virtual Public Meeting Participant Guide.
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🗣️👥 Statutory Public Meetings
38 Springhome Road
223 Dunlop Street West
98 Mulcaster Street
30 Shakespeare Crescent
66 Tiffin Street
111 Queen Street
500 Salem Road
221 Mapleview Drive West
98 Wellington Street East
521 Bayfield Street
549 St. Vincent Street
