Barrie is taking part in a province-wide action to protest the closing of multiple Supervised Consumption Sites across Ontario
Posted by Christine Nayler, Contributing Member
Details at a Glance
Save Our Sites "Die-In"
To protest the closing of multiple Supervised Consumption Sites across Ontario
To let the Provincial government know that these closings will cause preventable deaths that are needless and senseless
Monday, October 21, 12:00 noon - 12:45pm
Memorial Square (Meridian Place, Dunlop Street Side), Barrie
Organized by Ryan's Hope, the Barrie Encampment Support Network and Moms Stop the Harm - please direct all enquiries to them
More Info:

Description from Organizers
On Monday October 21st, you are invited to join us for an important political action which is part of a province wide action to Save Ontario's Supervised Consumption Sites.
This event will take place on the day the Ontario Legislative Assembly resumes.
Die-Ins will take place simultaneously across the province.
Ours will take place at Memorial Square (Dunlop Street and Owen Street.) It will begin at 12:00 pm and run till 12:45.
Attendees are invited to dress in black or dark colours.
We will have bagged lunches to grab and go on completion of the event as some people will be giving up lunch break to attend.
Together we join with one voice, one action to let this government know that these closings will cause preventable deaths that are needless and senseless.
This event is being organized by Ryan's Hope, Barrie Encampment Support Network, and Moms Stop The Harm.
See attached poster you can share with your network and on social media. We hope to see you there.
Reverend Christine Nayler
Co-founder and Director of Ryan's Hope
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