Our friends at PoliticsNOW have put together three live virtual training sessions, to help you run for office and win your election.
WHO: PoliticsNOW
WHAT: Three free virtual training sessions (join one or join them all)
WHEN: August 18, 22 & 25 at 8pm
HOW: Register in advance (spaces are limited) at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/how-to-run-for-municipal-office-webinars-tickets-399621166667
INFO: For full details, please visit https://www.polinow.org/events
From PoliNOW:
These webinars were designed for women running for a municipal council position in Northern Ontario but are adaptable for women running for office across Ontario and Canada – especially for those running in small cities, suburban and/or rural communities. All women, women-identifying and non-binary candidates running in the upcoming 2022 Ontario municipal election (or who intend to run in a different upcoming municipal election across the country) are welcome to join us to learn more about planning and executing an effective campaign for a municipal election. We also encourage you to bring along any members of your volunteer team supporting you on this journey. Please reserve one ticket per member of your team joining us.
Topics Include:
How to connect with voters on the campaign trail.
How to craft a message that is authentic and resonates with voters.
How to reach constituents through door knocking and phone banking.
Getting out the vote on Election Day.
How to take care of yourself when campaigning.
The basics of campaign fundraising and reporting.
Establishing your campaign team.
All webinars will be approximately 90 minutes long, with a Questions & Answers period.
More details below!
August 18: How to Run For Office: Your Campaign Plan
Your Campaign Plan:
Goal Setting, Defining Your Timelines & Building Your Team and Campaign Finances
Topics Include:
The basics of campaign fundraising and reporting.
Building your campaign team
How to cultivate relationships with volunteers
How to know how many voters you need to reach
How to set realistic goals
Full details at https://www.polinow.org/events/2022/campaignwebinars
August 22: How to Run For Office: Connecting with Voters
Connecting With Voters:
Crafting Your Message, Canvassing & Getting Out the Vote
Topics Include:
How to connect with voters on the campaign trail.
How to craft a message that is authentic and resonates with voters.
How to reach constituents through door knocking and phone banking.
Getting out the vote on Election Day.
How to share on social media.
August 25: How To Run For Office: Self-Care on the Campaign Trail
No Campaign Without You:
Self-Care on the Campaign Trail
with special guest Meghan Bonhomme, self-care coach and owner of The Lovely Human School
Join us as we welcome the Self-Care Queen herself!
Meg is a coach, educator, and self-care queen who will teach us how to make sure that we put ourselves first in a busy season.
Please visit www.polinow.org for more fabulous resources for women in politics!