Note the early start time! Tax relief for designated Heritage properties, a number of Zoning amendments for new developments, and construction financing for Redwood Park's supportive housing project
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
📝📑 Reports of Reference, Advisory or Special Committees
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
💵🏰 Tax Relief for Designated Heritage Properties
Recommending that Development Services in consultation with the Finance Department investigate the feasibility and timelines of a tax relief program for designated heritage properties and report back to the Heritage Barrie Committee
📑🗂 Staff Reports
🏢🏬 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 947 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
Staff Report:
Approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment from "Rural Residential" (RR) to "Neighbourhood Residential Multiple - Special Provision" (RM3 SP-XXX), to permit a mid-rise mixed-use development
Special Provisions:
consider the lot line abutting Mapleview as the front lot line
reduce front yard setback to 2m to principle building (3m required)
allow awnings & canopies to encroach up to 1m into the front yard
reduce landscape buffer strip along rear lot line to 2m (3m required)
reduce landscape buffer strip to 1m along a driveway adjacent to the rear lot line (3m required)
increase max. surface parking area lot coverage to 46% (40% allowed)
where this lot is developed collectively with a neighbouring lot, the lands within the neighbouring lot may be included in the calculation of the lot area, landscaped open space, lot coverage, density, gross floor area, and parking area lot coverage
this land will be developed in accordance with the Conceptual Site Plan submitted, as it relates to building height, placement and setbacks, as well as the location and configuration of landscape strips, driveways, drive aisles and parking areas
🏘️🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 15 Harvie Road (Ward 7)
Staff Report:
Approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment from "General Commercial" (C4), "Light Industrial" (LI) and "Environmental Protection (EP) to "General Commercial with Special Provisions" (C4 SP-WWW), "Residential Apartment Dwelling First Density with Special Provisions (RA1-3, SP-XXX), "Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions" (RM2 SP-YYY), 'Institutional - Education with Special Provisions' (I-E SP-ZZZ), 'Open Space' (OS), and 'Environmental Protection' (EP)
'General Commercial with Special Provisions' (C4 SP-WWW) to permit additional employment type uses:
manufacturing and processing in wholly enclosed buildings
printing and publishing
rental store excluding video and electronic rentals
research/development facility
self storage
truck terminal
warehousing in wholly enclosed buildings excluding self-storage
wholesale establishment
'Residential Apartment Dwelling First Density with Special Provisions' (RA1-3 SP-XXX) to include:
min. lot frontage 24m
min. front yard setback 3m
min. interior side yard 5m
min. exterior side yard 2m
min. rear yard setback 5m
max. gross floor area 250%
max. lot coverage 50%
min. landscaped open space 25%
min. general amenity area 10 sq.m / unit
'Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions' (RM2 SP-YYY) permissions:
Back-to-Back Townhouses
min. lot area n/a
min. lot frontage 5.5m
min. front yard setback 3m
min. interior side yard 0m
min. exterior side yard 2m
min. rear yard setback 0m
min. end unit interior setback 1.2m
max. % of lot area coverage n/a
min. landscaped open space n/a
maximum height 14m / 3 storeys
Street Townhouses
min. lot area 160 sq.m
min. lot frontage 6m
min. front yard setback 3m
min. interior side yard 0m
min. exterior side yard setback 2m
min. rear yard setback 5m
min. end unit interior setback 1.2m
max. lot coverage 70%
min. landscaped open space 20%
max. height 12m / 3 storeys
Semi-Detached Dwellings
min. lot area 190 sq.m
min. lot frontage 7.2m
min. front yard setback 3m
min. interior side yard (one side) 0m
min. interior side yard (other side) 1.2m
min. exterior side yard 2m
min. rear yard setback 5m
max. lot coverage n/a
min. landscaped open space 25%
max. height 12m / 3 storeys
'Institutional - Education with Special Provisions' (I-E SP-ZZZ) to permit an alternate use if school is not constructed, in accordance with the specific site and built form standards outlined in the (Ra1-3 SP-XXX) and (RM2 SP-YYY) zones
🏢🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 49 Collier Street (Ward 2)
Staff Report:
Approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment from 'Central Area Commercial-2' (C1-2) to 'Central Area Commercial-2 with Special Provisions' - Hold (C1-2 SP-XXX H-YYY)
Special Provisions:
increase gross floor area to 975% (currently 885%)
increase maximum podium height to 20m (4-5 storeys) and max. building height of 109m (33 storeys) with min. 3m step-back above podium level along frontages abutting public streets (currently max.16m within 5m of front lot line & flankage on Owen, and max.55m beyond 5m of front lot line & flankage)
reduce parking standard to 0.8 spaces / residential unit (1 required)
require no landscape buffer along side & rear lot lines (currently 3m required)
require min. 50% of the building's ground floor fronting adjacent public streets consist of commercial and/or institutional uses
Holding provision removed when the following has been completed:
owner/applicant undertake and agree to satisfy the requirements of a Certificate of Property Use and/or Record of Site Condition accepted by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) under the Environmental Protection Act prior to any site works or issuance of a Building Permit
Redwood Park Communities Inc. Interim Construction Financing
Staff Report:
Approve the release of an addition $1M of the $3M interest free loan commitment for construction financing to Redwood Park Communities Inc. for a supportive housing project at 151/153 Lillian Crescent, with full repayment of the loan being the earlier of the completion of Redwood's capital contribution campaign or December 31, 2025
Require Redwood Park Communities to continue to provide a monthly report to the City outlining the construction scheduling, costs and documentation to support all draws being made for construction expenditures associated with this project
💡🗣️ Items of Discussion