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Members Meeting - Monday, March 13, 5:30pm

Updated: May 29, 2023

Our next Members Meeting is coming up on Monday, March 13 at 5:30pm, on the digital screen of your choice. These meetings happen via Google Meet (no account required) the second Monday of every second month, and are a great chance to catch up on everything Engage, our members and community partners are involved with.

This month, we will be hearing from Shelley Sarin about the Ethnic Mosaic Alliance and ItStarts Month, and from Jennifer van Gennip about the Barrie Housing and Homelessness Justice Network and its efforts to get warming centre funding in place, plus other news from the sector. We're also looking to recruit a member who might represent Engage at Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition meetings, since our current representative has scheduling conflicts.

If anyone else has info or updates to share, or support you'd like to request from our members, please ask to be added to the agenda – you're also welcome to spontaneously share, we just don't want to miss including you.

As always, friends of the organization who share our mission, mandate and values, and founding principles are welcome to join us, but in order to maintain a safe space for all, must identify themselves, remain on-camera, and follow our anti-harassment policy – anonymous lurking is not allowed.

Google Meet joining info

Members can access the draft Agenda and updated details in the Forum at

Background photo of hands stacked together.  Engage Barrie logo in top left corner.  Members Meeting (virtual – all welcome)  New Day!  Every 2 months on the 2nd Monday 5:30pm * get updates from partners and subcommittees * raise your questions or concerns * help brainstorm ways to keep working on making our community more equitable, empowered and engaged!  For more information, email
Members Meeting - 2nd Monday of every 2nd month



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