Featuring Public Meetings for properties in Wards 6 & 10, and Staff Reports on properties in Wards 2 & 7.
Watch online: https://youtu.be/xR0R2vgxrBs
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=873313&GUID=A4DB7A2A-E4D5-441A-A1F6-D82611C03E78
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=873313&GUID=A4DB7A2A-E4D5-441A-A1F6-D82611C03E78
If you wish to provide oral comments at the Virtual Public Meeting, please register in advance by emailing: cityclerks@barrie.ca or calling 705-739-4220 Ext. 5500 during regular office hours prior to Tuesday, December 7 at 12:00 p.m.
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting with electronic participation. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email cityclerks@barrie.ca or call 705-797-5353
🗣🏘 Public Meeting – 953 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
Public Meeting Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318892&GUID=828734E8-63AA-40C0-93D4-F589765F1911
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318886&GUID=9CC51EC6-0583-408D-9C7B-74A0D3DAE7EB
Staff Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318885&GUID=0DC740D8-41A6-4035-9B36-07B958FFACBD
Correspondence: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318893&GUID=2DCCB950-C08D-46BF-8CD3-A53956B2806D
Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by The Jones Consulting Group Ltd. on behalf of Mapleview Drive South (Innisfil) Ltd.
To allow for the creation of 466 residential units of varying single detached dwelling lot sizes and street townhouses, as well as three medium density blocks, environmental protection blocks, stormwater management blocks, and municipal roads
Seeking to rezone the lands from Agricultural (AG) to Neighbourhood Residential (R5), Neighbourhood Residential with Special Provisions (R5 SP-XXX), Neighbourhood Multiple Residential (RM3), Open Space (OS), and Environmental Protection (EP)
The Special Provisions zone would permit a dedicated drainage and access block
No verbal comments received.
🗣🏙 Public Meeting – 108, 116 & 122 Harvie Road (Ward 6)
Public Meeting Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318888&GUID=3FE5DC0C-06E7-480A-A3DF-3B215A83A95E
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318889&GUID=447AB46B-4B0D-4F45-9CC3-C845C657D0D4
Staff Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318887&GUID=51110B22-7867-4636-A2C0-16537202CC1A
Correspondence: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318890&GUID=2627D8B4-357D-4736-8E03-83EE1607D334
Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by the Jones Consulting Group Ltd. on behalf of ASA Developments
To facilitate a residential subdivision with 127 residential units consisting of single detached dwellings and two blocks that will permit townhouses and an apartment building, north of Harvie Road, east of Veteran's Drive
Seeking to rezone the lands from Residential Single Detached Dwelling First Density (R1) to Residential Multiple Dwelling First Density with Special Provisions (RM2 SP-XXX), Residential Apartment First Density with Special Provisions (RA1-2 SP-XXX) and Residential Single Detached Fourth Density with Special Provisions (R4 SP-XXX)
Public question whether the buildings would include rental units or be owned
🏙🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 112 & 136 Bayfield St., 14 Sophia St. W., 113 & 115 Maple Ave. (Ward 2)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318882&GUID=C728239B-0BC5-4892-B14D-03BCB2A694E5
Rezone from Transition Centre Commercial - 1 (C2-1) to Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density - 1 with Special Provisions (RA2-1 SP-XXX) and Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density - 1 with Special Provisions (RA2-1 SP-YYY)
Recommended to City Council for consideration Jan.17 – CARRIED on consent
🏙🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 217 Dunlop Street East (Ward 2)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10322284&GUID=6B54F88D-1D7C-49F1-85AE-FB70DA515F23
Rezone from Transition Centre Commercial (C2-1) and Central Area Commercial (C1-1) to Transition Centre Commercial with Special Provisions (C2-1 SP-XXX)
Amendment by Riepma, CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, N.Harris, Harvey, Lehman; AGAINST: Ward, Thomson, J.Harris, Morales)
Asking Development Services Department to get the developer to provide alternative massing that substantially conforms to requirements of the current zoning in advance of the January 17 City Council meeting
CARRIED unanimously, as amended
🏙🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 407, 411, 413, 417 & 419 Mapleview Drive West (Ward 7)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10318884&GUID=ABF33AD6-B5DB-4F8A-B99E-0847E659B7B9
Rezone from Residential Single Detached Dwelling First Density (R1) to Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions (RM2 SP-XXX)
Concerns raised by Harvey, based on feedback from residents in area, asking Council to vote this down. Many upset with this application, feeling rushed, would like more time to come to a resolution. Intent is not to shut it down completely, just to have more opportunity to make amendments – people want something built there, but it needs to integrate well with the community.
Solution was to defer to January 18 Planning Committee meeting, for additional conversation with the applicant. CARRIED unanimously.
