Three Public Meetings, all for applications submitted for Ward 9 – 571 Huronia Road, 460 Lockhart Road, and 560 Lockhart Road.
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If you wish to provide oral comments at the Virtual Public Meeting, please register in advance by emailing: or calling 705-739-4220 Ext. 5500 during regular office hours prior to Tuesday, February 1 at 12:00 p.m.
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting with electronic participation. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email or call 705-797-5353
🗣🏙 Public Meeting – 571 Huronia Road (Ward 9)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, from "Light Industrial" (LI) to "Light Industrial with Special Provisions" (LI)(SP-XXX). The application will facilitate the construction of a gas station, convenience store, drive-through restaurant, and a separate building with a carwash.
Application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of 2779426 Ontario Inc.
Special Provisions sought include:
Allowing a gas station on Light Industrial land
Reduced rear yard setback (3.2m instead of 7m)
Allowing 54% of gross floor area to be for restaurant use (current zoning is max.25%)
Allowing for 1 loading zone
no questions or comments from the public
The following two meetings were combined, as they are for neighbouring properties:
🗣🏙 Public Meeting – 460 Lockhart Road (Ward 9)
Public Meeting Notice:
Presentation (for both 460 & 560 Lockhart Drive):
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, to allow for the creation of 395 single detached residential dwelling units, as well as two future lots, environmental protection blocks, stormwater management blocks, and municipal roads.
Seeking to rezone from "Agricultural" (AG) to "Neighbourhood Residential" (R5) and "Environmental Protection" (EP)
Application submitted by The Jones Consulting Group Inc. on behalf of Lockhart Innisfil Investments (II) Ltd.
🗣🏙 Public Meeting – 560 Lockhart Road (Ward 9)
Public Meeting Notice:
Presentation (for both 460 & 560 Lockhart Drive):
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, to allow for the creation of 190 single detached residential dwelling units, as well as eight future lots, environmental protection blocks, stormwater management blocks, and municipal roads.
Seeking to rezone from "Agricultural" (AG) to "Neighbourhood Residential" (R5) and "Environmental Protection" (EP).
Application submitted by The Jones Consulting Group Inc. on behalf of Lockhart Innisfil Investments Ltd.