Note the earlier time! Starting with a Public Meeting for a proposed development at 189-197 Duckworth Street (Ward 1). Also up, approval of Barrie's New Official Plan!
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If you wish to provide oral comments at the Virtual Public Meeting, please register in advance by emailing: or calling 705-739-4220 Ext. 5500 during regular office hours prior to Tuesday, February 8 at 12:00 p.m.
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting with electronic participation. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email or call 705-797-5353
As there were a number of speakers registered for the Public Meeting at 7pm (a record number?), Council met at 6pm, to get started on the approval of the New Official Plan. That discussion was put on hold at 7pm for the Public Meeting, and then continued after it was complete.
🗺📋 Proposed City of Barrie Official Plan and Municipal Comprehensive Review (Part 1)
Amendment introduced by Aylwin, to Sections 6.4.2 and 2.5, on Affordable Housing, raising the target from 10% to 15%:
Section 6.4.2 E iv): All new residential development and redevelopment in medium-density and high-density land use designations shall provide 15% of their housing units as affordable, in accordance with policy 2.5 , unless a greater percentage is required as per the applicable policies in Section 2.3, across a range of unit sizes, including three-bedroom units or larger
Section 2.5: The City will require the provision of a minimum of 15% of all housing units each year to be Affordable Housing, as per the policies in Section 6.4.2
Amendment CARRIED, unanimously by all voting (ABSTAINED: Morales)
Amendment introduced by Harvey, to delete Section A and replace it with:
Unless otherwise specified in this Plan, development on lands designated neighbourhood area shall be kept to three storeys or less.
This item was paused for discussion after the Public Meeting
🗣🏙 Public Meeting – 189, 191, 195 and 197 Duckworth Street (Ward 1)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Additional Correspondence, 1:
Additional Correspondence, 2:
Additional Correspondence, 3:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, from "Residential Single Detached Dwelling Second Density" (R2) to "Mixed-Use Corridor with Special Provisions" (MU2)(SP-XXX). The application would permit the development of two back-to-back townhouse blocks, with 14 units in each block, for a total of 28 residential townhouse units.
Application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions Inc. on behalf of Cygnus Development (Note: Councillor Morales and his family are the landowners of this parcel.)
Special Provisions sought include:
Increase Maximum Interior Side Yard Setback from 3m to 15.7m
Reduce Minimum Exterior Side Yard Setback from 3m to 0.5m
Reduce Minimum Rear Yard Setback from 7m to 5.2m
Reduce Minimum Ground Level Floor Height from 4.5m to 3m
Provide combination of soft landscaping and sidewalks in Front Yard Setbacks Areas, as opposed to required fully paved and seamlessly connected with abutting sidewalk
Reduce Minimum Landscaped Buffer Areas from 3m to 1.4m on the east side
Allow for tandem parking
Councillor Morales declared potential pecuniary interest and removed himself from the Public Meeting, as the land being discussed is owned by himself and his family
Several speakers from the neighbourhood, an hour and three-quarters, before a quick "bio break" at 9pm, then another fifteen minutes of resident comments
Concerns included traffic around Codrington Public School, the desire to rezone to Mixed-Use for a residential project and concerns that no site plan was registered, height and privacy, tree canopy
One speaker encouraged Council to approve, based on housing crisis
Catharine Mercer
David Russell
Sarah Dawson
Robert Simmonds
John Batstone
Allison Moore
Jeff Gardner
Sarah Moore
Susan McKendry
Peggy Manos
Marshall Green
Scott Laurin
Karen Ulan-Melnick
Peter Koetsier
Danielle Hachborn
Bryan Wood
Evan Boyce
Lori Levere
Questions from the Ward Councillor, Riepma
Michelle Banfield indicated there were many comments to work through, and this will likely not return to Planning Committee until late 2022 or even early 2023
🗺📋 Proposed City of Barrie Official Plan and Municipal Comprehensive Review (Part 2)
Staff Report:
City of Barrie Official Plan 2051:
Official Plan Consultation and Engagement Summary:
Growth Plan Conformity Chart:
Barrie Land Needs Assessments:
Municipal Comprehensive Review Report – Servicing Growth:
Approve the new Official Plan
Accept and endorse the municipal comprehensive review
Growth Plan Conformity Chart
Land Needs Assessments
Municipal Comprehensive Review Report
Acknowledge that the process has been completed as required, public consultation is over
Staff is to prepare a package to deliver to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval
Returned to the Amendment proposed by Harvey, to delete Section A and replace it with:
Unless otherwise specified in this Plan, development on lands designated neighbourhood area shall be kept to three storeys or less
Morales did not participate, as he had declared a potential pecuniary interest
Amendment FAILED [FOR: Riepma, Ward, N.Harris, Harvey, McCann; AGAINST: Aylwin, Kungl, Thomson, J.Harris, Lehman; ABSTAINED: Morales]
Morales returned to the meeting
Amendment introduced by Harvey
That the following streets be removed from Map 4-B, for purposes of height permission within the Official Plan: Marsellus Drive, Mapleton Avenue, and Mapleview Drive West from Essa Road to County Road 27
Amendment FAILED [FOR: Kungl, N.Harris, Harvey, McCann; AGAINST: Riepma, Aylwin, Ward, Thomson, J.Harris, Morales]
Official Plan as Amended (Aylwin's amendment from Part 1, increasing Affordable Housing target to 15% in medium- and high-density residential developments)
Morales asked to separate out the Amendment, so he could vote on the rest
Official Plan, Part 1 (Amendment) CARRIED, unanimously by all voting (ABSTAINED: Morales)
Official Plan, Part 2 (Remainder) CARRIED [FOR: Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, J.Harris, Morales, McCann, Lehman; AGAINST: Riepma, Harvey]