We've collected links to videos from recent Barrie-Innisfil and Barrie-Simcoe-Oro Medonte (BSOM) all-candidates meetings, in case you weren't able to attend live. Please visit the "debate videos" section of our Provincial Election page.
If you know of any all-candidates meetings we've missed, please email admin@engagebarrie.org with the details, and we'll be sure to include them!
It's disappointing to note that Barrie-Innisfil incumbent Andrea Khanjin has not shown up to any of these meetings. Similarly, BSOM incumbent Doug Downey did not attend the all-candidates meetings set up by SCATEH or Just Recovery Simcoe, although he did attend the meeting set up by CARP.
Accountability and transparency and public engagement are the three foundational pillars upon which our organization was built. Refusing to face and answer to the public goes against all three. Failing to present your ideas and platform, and stand accountable to the public at an all-candidates meeting or debate is disrespectful to the electorate, and disrespectful to the democratic process.

Barrie-Simcoe-Oro Medonte (BSOM) Accountability Assembly
Held Wednesday, May 11
Hosted by the Simcoe County Alliance to End Homelessness (SCATEH), Simcoe County Poverty Reduction Task Group, Grace United Church, Kairos, Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition and Simcoe County Food Council
Barrie-Innisfil Simcoe Digital Debate
Held Thursday, May 12
Hosted online by Just Recovery Simcoe
BSOM Simcoe Digital Debate
Held Thursday, May 12
Hosted online by Just Recovery Simcoe
Barrie-Innisfil Meet the Candidates
Held Monday, May 16
Hosted by CARP Barrie and the National Association of Federal Retirees
BSOM Meet the Candidates
Held Monday, May 16
Hosted by CARP Barrie and the National Association of Federal Retirees