Or immediately following the 7pm Planning Committee meeting (new video link).
Watch Online: https://youtu.be/oU3BT2M0H4M
Official Plan Working Version: https://www.buildingbarrie.ca/22277/widgets/90160/documents/66200
🗣✋ A Town Hall for an update of the City of Barrie's draft new Official Plan.
This special town-hall style meeting will give the public another chance to address Council on the Official Plan. This meeting is your chance to learn about the latest changes, to ask questions and to provide some final feedback on the draft Official Plan.Currently, City staff intend to seek adoption of the Official Plan by Council before the end of the year.
This is your chance to learn about the latest changes, ask questions & provide final feedback. Register to attend or provide comments at https://bit.ly/3lnqPPH. Learn more about the draft Official Plan and the process at: http://buildingbarrie.ca/OfficialPlan

From the Building Barrie website:
Following the latest round of consultation on Draft Two of the Official Plan, which included an Open House on May 19, 2021, and a Public Meeting on June 2, 2021, the City has captured all suggestions in a comment matrix and created an updated working version of the Official Plan.
Find your comments in the matrix, read the City’s responses and review the working version of the Official Plan for changes.
The City is also providing an updated version of the City-Wide Urban Design Guidelines, which help to implement the vision of the Official Plan. While City staff will be developing these more, we want to show you what we’ve been working on.
Thank you to everyone who shared their comments and feedback – you have helped to shape the future of Barrie!