In summer 2020, the City of Barrie agreed to make ranked ballots a referendum question in 2022 – joining a group of cities working towards adopting this more democratic method of selecting Council.
Today, the Provincial government proposed a bill to eliminate that choice for municipalities.
This motion was piggybacked on a bill that was intended to deal with COVID recovery – without any explanation as to how eliminating municipalities' right to choose their election procedure would have anything to do with a COVID recovery!
Municipalities need to be able to make their own choices
about how best to select their own representatives
While we usually deal with municipal politics, this is a provincial proposal that is hurting our and all other municipalities. So we're urging you to contact your MPPs and tell them to not take away our ability to choose our election process.
The MPP for Barrie - Springwater - Oro-Medonte (Barrie North) is Doug Downey. The MPP for Barrie - Innisfil (Barrie South) is Andrea Khanjin.
Tell your MPPs
We want to KEEP our right to choose!
