You're right, there wasn't a circulation list last week! Of note to members, the City is looking for public engagement regarding Barrie's tap water, as well as a plan for waterfront improvements.
Circulation List:|&Search=
Staff Memos
⛷🎭 February Recreation and Culture Programming and Events
Memorandum from D. Bell, Director of Recreation and Culture Services, regarding the February Calendar of Recreation and Culture Programming and Events
❄️☃️ Winterfest 2023 and Hello Winter
Memorandum from S. Lee Young, Manager of Recreation and Culture Programs regarding Winterfest 2023 and Hello Winter
Winterfest will be held February 4 & 5, with outdoor programming in Heritage Park and Meridian Place and partner programming at venues throughout the community.
Hello Winter continues all month long, featuring activities at partnered locations throughout the community
Further details available at and
🥗🏪 Permanent Market Update
Memorandum from S. Schlichter, Director, Economic and Creative Development, regarding an update of Permanent Market Action and Response to Requests for Proposals
The RFP for a consultant received no submissions, a new one with modified scope will be going out, pending continued endorsement of the project via the capital budget request.
The recent correspondence from the Barrie Farmers' Market will also have to be taken into consideration
🍻🍷 Liquor Licence Application Review - Bloom Bistro
Memorandum from T. McArthur, Deputy City Clerk, regarding the Liquor Sales Licence Application Review for Bloom Bistro - 225 Ferndale Drive South, Unit 8.
🚍🪪 Georgian College U-Pass
Media Release, January 19:
The City has extended the Universal Transit Pass for Georgian College students until August 31, 2024
🚰💦 Barrie's Tap Water - have your say!
Media Release, January 19:
The City is asking residents to provide feedback on the City's drinking water by taking a brief survey – the feedback will help the City to continually improve the service delivery of Water Operations
The deadline is February 10 – learn more and access the survey at
🧂🚜 Salt/Sand
Correspondence from D. Mueller, December 26, regarding an Operation Department Memorandum dated December 14
Expressing concerns regarding reuse of spent winter sand, and cautioning against the Reuse of Spent Winter Sand Project.
❓🏖️ Future of Barrie's Waterfront - have your say!
Media Release, January 20:
The City is updating its Waterfront Strategic Plan, and wants to continue to hear from residents, businesses and organizations on the next steps in developing the plan.
The survey is open until February 6 – for further details, visit
