Council is back from summer break. Now that we're in the "lame duck" period of the upcoming municipal election, all items are staff reports, Councillors cannot bring new items to the table.
Engage's Summary:
Watch Again:
ABSENT: Aylwin
🤐🧑⚖️ Confidential Litigation Matter: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - Essa Road
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report (this discussion will be held "in camera", not open to the public)
🚫🚗 Cuthbert Street No Parking Any Time (Ward 6)
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Amend the traffic bylaw to add "No Parking Any Time" to Cuthbert Street on the north side from Ferndale Drive South to a point 194 metres east
🤝🏭 Surplussing City Lands for Inclusion in Industrial Development Proposal (140 Lockhart Road - Ward 8)
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Declare the Rawson North Open Space as surplus, and allow the proponent planned industrial subdivision at 140 Lockhart Road to include this land as part of the submission for development (at their own expense)
🧑💻📊 Business Plan Status as of June 30, 2022
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Receiving the update as information.
⏳💰 Owen Street – Development Charges Deferral Request (Ward 2)
HELD by Thomson
Staff Report:
Staff is recommending to receive the request for information purposes – but because the request doesn't meet the requirements of the current legislation, the request not be approved
AMENDMENT by Thomson:
That staff enter into an agreement with Junction Group on behalf of their client, Traditional Senior Housing, to defer the portion of development charges related to the purpose rental units, excluding the owned units, with payment in full at occupancy, interest free for one year, and thereafter adding interest at the City's five-year moving average weighted cost on capital, contingent on the developer applying for the building permit within 120 days of this agreement.
APPROVED [FOR: Riepma, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, J.Harris, Morales, McCann, Lehman; AGAINST: Harvey]
There was no vote held on the motion as amended, which is unusual procedure.
🌳💰 Parkland – Alternative Rates
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Appendix C (Staff Report from June 12, 2017):
Appendix D (Draft Bylaw, Cash in Lieu of Parkland):
Staff is recommending that the Parkland Dedication and Cash-in-Lieu bylaw from 2017 be repealed and replaced with a new bylaw,, as set out in Appendix "D"
Under Bill 197, the current bylaw will expire on September 18, so a new bylaw needs to be passed
This proposed new bylaw is an interim bylaw – which keeps the same rates as the previous one – until the new Community Benefit Charge Bylaw is brought forward in 2023
✍️🤫 Delegated Authority to Execute Non-Disclosure Agreements
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Authorize the Director of Internal Audit and City Clerk (or designate) to execute non-disclosure agreements for the purpose of conducting third-party audits
📜🛣 Expropriation – Mapleview Drive East Road Expansion, East of Yonge to Prince William (Wards 9 & 10)
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Proceed with expropriating the land required for the construction of Mapleview Drive East between Yonge Street and Prince William Way
📜🛣 Expropriation – Huronia Road Improvements, Lockhart Road to South of McKay Road East (Wards 8 & 9)
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Proceed with expropriating the land required for the reconstruction of Huronia Road between Lockhart Road and south of McKay Road East to the City Limits
🤐🧑⚖️ Confidential Litigation Matter – Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal – Mapleview Drive
HELD by Harvey
Staff Report (this discussion will be held "in camera", not open to the public)
MOTION by Ward:
1. That staff be directed to implement the steps outlined in Appendix A to Confidential Staff Report LGL004-22, and should the application be resolved, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents that may be requisite, and 2. That the Staff Report be made public after Council approval
CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: N.Harris, Harvey]
