An overview / primer on Corporate Asset Management. Some changes to the City's Procedural Bylaw. And the new Board of the BIA.
Engage's Follow-Up: coming soon!
Watch Again:
🛣🚰 Corporate Asset Management
Presented by Kelly Oakley, Associate Director, Corporate Asset Management
An overview / primer on Corporate Asset Management
📑🗂 Staff Reports
🚫🅿️ Country Lane No Parking Anytime (Ward 9)
Approved on Consent
Staff Report:
Recommending to add "No Parking Anytime" to Country Lane on the north side from Yonge St. to 40m west, and on the south side from Yonge St. to 62m west
🛣🚧 Expropriation – Yonge Street Row Expansion, Mapleview to Lockhart (Ward 9)
HELD by Thomson
Staff Report:
Recommending beginning expropriation proceedings to acquire the lands necessary for the construction of Yonge St. between Mapleview Drive East and Lockhart Road
Thomson had held the item so Nuttall could ask a question of clarification
APPROVED unanimously
📜💼 Procedural Bylaw Changes
HELD by Harvey (although Hamilton also wished to hold!)
Staff Report:
Recommending the following changes to the City's Procedural Bylaw:
formalizing matters related to Items for Discussion, including the timelines for submission of items by Council, consideration of the items at Reference Committees, and addressing items that may be urgent in nature
individuals must store their cell phones with the Clerk while attending in camera sessions
AMENDMENT by Harvey to delete paragraph b) and replace it with: That during in camera sessions, members of Council shall not message, email, or communicate by electronic means or use any device that records audio and/or video with anyone unless explicitly permitted by the Mayor and/or Clerk at the time.
CARRIED unanimously
AMENDMENT by Thomson to add paragraph c): That all Items for Discussion that are ratified by City Council be listed on the City's website.
CARRIED unanimously
MOTION as amended CARRIED unanimously
🏷🏗 Surplussing of City Owned Property – 145 Loon Avenue (Ward 9)
Approved on Consent
Staff Report:
Recommending the property be declared surplus and offered for sale to Loon Avenue Lands BT Inc, to facilitate development of adjacent lands
Items of Discussion
💰🎁 Community Donation – Honeyfield Communities Inc.
Approved on Consent
Sponsor: Morales
That the $5,000 Ward 9 Community Donation from Honeyfield Communities be allocated to the Downtown Barrie BIA for the costs associated with their programming letters
📄🔥 Pending List Update
Approved on Consent
Sponsor: Thomson
Delete outstanding items from the previous terms of Council on the Pending List
👥👥 Downtown Barrie Business Association (BIA) Board of Directors Appointments
Approved on Consent
Sponsor: Nixon
BIA Board Motion Record:
Appoint the following to the Board of Directors of the Downtown Barrie Business Association (BIA) for the 2023-2026 term:
Heather Kennedy (Shop Blueberry Moon)
Steve Ricalis (Donaleighs Irish Pub)
Chantal Martin (Nook Yoga)
Alison Oakes (Oh Beehive)
Christina Mancuso (nominee of The Wired Owl Coffee Shop)
Jaclyn Stergiadis (Bohemia)
Chris Gerrard (The Queens Hotels)
✍️📩 Circulation List
📜💸 Allandale Neighbourhood Association correspondence regarding Bill 23
Put forward by Thomson
To refer this correspondence to the Affordability Committee or the appropriate Reference Committee once established for consideration and discussion.
