A discussion about the Committee's mandate seems to be all that's on the Agenda this time.
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=955223&GUID=CF12BBB1-1730-4FA0-80FA-B359B24B4843
Watch Again: https://youtu.be/BoJYV2_kPNk
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=955223&GUID=CF12BBB1-1730-4FA0-80FA-B359B24B4843
📜📑 Seniors Advisory Committee Mandate
📜📑 Amendment to the Seniors Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
That the Seniors Advisory Committee Terms of Reference and Schedule ‘B’ of By-law 2019-100, be amended by replacing the mandate for the Seniors Advisory Committee with the following: Mandate To advise City Council and staff on all matters relating to seniors, which impact municipal matters for the City of Barrie.
That the objectives identified in the Seniors Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference be replaced with the following: Objectives
To provide advice and recommendations to City Council concerning opportunities to make Barrie a more senior friendly community focused on services, roles, and responsibilities within the City of Barrie related to housing, transportation, communications, and civic participation;
To actively seek input from seniors in the community;
To review the Age-Friendly Plan related to seniors’ issues and make recommendations;
To annually develop a workplan, inclusive of a City of Barrie supported Town Hall; and
To annually report on accomplishments