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Council Follow-up, week of January 23, 2023

Updated: Jan 6

A very quick City Council meeting, and the first meeting of the new Downtown Barrie BIA Board

City Council

The public portion of this meeting lasted just over 10 minutes, although Council went longer, heading in camera to discuss the appointments to the Committee of Adjustment.

The staff report on the 2022 Streamline Development Approval Fund was withdrawn – no explanation was given, but we assume it was due to changes in the province's requirements under Bills 109 and 23.

Approved on Consent: authorizing negotiations on Limiting Distance and Encroachment Agreements with Debut Waterfront Residences, and moving forward with the expropriation of 922 Veteran's Drive to facilitate the McKay Road Row Expansion and Veteran's Drive New Trunk Watermain.

And finally, the update on the Permanent Market Business Case RFP from the Circulation List was referred to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee.

Downtown Barrie BIA

This meeting was essentially a welcome to the new Board, and a thorough "BIA 101" presentation by Executive Director Craig Stevens.

We were extremely heartened to see the Agenda posted early for members – hope this is a sign of heightened accountability and transparency for this new term!

They are currently holding their in-person meetings at the Sandbox – which gives a rather strict "curfew" of having to be done and out by 6:30pm. While we enjoy "short but sweet", this may prove problematic in the future – they were a little squeezed at the end. The scheduled vote on the Executive team and Committee Allocation was deferred to the next meeting – in part, it seemed, because time was up, but also to give everyone time to learn more about the prospective positions.



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