Earlier today, the City and Mayor released a "Myth VS Fact" video regarding the proposed multi-use sports field in the naturalized area of the southshore waterfront. There are several confusing and/or erroneous claims made in that video, which we would like to help fact-check, to clear up misinformation.
All of our fact-checking is based on the City's own documentation, including meeting Agendas and Minutes, Staff Reports, and Barrie's Waterfront Strategic Plan. We've included a list and links below, as well as a summary of what did (and did not) happen at each related meeting of Council and Committees, under the heading "Documentation"
See Also
Related Blog Posts: https://www.engagebarrie.org/blog/categories/save-the-southshore
Friends of Allandale Station Park: https://www.facebook.com/share/d2tDCfLuAPc7cEEA/
We will also be creating a webpage shortly to compile all the relevant information -- stay tuned!
To begin with, the "myths" the city's video was attempting to refute either came from the city's own staff reports and discussion in council, or have been taken from sources unknown and do not appear in any of the "official" correspondence of the people organizing or joining the outcry against this proposal, nor in the petition against the proposal. This insinuation that public opinion against this project is based on "mythology", as well as disdain of the public's actual concerns is incredibly disrespectful of both the city's residents and public process.
City's Claim:
"Myth: Council approved a location that would result in the entire centre of the woodlot being removed"
NOT a Myth:
Staff Report DEV019-24, presented at the May 8 General Committee meeting (at which this concept was first introduced to the public) clearly shows the design of the field in the centre of what is currently woodlot. It further labels parcels of land on either side of the proposed sportsfield as "Re-Naturalization Area". i.e., according to its own staff report and design rendering, the sportsfield location WOULD result in not only the entire centre of the woodlot being removed, but also the entire centre of the Re-Naturalization Area

City's Claim:
"Fact: In response to resident feedback, Council directed staff to:
protect the woodlot;
make the field smaller & closer to the road; &
consider the use of natural barriers over fencing
Rendering has been amended based on Council motion"
Only Partially True, Mostly False
City Council approved only one amendment to the motion in their May 15 meeting, the exact wording being "to ensure that the field meets the minimum size requirements to accommodate the sports identified and to minimize impacts to the surrounding environment, including tree removals".

Council did NOT direct staff to "protect the woodlot", although they did direct to minimize impacts on the surrounding environment and trees
Council's amendment did NOT direct staff to make the field smaller, it directed staff to ensure the field met minimum size requirements for the sports (soccer) identified
Council did NOT direct staff to make the field closer to the road - the road was not mentioned at all, nor the placement or orientation of the field
Council did NOT direct staff to consider the use of natural barriers over fencing (it was mentioned in discussion, but was not part of the motion)
City's Claim:
"Myth: The Sea Cadets parade ground and multi-use sports field can go anywhere else in Barrie!" [exclamation point theirs]
Inflammatory: Opinion Based on Evidence is not a Myth
The City may disagree with this opinion, but painting it as misinformed is incredibly disrespectful
Further, those opposing an artificial-turf sports field at the waterfront did not reduce their arguments to "anywhere else", they gave many possible choices, including retrofit of the many existing and under-used sports fields the City already owns and manages
City's Claim:
"Fact: The Royal Canadian Sea Cadets require access from Kempenfelt Bay to a parade ground to practice their Royal Canadian Navy traditions."
The Sea Cadets currently are able to practice their Royal Canadian Navy traditions without a parade ground with access from Kempenfelt Bay, so it seems this is a desire rather than a need
Even if they do have a new-found need for a parade ground with access from Kempenfelt Bay, we have been unable to find any need of the Sea Cadets for that parade ground to be as large as a soccer field or be covered in artificial turf.
City's Claim:
"Myth: They are destroying the waterfront path and cutting down the forest!" [exclamation point theirs]
Not A Myth
The staff report's design concept (above) clearly shows that the sports field would be superimposed over and block at least two loops of the waterfront path (the wildflower trail and surrounding wildflower areas), and cut into a considerable portion of the existing forest
Even the revised concept, announced June 18, would cover those portions of the waterfront path (wildflower trail) and surrounding wildflower areas
This revised concept does cut into less of the forested area, but is still destroying a significant portion of the natural environment currently protected in the Waterfront Plan

City's Claim:
"Fact: There are no changes to the city paved walking path and the woodlot is being protected.
If there are any trees that may need to be removed, they will be replaced
Council has committed to planting an additional 1,000 trees on the waterfront"
Partially True, but Misleading
The first point specifies that it's only no changes to the "paved" walking path, which may be true, but both the original and revised design do show that portions of the unpaved walking paths (i.e., the paths through the natural areas of the south shore) will be changed / removed
While there will be fewer trees destroyed in the updated design concept, the woodlot will still not be fully protected, and this is still only a concept design being provided to the public - the direction in Council's motion does not specify that these trees will be the only ones spared
Removed trees may well be replaced, but by saplings - it will take decades before the potentially destroyed tree canopy is restored.
Newly-planted saplings do not replace the habitat (both woodland and field) of the many animals currently living in and feeding from the naturalized area.
Council's commitment to planting 1000 trees on the waterfront was an amendment to the Waterfront Strategic Plan passed in 2023, with no connection to the separate Sea Cadet Relocation motion or the sports field project.
City's Claim:
"Myth: They're building a huge dome for elite sports teams only!" [exclamation point once again theirs]
A Myth of Unknown Origin
There has been no mention of a dome in either the petition nor any of the correspondence we've seen shared, other than mention of the fact that the existing Sports Dome appears to be under-used
City's Claim:
"Fact: There is no dome or stadium being proposed. The parading ground and open air uncovered multi-use sports field will be for community use."
True and False
There is no dome or stadium being proposed (although seeds were sown during council discussion that expansion would be needed down the line)
Conversations in both General Committee and City Council made it clear that the proposed sports field would be fenced and locked when not booked for sports teams, therefore not available to the general public / community - according to both the city documentation, public deputations, and discussions around chambers, the only sports teams interested in the field were soccer, so not representative of even the broader sports community
City's Claim:
"Myth: This project is inconsistent with feedback received during the Waterfront Strategic Plan consultation.
Fact: Sea Cadets parade ground and multi-use sports field is consistent with the themes from the Strategic Plan including:
More recreational opportunities
More people of all ages on the waterfront &
Encouraging a longer season of use"
Nowhere in the Waterfront Strategic Plan, nor its appendices, is a multi-use sports field mentioned
Yes, there is a focus on "more recreational opportunities", but that focus is on watersports (swimming, rowing, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, boating, windsurfing, scuba diving, etc.) and winter sports (wind and kite surfing, snow shoeing, cross county skiing, etc.), NOT field sports of any sort
These referenced uses of the space would do more to enhance all three of the city-referenced themes of the Waterfront Strategic Plan than a fenced-off sports field only available to the Sea Cadets and the one sports organization that appears to want this field in that location
The Waterfront Strategic Plan, AND the feedback summary, explicitly and repeatedly states that the preservation of existing shoreline, and new naturalization and restoration projects are a priority
City's Claim:
"Myth: There was no public consultation!"
Not A Myth
It does appear that the Sea Cadets, Soccer Club and other interested parties were spoken to, but there was absolutely no public consultation on the clearing of naturalized waterfront land for a multi-use, synthetic-turf sportsfield
Please see our Position Paper on Community Engagement to learn more about public consultation and its importance to decision-making and democracy: https://www.engagebarrie.org/_files/ugd/44e330_29edfe567e5c49c1a7b908b127ab524c.pdf
City's Claim:
"Fact: City Council publicly received a presentation and feedback in favour of this project in 2023"
There was never a presentation or feedback before May 8, 2024, about the clearing of naturalized waterfront land for a multi-use, synthetic-turf sports field
There were items related to the Sea Cadets being relocated, however, that was limited to the following:
June 14, 2023, General Committee - motion to defer the Waterfront Strategic Plan Update to the September 2023 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee Meeting, so that staff could consult with the Sea Cadets about the potential alternative site(s), and explore opportunities for engagement with community youth groups
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12029562&GUID=07261440-4453-4487-8142-98CA596B5304
Waterfront Strategic Plan Update: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12029593&GUID=89B33852-9EC1-4740-86CE-7FF10EFA8A93
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1079256&GUID=6627FD8F-978A-4AA5-B416-14DD26632498
none of the accompanying documentation mentioned a sports field, or even a parade ground
September 20, 2023, Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee - revisitation of the above report & update, plus report on Sea Cadets relocation "and Youth Sport Consultation" (i.e., the direction for engagement with "community youth groups" had only resulted in consultation with sports groups)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12296399&GUID=4F2A0AE8-EDC1-412D-8F4F-C592451418B5
The staff report did include reference to various sport groups wants and needs, however none of these were part of the recommended motion.
The motion was to endorse the south shore as the future location of the Sea Cadets, and direct staff to undertake a feasibility study
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1121331&GUID=0C3001B2-36DB-4AC2-B89A-8F8A653CB2CF
Again, there was no mention of a sports field, or even a parade ground in the staff recommendations
An amendment was put forward
September 27, 2023, General Committee - Sea Cadets Relocation
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1117873&GUID=E6F5F667-3DE2-41A8-AC73-4E2782250DB4
Amendment put forward by Nigussie to specify new location as east of the Military Heritage Park, and directed staff to consult with the cadets about the relocation -- this is the first mention of a parade ground, and also mentioned a "multi-use outdoor space", but decidedly NO reference to a sports field, and NO direction to staff to consult with the Soccer Club or any other organizations outside of the Cadets regarding the parade ground or the outdoor space
October 4, 2023, City Council - confirmation of General Committee decision
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1117876&GUID=65839257-0F9D-4EAD-9A28-A8255AB0F43C
Above motion was confirmed, with no additional reference to sports field or consultation with organizations outside of the Cadets about their relocation
City's Claim:
A staff report was presented to Council on May 8, 2024. Council received deputations from the public on May 15, 2024 and based on this feedback directed staff to make changes to minimize the impact"
Although the extent of the changes, as discussed above, were minimal.
All of our fact-checking is based on the City's own documentation, including meeting Agendas and Minutes, Staff Reports, and Barrie's Waterfront Strategic Plan. If these links are changed in the future, please contact us for copies of the documents in question.
Waterfront Strategic Plan
City Page: https://www.barrie.ca/government-news/adopted-strategies-plans/waterfront-strategic-plan
Waterfront Strategic Plan: https://www.barrie.ca/media/11491
Appendix A: Policy Context: https://www.barrie.ca/media/11493
Appendix B: Focus and Concepts: https://www.barrie.ca/media/11494
Appendix C: Activity Centres along the Waterfront: https://www.barrie.ca/media/11492
Appendix D: Stakeholder Engagement Feedback: https://www.barrie.ca/media/11495
Appendix E: PIC Meeting # 1 Feedback: https://www.barrie.ca/media/11496
Appendix F: PIC Meeting # 2 Feedback: https://www.barrie.ca/media/11497
Case Studies: https://www.barrie.ca/media/11498
Staff Reports
DEV019-24 "Waterfront (Allandale Station Park) Multi-Use Sports Field and Sea Cadets Parade Ground": https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898214&GUID=75A372CD-8761-43FA-8426-7E2CCCFB3B2B
FAC003-24 "Sea Cadets Relocation to Southshore": https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898215&GUID=BB053AAF-34F9-4D62-B843-AB4A2772A84A
General Committee Meeting, May 8, 2024
Council approved the motion that the "Premium Synthetic Turf Multi-Use Sports Field Concept" described in the Staff Report , with $4,622,777 of taxpayer funds going towards it, and $37,122 be included in the budget for annual maintenance

The proposed design presented looked like this:

City Council Meeting, May 15, 2024
Councillor Courser (seconded by Harris) moved to defer the motion until further public consultation could be undertaken. This motion lost, with only Councillors Courser and Harris voting to allow proper public consultation.
Councillor Hamilton (seconded by Thomson) moved to amend the motion by adding to paragraph 1 "to ensure that the field meets the minimum size requirements to accommodate the sports identified and to minimize impacts to the surrounding environment, including tree removals". This amendment carried, and was the only change to the previous week's direction.
The motion, as amended, was approved by all but Courser and Harris - approving the original design concept, as long as it met the minimum size required for the sports uses, and minimized tree removals.

See Also
Related Blog Posts: https://www.engagebarrie.org/blog/categories/save-the-southshore
Friends of Allandale Station Park: https://www.facebook.com/share/d2tDCfLuAPc7cEEA/
We will be creating a webpage shortly to compile all the relevant information -- stay tuned!
